

Before I go into hiding, I want to welcome home the brave astro-nauts and astro-kitties!

Why am I going into hiding? Because tomorrow is my annual VET check up. I'll have to get TWO SHOTS!! The scary think is, I'll be sleeping in my gas induced sleep so they could do anything to me, ANYTHING! Like check my temperature. Bendrix is clenching just thinking about it. Sorry, was that to much information???

Gotta go hide!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Good luck tomorrow at the Vets. Sorry to hear it's time for you to go there. Hopefully it'll be a very short visit and you'll be home in no time!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would hide too!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh no, not the V-E-T visit. We know! You can come hide here in GA with us! Your Mommy will never find you and if she does, we can distract her with our Mommy! Yeah! That will work.

Our Mommy says to tell your Mommy that she is going to write as soon as they get back from New Orleans. Daddy (they are going with Susan and Dave too and staying with Dave's sister) has promised that they will go on a ghost tour of the quarter and she wants to tell you all about her trip and if she writes now, she'll just have to write again! They are also getting to me a well known chef at a party at Dave's sister's house and Daddy is very excited about that!! More news later!

Tybalt said...

Good luck on the hiding! If Bendrix gets lonely, Ivy says she'll hide with him.

Daisy said...

Oh dear, hide well, Hendrix!


Aww Mr.Hendrix we is sorry you have to go visit the V-E-T tomorrow...but it just means your Mom is making sure you stay totally healthy. (But I would still hide if I were you)


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Good luck at the vet's Hendrix. I actually don't mind going to the vet, since everyone there complements me and tells me what a good boy I am. :)

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You get put to sleep to go to vet? That not right.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Best of wishes (or should we say lots of luck). Under the bed is always a great place to hide. Our huamns always know to find us there, but they can't reach us!

You guys can come to Italy and hide here if you like! There is always room for one (or two) more.

Opus and Roscoe

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

hmmmm... a good hiding place... I might try on a dining room chair behind the table cloth? Good Luck!

Mickey's Musings said...

Sorry you have to go to the Vet,but at least it's a check up :)
My Vet takes my temperature in my ear. You need to tell your Vet to get with the programe ,heehee
(wait till AFTER your shots)

zevo hussein calamari said...

OH NO... not the V-E-T. Hide.. run.. you can hide here. Hope you are ok.
zevo & gang

PB 'n J said...

Good luck hiding - Mom always manages to find us!

Unknown said...

I would definately hide too and I would also make sure to send Bendrix to the vet!

Unknown said...

Mike tried to hide this morning, but mombean tricked her out with a mouse toy and took her to the vet to be spayed. Poor Mike. The best thing about going to the vet is coming home again.

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, no, Mr. Hendrix, the V-E-T?? :-(
Here's a good hiding idea: wait 'til your humans make the bed, then crawl into a pillowcase on the underneath side of the pillow! My human spent hours looking for me one day and never thought to look there.


Anonymous said...

I'd hide too!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Zippy sez yoor lucky dey gas yoo, she gets some pills dat make her loopy and she still feels all da bad stuff.

Tara said...

That does not sound like fun.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh. Dis iz not da bestee newz Mr Hendrix. Although, you could let some gasez es-cape right under da VETs nose. Dis might make da VET drop hiz needlez on da floor & den you can get back into da PTU & not come out!!!

-Dr TWeety

snowforest said...

Oh Hendrix these are tough times. Wonder if Bendrix can figure out a plan to evade the dreaded visit. Best of luck anyway :)

Purrs and love from Snow and Forest...