
Sad Saturday

Dear Friends, my mommy told me last night she and daddy are going on a trip. I will not be going with them. sigh. I thought when they said "vacation" they meant more time with me. But no.
They will be leaving today and not coming back on Tuesday. Mommy sayz that if I nap lots it'll go very quickly and that they are off work all of next week (well, mommy works Friday but daddy will be home) and I'll get lotsa time with them then.
She also said that my grandma and grandpa will be coming over 2 times a day (I'll admit, they always stay for a while and spoil me) and they'll be bringing something called "da bird" for me. I don't know what that is, but it sounds AWESOME.
Bendrix is happy to have the bed all to ourselves. I'll admit, between daddy snoring and pillow tossing (sometimes he yanks a pillow from under his head and randomly throws it in his sleep) and mommy's bad back tossing and turning and talking in her sleep, I am WAY behind on my beauty rest.
Of course I feel less guilty hunting those under the cover mousies when they are the reason I'm awake!
So dear friends, if you want to tely-port over, it is a great time. The curtains are open, the catnip plants have recovered and apparantly, there will be "da bird" here!
Your lonely friend (thank goodness I have Bendrix to keep me company....huh, is that a new glass up on the top of the piano???),


Mosaic Cats said...

Ah, Sweetie.
Can we send Annie the INTRUDER over to console you till Tuesday?
She picked on us for NO reason a lot last night. It's sorta good, because now Mosaic Lady is a bit mad at her and liking us better again!
But it still annoys us. To be picked on in our own home.
We don't mind sharing her with you. Not one tiny bit.

Forty Paws said...

Bless your little heart. We'll all come over and keep you company!

Luf, Us

Daisy said...

Poor Hendrix! I will come and keep you company too. If you party and play a lot, I think the time will go by very quickly.

The Cat Realm said...

Of course I'll be there for you! All the time if you want me to. We can play wrestling or chase, I'll bring some fresh nip, and the lonely time will be over soon!
Your friend karl

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

What do beans know, we napped da whole day when mom was gone and it took fureffer fur her to get home. We think dat a mix of partying and napping will make it go faster.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are being left? I hate the idea of being left! I hope it goes fast for you!!!

Lux said...

Oh Hendrix! Maybe I should leave my bed and teleport over there to be with you & Bendrix ... we could get into/ I mean have some fun!

Hot(M)BC said...

Aw man, that sucks, Hendrix. Good thing you've got Bendrix to keep you company. I'll telerport ofur and show you some of the Fine Art of Whappage tips Sammy shared with me. We can start with that glass....

your bud Pepi

sammawow said...

Oh, you are very lucky to have Bendrix there so you're not all alone. With lots of us teleporting over the time should fly by!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nap, Nip and Party! We think that will make time go faster! .. but wait until Mommy and Daddy leave.

~ Gracie and Miss Emily

Anonymous said...

Do not be sad. You are getting a bird. You will be happy, believe me.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Awww. Well maybe they will feel so bad for leaving you behind that you will get lots of extra snuggles and stuff when they get back?

Phoebe said...

Oh Mr. Hendrix. I'm sorry that your mom and dad are going on Vacation. I know what that means. But at least Grandmas and Grandpas are great visitors.

Tiger Lily said...

How sad, Mr. Hendrix! Of course we'll come keep you company. I think most of us are spending today napping but that's a good group activity to help while away the time.

Max said...

I wish my people would go away for a while, as long as someone came in to open cans of Stinky Goodness. Mine never go ANYWHERE. Yer kinda lucky!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Come on over anytime you want, I know where MOmBean hides the treats. We can talk KidBean into opening them for us...

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Hendrix!
Thank you for teleparting over to my place! It was soooo much FUN! And the good thing was that after my party we went over to your place to continue! Remeber Mao Mao singing?

LZ said...

I have to say the grandma thing ALWAYS works in my favor. She buys into my sad eyes and I have a great time. We'll be over to keep you company!!


HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hendrix - thank GOD you have Bendrix! You two can get into sooo much trouble when the humans are away! Oh wow I wish I could join you. Start by trashing the place! It is always a fun way to pass the time! x

DaCraftyLady said...

Ah Puss n bootski!!!! My mommy just went on vacation for 2 whole weeks and I know how lonely it gets!!!! So you hang in there Mr. Hendrix...Miz Allie is here for you if you need a snuggle!!!!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Come over here and we will entertain you!

Parker said...

Here I am, a little late, but lets party! I brought my tent - we can play tent wars! AND I brought nip too!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Poor little sweetie! That's not funny...

Number 1 Man Dog said...

Hendrix,I will send you my birdies and you can play with them,it will make time go by for you,I am sure your mom will miss you

snowforest said...

Oh Hendrix I will miss you ~ see you soon ~ Bendrix don't break that glass cuz nobody will be there to clean up the broken glass pieces while your beans are gone!

Anonymous said...

Awww. Today's the day they come back, right? Hope you made it through ok! We hate hate hate being left alone too :(

Unknown said...

Oh No Hendrix! I'm sorry to hear that your beans have gone on holiday. Having Gram & Gramps come over and spoil you twice a day sounds good though.

Does Bendrix have anything naughty planned to show his annoyance?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We will be right over...
This is very sad.

WE are thinking about you Hendrix buddy.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hey Bendrix..I tagged you for the catnip meme xxx

Christine and FAZ said...

That's so sad to hear. Have as much fun as you can until they come home again. FAZ