Luckily I have my daddy to hang with. We do Manly stuff like chill out in the middle of the floor. I'm glad I am not feral any more and have a daddy to be my buddy. We lay like this almost every night after daddy changes from his work clothes.
I'm also glad to have such great friends like the gang over at the Cat's Realm who thru such a great party the other day and gave us all an award!

I know I had a great time at the party cause I don't remember anything and Bendrix is still sleeping it off. He keeps asking for Gatoraid and saltines.
Sometimes hanging out wif dad is funner den anything. Dude, dat party rocked. We had hangovers fur two days!
That looks like some good man to mancat time, buddy. I have a special request that I think Bendrix would be especially good at--check it out!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Daddies are great...
Hendrix, those photos of you and your daddy look kinda like you fell on the floor, like we're doing in the earthquakes that are hitting us today!
Oh, man, poor Bendrix. Gatorade and saltines is not a good sign. We hope he feels better soon.
I agree, hanging out with Dad is just about the best thing ever.
Did your Dad swipe your scratchy mat? (Or maybe it's a nip mat, we can't tell for sure)
Hahaha! That's very funny that you don't remember anything :-D
You and your Daddy look very comfortable chilling on the floor. I hope you get to do lots of that this weekend, and other fun things, too. Have a great weekend!
You and your daddy look so cute together!
Happy weekend!
We like to hang with our daddy too. Around here, we call it "boys club." Every night my daddy and I have "boys club," and no girls are allowed! Not even mommy!!!Yah for "boys club!!!"
Hanging wiv your dad is good fun. I like to do that too.
You are so cute hanging out with your dad. I prefer to hang out with my Mommie.
That was some party.... pass the ginger ale please
Dads can be two look very cozy.
Mr. H, you and your dad are super manly. I think hanging out with your dad is a very cool thing. maybe more fun than hanging out with mom.
Happy week-end to you and your beans
Hey Mr. Hendrix! I love hanging out with my dad, too! Just wanted to let you know that I got your prize package out(Friday) from the TGH 1st Blogoversary Contest. You should have it the first part of next week. Thanks so much for playing.
Samantha & The Tuxedo Gang
Looks like ya gots a great Daddy! I like sittin on mine in bed at night an on his lap while he watches the TV!
Hey,that's great!! Dad's come in handy :) I guess guys understand guys ;) heh,heh,heh!
Have a blast,K ?
Purrs Mickey
WOW that is so cool that you and your Daddy have a manly routine of chillin. My Daddy and I have a routine too, but I am not aloud to say it because he said it makes him seem less manly... ok I will tell you :::whispers::: in the morning he comes out and sits on the couch and I jump up on his lap and we snuggle. Every.Single.Morning. And I purr and I purr and he scritches my chin and we do all this in a very manly manner!
Yes it is nice to have circle of good friends. The Cat Realm's party was so fun.
You do look very manlycatly hanging out in the middle of the floor with your dad bean.
Thanks for the warm purrs, we'll need them.
Good luck with Bendrix getting back on his feet. That stuff was wicked.
Warm hugs back to you...G
Poor Bendrix. I hope he feels better soon. You look like you are having a great time chillin' with your Dad.
It's great that you and your dad can hang out like that, Hendrix. We both love to hang out with our dad too.
Looks like a lot of fun. We need MANLY/MANCATLY fun sometimes!
Dante's favorite person on earth is Daddy. Even when Daddy is one the computer, Dante will sit on the desk and help him!
Mommy has an interview Monday morning at a place she has walways wanted to work. Its a management positon, making a lot more money, and a lot closer to home. She would appreciate it if you send her some good vibes baout 9am or so! :)
Not that I know anything about it, but I've Heard that Alka Seltzer may give your friend Bendrix a little help!
Thanks for believing in me.
You do men's things! I with my bean do women's things. It´s magnificent be able to dominate our humans. When we have dominated our humans, we will be able to dominate the world... Muahahahahahahaha!!!!
Thank you very much for trying speak spanish, I value very much your effort and really, your spanish is very good!
Vosotros hacéis cosas de hombres! Yo con mi mami hago cosas de mujeres. Es magnífico poder dominar a nuestros humanos. Cuando todos los gatos del mundo hayamos dominado a los humanos, podremos dominar el mundo.
Muchas gracias por intentar hablar en español, valoro mucho tu esfuerzo y realmente tu español es muy bueno.
hehe, yeah the Cat Realm's pawtay was fabyoolus! And I just love hangin out with my Daddy. Brainball loves gettin massages frum Daddy, too, and so do I. Daddy gives the best mancat massages EFUR!
Thankies so much fur your annivurshury wishes fur my beans! You are furry sweet! They've been married eleventy billion years or something like that
(pssst, Mao... eleven years. -- Mom.)
Yeah, Mom! That's what I saided. Eleventy billion! hehehehe
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Mr. Hendrix! We finally made it over to visit! It looks like you are having fun with your daddy!
Uh, how do you two hang from the walls like that? We wanna try that...
Luf, Us
My bean also studied english in the primary and secondary school and she needs the help of a translator. She only practises english when reads and writes in your blogs. We will help you to practise your spanish, writing in both languages.
Happy Sunday!
Mi mami también estudió inglés en la escuela primaria y secundaria y necesita la ayuda de un traductor. Ella sólo practica el inglés cuando lee y escribe en vuestros blogs. Te ayudaremos a practicar tu español escribiéndote en los dos idiomas.
Feliz Domingo!
That's a neat picture.At first we though your daddy was levitating!!
Grampy and I were very furry close. Whenever he'd come home from work we'd play and cuddle. I miss him a lot. We all do.
PS I've tagged you for the book meme.
I LOVEZ dats you ahngz wit your dadee. I lovez dis too. Da dadeez reely understandz us man cats don't dey? Espeshully when da momeez are alwayz soooo bizzy.
Tanks fur your help in da cafe' today. I keep missin' my palzez.
Oh well, at leastee we are havin some fun wit our frendz, right?
Your bud,
Dr T
I have never received a package in the mail before. I am so excited. Im going to make momma bean carry me outside everyday to check! I can't wait to see whats inside just for me!!!
Purs and Headbutts,
In that first photo, we thought your daddy was floating thru the air. We hope you had fun having some mantime with him.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You guys are good pals!
You are so lucky to have a daddy to hang with! Those are the cutest pictures!
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