Here I am in my PTU. Mommy alwaus packs me in like this so my PTU won't move in case of an accident.
It had to happen sometime and today was the day. My VET finally got his nooticles in hand and saw me for my appointment.

Here I am in the waiting room, ever vigilant of someone sneaking up behind me...
I had my claws all ready and sharp for him. I'd even been flexing my jaws. I did not want to have to resort to violence so I made every attempt to get back into my PTU, pushing it across the room 3 times in my zeal.

Unfortunately, I was stuffed into a tiny plastic storage bin with a hole in it and GASSED! I didn't even have a chance to fight back. I was in my PTU before I was even fully awake. No fair.
Anyway, I got my Rabies shot and another vaccination and I am 12.12 lbs of healthy ManCat. He even said my teeth look good (lucky for him I was sleeping or he'd have seen them really close up...) so that means more home brushing. sigh.
Well, I'm off to the sofa to sleep off the rest of the gas, and maybe see those cool pink hippos in the tutus. They are so funny!
By the way, I am very proud of this next thing and I think Yao-lin & Max would be too...On the computer at the VET, under my name, a little box pops up on the screen that says "Traqualize Before Examining"
The VET is scared of Me and Bendrix!!!
Wow, Hendrix, I don't know whether to be impressed or afraid! Sorry to hear you had to go to the vet, but it sounds like things went well. I'm a good boy at the vet's. Everyone always complements me on my good behaviour and my handsome looks. :)
Wow Hendrix! How cool to have a V-E-T afraid of you. We wanted to try you techniques but Mommy says Aunt Susan wouldn't like it. Sigh.
Mommy wanted to say thank you for your thoughts and words over Daddy's sister and her surgery(we think you read our post before we edited the thank you note in). Mommy is going to write you more of the details (you know about Daddy and his family) and some things you just will not believe! They did have a great time in New Orleans though!!
"Traqualize Before Examining"
I'm so sorry you have such bad experiences at the vet. We've never had an animal try to get back in the PTU, so it must be especially upsetting for you. Poor Mr. Hendrix. At least now you don't have to go back for a long time.
Sorry you did like your V.E.T. visit, I know how it is. If momma's with me I a sweetheart at the V.E.T. if she has to leave, they have to tranquilize me because I go wild like a was a different kitty. I'm sure my little sister will have to be TBE this Friday, she won't let anyone but momma touch her without trying to rip their arm off or running away.
Or is it just that you're a sissy cat and can't handle the pain from a little shot?
Hee hee, you certainly freaked out that v-e-t on your previous visits...
My v-e-t loves me, I even went to sleep on the v-e-t's table once. (no gas) I mew very very loud in the waiting room saying "Hurry up, is it my turn yet, how long are we going to wait here, don't you know I'm a celebrity?" but once I get in to see the v-e-t I perform for my public like a true pro.
Well done Bendrix! They haven't had to tranquilize Hellie at the vet yet, but there is still time....mmmmmwwwwaaaahaaa.....
Actually, if the truth be told, it is usually me Kellie at the vet and I usually hide my head under my Mum's shirt while the vet examines me - I know, not very Hellie like : (
Wowie!! The vet is scared of you?? Goodness. I have only hissed at the vet once, but I wish I could get her hand when she puts that thing up my butt!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
I know your type! Now me, I am a very social angel. I come right out of the P.T.U. - which I hate by the way - and purr for the VET and anyone else who wants to come and visit. I think I like the attention. I cannot say the same for the behaviors of my siblings! Enjoy the residue of the gas and have a fun-filled nap!
hahahahaah!! Oh I am laughing out loud!! That is AWESOME!!! You truly are a mancat, in every sense of the word. Honeslty, Bendrix and you are unhinged and ON FIRE my friend (s)!!!
Well done!!! xxx
Ha ha ha ha! Wow! Hendrix and Bendrix, great job at scaring the vet. They must really fear you! Good news that you are such a big healthy mancat! Two paws up on a job well done. =^_^=
(Ivy says "hi" to Brave Bendrix)
Atta boy Bendrix. Make those evil doctors quake in fear.
Ooooh, you are one ferocious mancat! Since it all good news you should be happy that you don't have to go back anytime soon. I got a reprieve from having to go yesterday.
Before I forget, I have tagged you for a list of likes/dislikes/weird facts . Please go to my bloggie and have a look at the rules.
Oh no! the V-E-T. The horror. I wish we got gassed before...like before we even leave the house. Guy cries and we both have had pooping accidents because of fear. Glad to hear you are healthy!
Shoot, all Zippy gots is a red mark and a warning in her file...no gas. Mom straps our carrier into the passenger seat, she puts da seatbelt thru da handle and locks us down. We'z furry impressed dat da vet gotta gas yoo afore yoor exam. Yoo da man(cat).
I am so proud of you Hendrix, that you have frightened your vet!
Bendrix, you have that Vet very, very scairt! Hahahahahaha! No wonder he rescheduled twice. I am very proud of you.
When I go to the Vet, I try to scrunch up in a little ball and hide my eyes. I guess I am not very brave.
That note on your chart is SO funny! No Mosaic Cat has ever had that notation...but then again, I have never been to the vet AS a Mosaic Cat!
Mosaic Dawg, however, has had to be muzzled for the first time in her life the last two visits to the vet.
But she's old and crabby.
Now I am very curious as to how I'll act when I inevitably see the Mosaic Fur Doctor. ML is there so much with the other furs, they are creating a special parking space for her.
I'm impressed with your ability to intimidate the V.E.T. I kind of like my vet...I just hate getting stuffed in the cat carrier. Tommy my brother crys like a baby (a very loud baby) when he has to go to the vet.
You have my admiration.
What a day you had! Good thing you were asleep for most of it or you could have been afraid. I am so glad that your visit to the vet is over and you seem in good health, that is so good to hear. Those vet appointments, too bad we cannot just ignore them. Sleep tight.
Good work Hendrix on skeering yer V E T. We've taken notes and now we know what to do next time we go.
You iz one hunk o' mancat!!!! I yam imp-pressed by da meanz to which dey had to tranquill-izer you. Iz doze pink ely-fants fun? can you chase dem like mousees?
-Dr Tweety
I love that picture of you pushing the troll box! On my records I'm just known as Will Bolt.
My mom says she wouldn't mind getting tranquilized before an exam!
That is cool to push yer PTU around the room.Too bad you REALLY hate the Vet and need to be gassed.
But if you get a good buzz,well.... enjoy!! Heh,heh,heh!!
That's awesome! You and Bendrix are officially notorious. Props to you... both.
Heh...you've been marked as dangerous! Good job!
Wow Hendrix, we thought we were tough at the Vet. Glad you (and the vet) came out of it okay!
HAHAHAHAHA! Mr. Hendrix, you are very funny. I like how you scooted your prisoner box around the room. I hope your teeths stay really good.
Wowww, that is a good news to know you are very healthy~!! That is the most important thing~!!
Oh my gosh, my bean was laughing at you pushing you ptu around.
You crazy cat. I am a good girl at the vet, I just let them do anything - no scratching or hisssing.
Wow we are so proud of you for scaring the vet. Enjoy those pink hippos in tutus and dancing alligators!
Sunny, Olive Oyl and Rascal have tagged you for a meme. See our November 14, 2007 post.
Hahahahahahahaha - tranquilize before examining - hahahahahahahahaha!!!
Mr. H, you're a rough customer and it's a good thing your v*t realizes it. Glad he gave you a clean bill of health!
Wait a minute... "Tranquilize before examining." Do they mean you or the vet -- or both?
Hahahaha! Since you're the GOOD brother, I think Bendrix is the one the V.E.T. has to tranquilize.
One of the cats that came before used to put up such a fuss, they had to put a small hood over her head (like the ones they put on horsies to keep them calm) the minute she went into the exam room so she couldn't see anything.
We are quiet aroun our V-E-T! Well, The Big Thing is right there talking to us nice and holdin us, an he is sad it hurts us some.
We dont like bein put in the PTUs, but we are sure glad to get back in them after they are done doing stuf to us.
Visits to the vet have never been a problem for me.
I have the staff eating out of my paw. ;-D
BTW, I have tagged you for a meme. Please come to my blog for the rules. ;-D
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