
Sleepy Saturday

Hi all! Well, my mommy and daddy are working again today. Luckily my daddy won't be gone all day, just 4-5 hours. Mommy will be gone until 7. sigh. I hate being lonely on a Saturday. I plan on taking a big long nap so the day goes faster.

I'll dream wonderful dreams of my sweet Brandi and that will make me happy.

Let's see, a full Monty seems to be the perfect position today. Jump on couch, roll over and spraaaaaaaaaawl out.


Myst and Blackie said...

Seems like we have same idea about sleeping & problem with our people.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

he he cool pic hendrix, love how you sleep like that! Truely a contented cat xx

The Cat Realm said...

A great full monty! We love to see full montys. And you do an especially good one! Have a wonderful weekend.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we'll do dat all morning and our beans are here....nice full monty Hendrix, grate toe curls.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Nice position there!
Nap on

word verification is:

Victor Tabbycat said...

Haf a furry nice nappy, Hendrix! Don't let Bendrix take ofur while yur beans are gone!

Daisy said...

Mr. Hendrix, that is a very excellent Full Monty.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Mr. Hendrix, that is a perfect execution of a Saturday Full Monty.
Hee hee.
Purrs, KC

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

*pssst* wou could bring some treats and toys over when you finished your beauty sleep...

Parker said...

Nap on! That's the same thing I am doing today! Since Mommy is here it makes it even nicer!

MaoMao said...

That's a great full Monty, Mr. Hendrix! Sweet dreams of Brandi. It's fun to dream about our girlz!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, snoozing and snuggling are both grand. But I'm sorry you miss your humans.

That's an excellent Full Monty! Brandi will be all a-fluff *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Sleeping is a furry good hobby, but now we gots to spend all our free time practicing our strollin'!

Samantha & Mom said...

Very nice Mr. Hendrix, our Mom and Dad come back quicker when we sleep.
You look very comfortable.
Samantha & Tigger

Monty Q. Kat said...

Millie isn't allowed to see this picture!

Artsy Catsy said...

You have definitely perfected the full monte, Hendrix!

& the Artsy Catsy crew

lordjaders said...

You look like you need a tickle on the tummy, hee hee!


INAMINI said...

It's good that yoo haf sleeping as a fall-back activity, Mr Hendrix. Yoo look like a reel pro!

Peach Man said...

Scout sleeps like that too! You guys are funny! Mama couldn't stop laughing at your "Little House on the Prarie" pavlovian response from the other day

Anonymous said...

You are a naughty kitty, Mr. Hendrix. All the Daddy kitties should lock up their daughters.

snowforest said...

great picture Hendrix ~ while you are alone you might as well come visit the cat blog for the daily fun quiz :)

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Yes, yes, that looks like the purrfect comfy-est position possible!


Anonymous said...

excellent full monty!

Skittles, The Huntress

Anonymous said...

nice to meet you!
That was an impressive monty!!
The little baby squillion will be named Jingelbell.

LZ said...

Must be a Man Cat thing because I've been sleeping like this constantly myself.


Anonymous said...

very good napping position! Recently, I've had to lay under the couch when I'm on my back cause those people keep trying to pet my tummy - even after all I've done to their skin.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice demonstration of the full monty, Hendrix. :)

Number 1 Man Dog said...

Mr Hendrix,I find napping gets my mom and dad back home faster also,and you look like a snuggle buggle, P.s.
I got to go for a RIDE,,

Forty Paws said...

Hey Bendrix! We have nominated you for a Rocking Boy Blogger Award!

Luf, Us

The Cat Realm said...

Still sleeping????
We understand - we like to sleep a lot too.
And we didn't blog in a while either... The maid has vanished somewhere, she's gone for days now, who knows if she will ever show up again. And the butler has other stuff to do and we don't like typing with our soft delicate paws....