We are turning our purrs and prayers on HIGH that MuShue, LillyLu and Iris are found safe and sound, together TODAY, RIGHT NOW. Please God and St. Francis, bring our friends to Mama Laura safe and sound right away.

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Sweet Miral. We are sure that the Bridge is more wonderful than any dream she ever had. We are sending comforting thoughts to her beans.

We are sorry to hear "Her Majesty" has also passed away. She also went to the Bridge in her sleep and we know she is happy and warm and safe. We are sending her family comforting thoughts as well.
Please light a candle for all our friends and family who need it.
We are purring and praying so hard today.
It is a sad weekend indeed. We are purraying for our friends too.
Purrs Mickey
Hi Mr Hendrix! That is funny how can you go goes green with blue bags??? we just gots the green bags that mombean buyed at the grocery store and if she visits with the bag 20 times we get our 99 cents back and then mombean said with that moneys she buys us something. she had to says that because otherwise I never get out of the green bag for her to take it to the store!!!
I am very sad about all the kitties who are having a bad times right now, I didn't read blogosphere until after I posted today!! I am very purry for them this weekend...
It is a very sad weekend indeed.
We keep praying for a miracle.
We are lighting a candle near our St Francis and St Anthony alter and purring for a miracle.
A very sad weekend.
We are purring and purraying for all our furrends. This has been a very sad weekend.
It's a sad time.We are praying and purring here.
Yes, lots of sadness this weekend. We hope Laura's kitties are back with her soon.
I enjoyed talking to you on the chatzy room today. You have a very nice site Hendrix.
It's been a furry sad weekend for us kitties. I am purring for mom laura and her kitties and for Miral's family in their grief.
A sad week for sure, Miral will be missed and the fire at Laura's was terrible. I just found out though that the three kitties have been found and they are safe! They were hiding in the apartment and afraid to come out to strangers. Animal Control will go in and get them and bring them to Laura, she isn't allowed back into the building. What wonderful news after such a hard week.
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