First you move my command post to the other window which does not overlook the bird feeder pole (but does overlook the squrrel feeding area) then you keep the blinds closed more than half the day. Totally uncool woman. I'm thinking a whap in the face at 3am is in order....
Wordy Wednesday
I don't care if it is a squillion degrees outside and muggy. OPEN THE BLINDS!

First you move my command post to the other window which does not overlook the bird feeder pole (but does overlook the squrrel feeding area) then you keep the blinds closed more than half the day. Totally uncool woman. I'm thinking a whap in the face at 3am is in order....
First you move my command post to the other window which does not overlook the bird feeder pole (but does overlook the squrrel feeding area) then you keep the blinds closed more than half the day. Totally uncool woman. I'm thinking a whap in the face at 3am is in order....
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At the very least, a bloodcurdling howling aria is needed! Once an hour, for two nights running.
We wouldn't stand for this either, Hendrix! We'd be going through those blinds!!
I feel your pain, Hendrix. We're living in a cave, too.
You really need to voice your displeasure, Very early in the morning!
Then be ready fur her to whap woo when woo are sound asleep!
I think you should make your needs known in no uncertain terms. This sounds unfair!
You tell them!
Simba and Jazzi x
sounds reasonable to us!
Not even a peek? Teleport over, sweetie. We have vertical blinds and they are easy to push aside. But we don't see much but skyline around here. Sorry.
Your company would be appreciated anyway.
Whap attack, armed and ready!
Keep them in line, if you let them get away with one little thing, everything falls to piecs.
Don't let her get away with THAT!!!
Zippy says whine, moan and act like yoo will die if yoo don't get to look works fur her.
What? First the move to another window and now this? It's outrageous!
Mr. H, this sounds like a job for Bendrix. Let him lay a little muscle on the human staff, and you'll have your window again.
Skwerrls are OK ta look at sometimes, but birdies are so much more colorful an busier. We agree ya should get ta watch the birdies.
Do we need to start a petition to get your bird TV returned?
Yes Hendrix!!!!! A whap!!! & mebbe evfun a bite on da ear... dis iz what Iris doez to da momee in da 4 a.m.: bites her hair & pullz it, bites her cheek, bites her ear lobe, sits on her head!
Tank you so much fur all your purrz fur Delilah, & she sendz her love.
our curtains all have snags on them cuz our mewmmie keeps them closed at night...that's when the best window shopping time is, doesn't she know that?!
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