13. A fresh bowl of water
12. A fresh bowl of crunchies
11. Napping on my soft Purdue Blanket
10. Playing Playstation 2 with daddy
9. My birdfeeders right outside my favorite window
8. Both of my grandmas and grandpas, and my fuzzy (and non fuzzy) cousins
7. My mommy and daddy
6. My Fort! (it is a cat bed turned over that I use to hide in and stalk my prey, and nap in once my prey is caught - see evidence below)
5. My blue fuzzy stick toy wif fev-vers and a bell
4. Stinky Goodness (I'll admit, I'd pick all of you ofur stinky goodness)
3. My dear blogging furiends
2. My Sweet Brandi
1. Being told or shown I'm loved (you know, chin scritches, goofy nicknames, being sung to, ear rubs....!

Nice 13 Mr Hendrix. I haf posted mine too! - Miles
That sure am a good list. And anyfing to do wif fevvers is always a good fing.
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen! That's a great list. :) Dragonheart likes 13, 12, 7, 4, and 1 too.
You sound like a wonderful cat. :) Have a purrfect day!
Caylynn - Draongheart's Mom
This was an excellent first TT!
We're up to our TT #12 @
Purrchance To Dream
This week -- it's 13 random things!
~ Not The Mama
We added you to our Catnip sidebar linkies, hope that's ok!
Those are some good favorite things!!
That's so funny, you, the meezers, and I did our first 13 today! I did it like you, without the fancy code. That's a great list!!
Oh that's a beautiful TT!
Wow, you have a Playstation! Imagine, a kitty with their very own station to play with!
that's a great list! maybe we'll do one of those lists someday. the Lady keeps forgettin' 'bout it.
It was my first TT today too!
That's the bestest fort ever, Mr Hendrix!
Love your fort- great list too
We love your fort. We want one.
Hi Mr. Hendrix
I have just been catching up on reading your blog because I missed a few posts. We really loved reading about Echo and he is such a handsome kitty. It is good to know he is in such a great home now. And we hope your mum is feeling a little bit better. It is rotten feeling like that. My mum just has a slight cold caught from the children at school. She says she is very lucky because this is only the first germ she has caught off them all this term - usually she gets loads!
dat's a gud list Mr. Hendrix. #9 is a gud one cuz theer's nuffin better than watching live fev-vers when it's cold out an yoo want to stay in by the fire.Oh an we reely like yer fort too.
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