When mommy put the box on the floor I was a bit confused because usually I don't gets to inspect the mail at my leasure. Then she showed me that the box had MY name on it!! It wasn't just a package with stuff in it for me, it was a package that was TO me and FOR me. Wow. That has never happened before!

Inside there was a cool postcard with a great picture of Ohio Stadium where THE Ohio State Buckeyes play football and a nice letter just for me. Now, my daddy is a Purdue Boilermaker thru and thru (stop laughing! it has been a tough couple of seasons at our house...) BUT we can keep the postcard on the fridge because they are a Big Ten team

Then, I smelled it. Oh yeah. You know what I'm talkin' about. The Nip baby!!! The Nip! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good stuff!!!!!!

Now, you're going to look at this photo and say, "are those fev-ver butt mousies I see there???" and I'd have to say....YES!!! I gots all kindsa fabulous mousies. Fev-ver mousies, nip mousies, sparkle mousies with tails.....

Oh! And this is fun. It is a magnet that has a recipe for Ohio Buckeye Candy, and I live in Ohio! Mommy said she is going to make the candy. I wonder if I can share?????

I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy!!! Thanks so much Riley & Tiki! You are the best!!!
o, Mr. Hendrix, u's gotted sum reel good gifts. wow. look at all tha stuffs. mousies 'n fev-vers 'n nip... don't get much better than that.
i luvs Secret Paws, don't u. 'n looks like Tiki & Riley reely added sum purr-sonal fings fur ur's Mommie 'n Daddie.
Ooooooooh, now how much fun is a surprise goody package!!! Did you almost OD on nip? What a way to go.
Nice presents, Mr Hendrix. Enjoy the 'nip in moderation!
Hi Mr Hendrix. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've bookmarked you so I will stop by and say hello again!
Wow!! That's a lot of mousies!! Mousies are the bestest presents!!
Except sisters and girlfriendcats!!!!
Great gifts! :) What a wonderful Secret Paws package! Enjoy. :)
That sure looks like a great present Mr Hendrix - enjoy!
You are very lucky to get such good presents! I am glad you had FUN!
oooh - nice stuff! duz ya effur marinate yur mousies in the nip offurnite? they's grate that way!
grate giftz mr. hendrix ...
u hav sum grate mousez to play wid. i espeshullee like da feather kind, miself.
wishin u a happee noo yeer full uv fun surprizez!
luv--yer frend--jh
Those look like some excellent presents! Have fun.
OHHHHH your gifts are fantastic! You´re a lucky kitty.
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