I also wanted to show you all the junk from just the basement that went out with the trash this morning.
These bags do not show the carload of donations mommy drove all over to drop off or the big stack of garage sale stuff for our annual garage sale or the recycled electronics that were dropped off. This is just the garbage!! Crazy huh?
I did NOT get to watch the Bring it On Cheerathon on Saturday. Sleuth channel was running a Psych marathon and since that is our favorite show mommy put that on instead. As much as I missed the booty shaken, overcoming adversity, crazy competition that are the Bring it On movie series, I think she made the right choice.
PS my beans are going to start cleaning out closets this weekend. I wonder what marathon I'll watch then...I miss my weekend snuggle time.
Wow! That's a lot of trash there! Just make sure you don't get thrown out, Hendrix!!
And we are purring for Halloween...we sure hope she's okay...
MOL...what The Island Cats say....looks like they are doing Spring cleaning early! Good idea!!
Oh no! We will purr for Halloween!
That is a lot of garbage! We need to do spring cleaning too!
That is a lot of trash. We did some significant cleaning right at the beginning of the year, but it feels like we need to do more. It's hard to keep the clutter at bay.
We will send purrs and thoughts for Halloween, too.
Wow that was a lot of trash and a lot of cleaning that got done - that is great!
It is too bad you missed the Cheer-a-thon but they do show them a lot (they had one the week before too, not that we watched or anything). But Psych is one of our favorites too, so we think that was a good choice!
Wow! You are cleaning out even more than my humans!
Wow - your parents are doing a great job!! Your post is inspiring my mom to get busy with our house cleaning/clearing!
Is your Mom a flybaby? Ours used to do that type of cleaning during January.
ps... She could start doing it again too.
That's a lot of trash! Our Mom did that a few years ago. Now all the empty spots are filled again.
I so hope woo weren't in those bags somewhere!
Purrrrrs fur your pal!
PeeEssWoo: Is there still snow?
You throwing out all that good stuff??? We've been purring for sweet Halloween too!
WOW! You must have a very big basement!
WE are purring for Halloween, too. We need to get our beans movated to do a clean up like yours.
That's a lot of trash
Just make sure they don't throw out any good stuff. You're going to be quite busy supervising I'm sure!
We're purring for your friend, Halloween.
(Glogirly's cat)
We are purring for sweet Halloween, hope she gets hope real soon.
The PM is very impressed with all the work your Mom and Dad did! She has a couple of rooms to go through like that in the Spring and it won't be pretty as the Music Man is a supoer hoarder!
That's a lot of trash! Nanny is thinking about cleaning up too this winter. We are purring for Halloween too!
ps - Please come and visit me today and help me help Wayside Waifs!
Sending lots of purrs for Halloween to feel better.
Wow - your parents are really cleaning house!
Charlemagne and Tamar
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