Dog Heroes of September 11th, A tribute to America's Search and Rescue Dogs, By Nona Kilgore Bauer
She had seen it before but didn't buy it thinking it might be really sad. This time she decided it was worth trying because a portion of the proceeds benefit the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. Their mission is to "produce certified search and rescue teams to protect our whole nation." SDF receives no government funding, and relies on supporters throughout the country to provide these services.
Mommy is really glad she bought it. The book is about how these dogs not only found victims of the attack helping to bring some closure to their families, but also how, just by their presence helped the human rescuers, who’d lost so much, get through the awful tragedy of September 11, 2001. The dogs received pets, hugs, whispered secrets and licked tears from the faces of those who worked at Ground Zero.
Far from being sad, it is an uplifting book about how animals bring comfort even in the darkest of dark times.
As the holidays draw near, you might consider giving this book to an animal lover you know. Or, just pick up a copy yourself, after all, it goes to a good cause.
I tilt my ears and send purrs of respect to the canines and humans who worked tirelessly at Ground Zero and thank them for their efforts. They are the real superheroes.

Thanks for telling us about that book! Mom knows a few people who might enjoy that as a gift! And it sounds like you're doing a really great job taking care of your Mom while she's sick. Sometimes we have to work really really hard don't we?
Amen, Hendrix. Thanks for letting us know about the book.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Our Mommakitty's friend has a rescue doggie who helped at ground zero - we wonder if he's in that book...now we'll have to check it out!
Purrs & prayers to your momma to get better!
That sounds like a fabulous book. I love stories of animals doing special things.
This looks like a great book! Thanks for sharing the info on it! There is also a book out about the rescue of animals after Hurrican Katrina hit. I will have to post about it on my blog within the next few days.
our Lady loves reading sweet stories 'bout animals - this'll be on our list of books to buy. thank you!
Mommy read some stories about those brave woofies and she said we can get that book after the hollydays ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Momma iz going to get this book fur Uncle Stan since he luvs his woofie, my furrend Buddy, so much. Fanks fur letting us know abowt it.
Sounds like a good book! Thanks for the information.
You are right, they are real superheroes!
Oh what a nice book. Sorry your Mommy's linuses are so bad tho. We'll send extra purrrrrrrrrrs for her.
Great book!
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