Hi, Hendrix' mommy here. I have a dictation from my sweet boy that he wanted me to post.
"Oh nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! My bowls were emptied and removed last night. My morning's stinky goodness was not received!!! I was shoved in my PTU, carried out into the freezing cold garage, dumped into the car and drivin to the VET!!! I think Bendrix has become to much for the beans and they are having him removed! Ack! Do you think it will involve a vacuum suction thing? Oh dear, which end will he be removed from?!? I dont want to be heeeeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Dear kitties, don't worry to much about sweet Hendrix (or Bendrix). He is having his teeth cleaned today. I am a little worried as all good mommies are because (especially with his FIV and his stress over his daddy being out of town) of the anesthetic, but he has a very good Vet and they love him there. I am leaving work to pick him up as soon as he is ready. It may still be between 4 - 6pm but will let you all know how it goes ASAP.
The "Wolf Weds." comes from the fact that Greg and I decided to adopt a wolf pack through Defenders of Wildlife in honor of my woofies Comet & Sebastian. I am a firm believer that wolves have an undeserved bad reputation and that no ecosystem can be healthy and thriving without a healthy prey and preditor population. Anyway, here is Hendrix inspecting the very nice certificate we received and the cute, soft wolf stuffed animal (that resides next to a photo of my woofies now) that also came.

Don't worry kitties, Hendrix will be back tomorrow to tell you all his "tail" of woe from the Vet visit. Please keep a good thought for him today just in case. Thanks, the mommy & daddy
Sending lots of positive vibes that the teeth cleaning goes well at the vet's!
That's a cute stuffed wolf but I wouldn't want to encounter a real one!
we is purrayin fers yus to hafs a un-efent-full teefs cleanins. yus shood sooports yurs mommees an daddees hepin the wild woofies. they is rite that the world needs thems.
yuki & kimiko
Oh, Hendrix, I am very sorry you have to get yer teeths cleaned. But it is for the best, because you don't want to have bad bref. And teeth are dirty.
That is very sweet that you got to adopt a wolf pack!!
Purrs to you Mr. Hendrix.
Tell Bendrix to be careful! Wolves are just big CECs! But I agree, they are very important to the ecosystem. You stuffed one is cute, you can practice on it like I do my stuffed CEC.
Aw. poor Mr. Hendrix! Will he do better biteys wif cleaned teef? I just wanted to tell him I gotted my meme done.
oh oh oh the dentals are bad - they rip your teefs out - oh wait, that was just me that happened to. Mr Hendrix will be fine. we is purrayig for him!!
Hope your teeth cleaning goes well and you are back at home soon getting something good to eat. We don't want you to starve.
We'll be thinking of you Mr. Hendrix!!! Hang in there bud.
Your little stuffed wolf is so cute! That's great that you've adopted a couple of wolves. We're so glad that their reintroduction into Yellowstone has been so successful!
Luf, Us
o, Mr. Hendrix, we's all purr-raying fur u's today at tha vets :: shudders :: an we's looking furrward to a full ree-purrt tomorry.
we's miss ya...
purrrs, KC
Hope it all went well at the v-e-t's Hendrix.
Missy & KC & Bear wanted me to check and see if there was an update yet...
We're sending lots of purrs and purrayers, Hendrix! We know the PTU is scary, but next time you see it, it'll be to come home :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Ugh, every trip to da vet is bad! Only cuz dey iz da vet! Hope Yoor teef cleening goes good and dat it makes yoo feel bettur.
Thanks fur tha update, Mr. Hendrix. i's posting on tha CB right now....
purrrrssss, KC
We are glad to hear that your have bright and shinny teefs, glad that your visit to the vet wasn't all dat bad.
that wolfie is adorable! our Lady's plannin' ta do the penguin one for a furrend's birthday.
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