For months, until he got to big, he'd act all scared and sad and everyone would carry him up and down the stairs. He, and his brother, had the beans wrapped around their paws. They could be found laying in the same position all the time. (sebastian in front)

Here is mommy in her early Halloween obsession... (Sebastian as angel)

This is the family photo that was taken in Oct. 2002, 5 months before, Sebastian passed away. Mommy and her family will always treasure this picture of all of them together. It's important (as all our beans know) to take lotsa pictures of us cause our time together can be so short.

Sebastian was a few months shy of his 13th birthday when he passed away. Comet was with their family another 2 1/2 years. They are still missed, but even though mommy's eyes still get leaky sometimes, she smiles more when she remembers "her boys" and she laughs when she remembers all they used to get away with. In fact, sometimes, no matter how hard I'm begging, she says, "sorry sweetie, that was a valient effort, but I've had 2 sets of eyes looking at me that way and you can't have any more!" So, today, we're remembering "Our baby, Sebastian."
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us. We love the picture of the two of them laying in a row.
Dey look like furry nice woofies. Mom's eyes gots leeky too cuz she had woofies dat were mother and son dat did dat to her. Nice story, nice woofies.
Thisis a nice way to remember them.
That wuz a wunderful story, fank yu furrs sharing it wif us. It madda my Momma's eyes leak. Momma furst pet wuz a woofie.
That's a wonderful story. Memories are so precious.
Dey were bery kyoot woofies, speshully as babies. We're glad u shared dem wif us.
Luf, Us
Oh they look like they were wonderful woofies!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and your family photos, too. We have a woofie, too, and would miss her so much if she weren't here with us. (She's a rescue, like all of us!)
The Artsy Catsy gang
That's a great story. They must have been wonderful woofies. I love the picture of them lying in a row. Thank you for visiting my blog.
that was a furry nice tribute!
Very nice pix. They actually look ok for woofies. Your mom must have loved them a lot.
What furry cute woofies. An that was a furry nice story. I hope nobody's sad anymore.
What a precious story! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mr hendeix there a sunday meeme going around and you got to tag four freinds so come to my blog and copay and past and then you change your answers to fit you
What a wonderful story!!
Nice pics!
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