
Talk Like Pirate Day

Hi! Here I am with my booty of Temptations, Captain Morgan's Toona Juice Grog and gold. Why gold? So I can get more Temptations for me and my Bonny Lass Brandi of course!

We have an exhibit showing here in Cincinnati at the Cincinnati Museum Center that my beans will get to go see October 13th. To late for today's post, but they'll get to see a real pirate ship and sunken treasure! oooooooooooo
Arrr, I'm off to drink of my toona grog....

I want to let everyone know I get to meet Oscar's SeanBean and MomBean TODAY! We are very excited! Mommy is going to the Cincinnati Zoo with them today and I'll get to meet them myself before they leave.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Arrr, fine booty ye have thar, Pirate Hendrix, me matey. Aye! Gold t' buy Temptations aplenty!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Avast there. Them Temptations one of me favorites as well. Must go lash the crew with my tail summore! They be walkin' the plank soon if'n they not get that deck swabbed!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Arrr, ye be haffing fine booty and grog...and ye be a lucky scallywag to meet Oscars fambly, yar.

Lux said...

You`ve got some good stuff thar!

Daisy said...

Ooooh! I think I need more gold, then I can get more Temptations! I better go find some loot to plunder (do not worry, I will not steal yours).

How exciting that you get to meet Oscar's mom and SeanBean! I can't wait to hear all about it. I'll bet Oscar will be watching over you, too.

Anonymous said...

Now what a pirate matey you are ah? Arrr....I am off...arrr meowwwwing the decks there matety...

The Cat Realm said...

That's the pirate life! Laying around with your loot and enjoying it! Right on!
Captain Jack Flint a.k.a. Karl

Mickey's Musings said...

Arrrgh! You haf $,thats good! Come to my ship and we will sail off and pillage for more loot!!

My SILLY Mom, she though for a tic that your Mom was going to meet Sean Bean(actor).Sigh!! Get with the lingo Mom!!!!!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

arrr look at all that treasure!!!!

Looking mighty fine there hendrix, quite at home among all that gold! x

sammawow said...

Ahoy me hearty. 'Tis a fine haul ye have thar. Should get ye plenty o' temptations an' whatnot!

Aye, purrrrs, China Cat an' Willow

P.S. Hope ye be havin' fun wit' Oscar's family today!

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

excellent pirate post, Mr. Hendrix!

Hot(M)BC said...

Ahoy and avast! Such fine swag and grog ye got there mate. And scabrous wonderful adventures too. Arrrrrrrrgh!

Anonymous said...

Argh, I thinks me needs me some tuna grog!

Jimmy Joe said...

Ahoy thar, matey! 'Tis a fine lot o' booty to win any bonnie pirate lass.
Your buddy, Grog-master Jim

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, goodness! what a great lot o' swag ye have!! thankee kindly fer sailin' wif us today, mate!

Anonymous said...

Avast there! It's quite a treasure of temptations you have matey!

Ivan from WMD said...

You be lookin like you had quite a lot of grog there, Hendrix! Arrrr!

Team Tabby said...

Relax'n with your booty, just like a pirate - cool!
Moe & Mindy

Tara said...

Aye mate, great idea, gold for Temptations! Maybe I can use me gold trim from me pirate outfit!

Enjoy the visit with Oscar's beans!


Samantha & Mom said...

Avast me hardy! Gold and temptations!
What more could a pirate need! Your a fine pirate Mr. Hendrix! Garrr!!!!
Yer FL matey's,
Lieutenant-Colonel Janie Jalibird and
Bloody Neck Snapper Ned

Parker said...

AAArrrrrr! You is a fine lookin' pirate kitty fer sure! I wish my Mommy could meet up with you all!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Avast! Ye got yerself some fine booty there, Mr Hendrix! I be eyein' it close, 'cause Pirate Jack be likin' only one kind o' Temptations, so 'tis mostly all we be gettin'. Some o' those flavours look right tasty!

~Persephone, Pirate Queen


~Pirate Jack

Monty Q. Kat said...

YAR Capt'n Hendrix! Lets get some toona rum!

Anonymous said...

Hi Matey,

Great pirate post and photo :)

The Wanderer said...

oooh tuna juice grog? We wants some!!!


The Furry Kids said...

Arrrr! Say hi to Oscar's beans for us!

ASTOR CATS said...

Booty galore - you got some fine treasures there swabbie.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Gretchen said...

oops...I missed your post on pirate day. You look pretty hung over there, matey.
