
Thursday 13 - Happiness Is....

In no particular order....
Happiness is:

1. A full plate of stinky goodness
2. A sweet girlfriend cat like Brandy

3. Birds outside the window (inside would be better tho)
4. Sleeping in with mommy and daddy AFTER I get my breakfast treat
5. Chasing and catching a "mouse" on a string (Ok that was Bendrix's too)

6. A clean litterbox
7. A bowl of fresh crunchies
8. Fresh nip from the plant
9. Playing craps with daddy

10. A fan on a hot day
11. My blue fuzzy toy
12. A nice, safe home with a loving family and a soft bed
13. Blogging! and hanging with all my friends

And one to whine on....Happiness WILL be when mommy gets a new camera so all my pictures show my handsomeness better.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a great list, Hendrix. :) It is easy to see why all of those things make you happy. :) A lot of those make me happy too. :)

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely thing to focus on.

Samantha & Mom said...

Your happiness list is wonderful, Mr Hendrix. It is always best to be positive and your list is that and more. Makes us want to do a list like that. You did a very good on the bedmaking. I like to get under the covers as Mom makes it! hehe (S)
Your FL furiends,

Daisy said...

Hendrix, your list made me feel happy inside!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You make me happy, my sweet Sugar Pie! ::spins::

BigBrownBearBear said...

Thanks for dropping by Bear's Blog! I've linked you up!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Are yoo feeling better? I shur hope so!!!!

LZ said...

Happiness is rampant in your house! Yeah!


Hot(M)BC said...

Those are great happy thoughts, Hendrix.
Boni Maroni

Kimo and Sabi said...

You have a furry happy life!

P.S. - we still do not want to have anything to do wif our daddy's craps.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

That is a lovely list. I also think happiness may be having a split purrsonality so that you don't get the blame for being naughty. he he xxxx

Karen Jo said...

I love your list of happy things, Hendrix. It made me happy, too.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happiness is being a spoiled cat wif a fureffer home! Thanks fur reminding us...

Anonymous said...

That is a very sweet Thursday Thirteen!

Unknown said...

That is a furry good list of what Happiness is! Most of those things make me happy too.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy! A Happy Home and Craps Tables. Cool! Sending excellent kitty happy thoughts your way! Rescue Kitty cats are awesome!


MaoMao said...

Awwww, that's a great list of happy stuff! Isn't it good to be a cat? And Momma thanks you fur the sweet things you said on my bloggie about the feral kitties. It's hard fur her to do, to catch 'em and say goodbye, but it makes her happy that they're goin' to a safur place. And she thanks you fur your good vibes! Hopefully she'll be catchin' more kitties soon -- like tomorrow!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

hey hendrix,

thanks for visiting my blog! :)

my very very first kitty sibling was a black cat too and we loved each other dearly (till she passed away 2 years ago...*sobs*)...

i love all kitty cats and will tolerate everything from being scratched to being hissed at!!

i don't like dogs very much and somehow boy dogs (except ME!)
are exceptionally smelly to me! cats seem to make better friends, don't you think? hee hee!

have fun and take care, hendrix!

p.s. are your ppl jimi hendrix fans?

Tara said...

That made me and mom smile!

snowforest said...

This is a perfect list ~ something that will make every kitty happy :)

Forty Paws said...

Yeah, moving sucks enough without the movers breaking your furniture and tearing up your brand new house. Gawd.... And we've heard that when you have a house built, you have to be onsite every single day so they don't screw something up or leave something out.

Luf, Us

Anita said...

Oh yeah! Really, it´s a hapiness.