
Toy Tuesday

Hi! This is my new toy that I earned by being so nice when I took my medicine (snicker NOT!) Mommy was just rewarding me for wanting to play again.

hmmmm what does that remind you of????


I got it!

Now I'm gonna eat it!

Now Bendrix wants to play! Kill the squirrell tail thing! Kill! Kill!

Then we went off to scratch the couch. It was a good night.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a very cool toy, Hendrix. Bendrix really has sharp teeth! He looks ready to attack and kill his prey in that photo!

Daisy said...

What a great toy! It looks like loads of fun to play with. I'm glad Bendrix got to come out and play. He gets misunderstood sometimes.

Karen Jo said...

What a really neat toy! I am so glad that you feel like playing again. Bendrix is looking really fierce. I am glad that he got to come out and play, too.

Parker said...

You know, now that you mention it it does look like a squirrel tail! I had never seen a black squirrel till we came here to O Hi O. They look very, very tasty, er, ah, cute, yeah, cute.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

haha well, it sounds like a good evening!! ha ha x

p.s I tagged you for the middle name meme xx

The Furry Kids said...

That looks like fun! I hope Bendrix let you play with it. He looks like a toy hog. And he scares me a little.


Jimmy Joe said...

That is a great ferocious expression on Bendrix's face. I bet any real squirrel would have a heart attack and fall out of the tree if he saw that.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...


And yes the string is nearly irresistable. Except when it's still wet and smelly. Yuck!

Glad you're feeling better!


::pounce the screen:: You got a squirrel tail?!? WOW!!! I wanna squirrel tail!!!

I snoopervise My Giant lots, even up on his desk. But I don't get treats, 'least not from him. He is not the Great Giver of Treats, mommy is. He doesn't even remember to give us the TUNA JUICE!!!

MaoMao said...

hehehe, looks like you hadda lotta fun! Bendrix is quite a feller, isn't he? How about you and Bendrix come ofur to my housie and help me kill them evil coffee stirrers!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, those are great pictures of both you and Bendrix! And that looks like a really fun toy. Bendrix has marvelous teeth!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Lux said...

What a neat toy! But :::whispering::: Bendrix kind of scared me in that last picture. (I know it's not very manly to admit that.)

Samantha & Mom said...

I'm not so sure I like that toy, Mr Hendrix. It looks an awful lot like my tail! (hehehe) (Sam) We bet it's fun to play with. Boy, Mr Bendrix sure has some sharp teeth. So glad you feel like playing again.
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

That toy looks like loads of fun!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z glad yoo is playing again! Bendrix sher has some fangs!

Boy said...

Oh my! That was a huge wong squiwwel tail!

Max said...

killit killit killit killit

Oh, sorry... I got carried away...

Tara said...

Oh, I love that last photo! You look so fierce!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Thank you for coming to meet the faeries! Stay tuned later on this week....there is much more to come that I think you will be interested in:)
Maybe you can come over some time and share tea with me and take a nap on my special lacey fabric?

Gretchen said...

Sorry I haven't been by. I feel like I missed so much. There's just so much busyiness a cat can handle in a day, right? I'm glad your're feeling better and I love your squirrel toy. I'm telling my bean to look for one of those. Right now I've got a room full of empty boxes to get excited about so I don't dissapoint my bean. She thinks I like all those empty boxes...sigh...G