Bendrix here: I'm going to say something I don't usually say. It is totally going to blow your mind and make me have to have some niptinis. I want to say "Thanks so much!" to the talented Maggie & Zoey at Zoolatry for creating this awesomly awesome picture of me. They captured my handsome wickedness purrfectly. You are so cool!

Here is the good example that Bendrix and I wanted to show you about training your beans. Now, Friday, April 4, mommy had a Creative Memories scrapbooking party and she put this cool table up for display. I have enjoyed it so much that the table is still there. Now, one might argue, wow, those beans are lazy - and I won't dispute that - but I like to think that because I enjoy laying on it so much, they left it up longer.
It is a great place to nap, catch some sunbeams and sniff a warm breeze thru the open windows.
Mommy sayz it is coming down this weekend....we'll see about that cause I ain't moving!
When training your beans, it is important to look awfully cute and content so they don't remove your new napping spot.
See? Cute, but House Panthery while viewing down on my prey...I mean mommy.
Mommy and daddy are feeling better. I wish they'd just get over the snotty stuff. They are keeping me up at night and I need my 20 hours a day!
You guys are training your mommy and daddy very well!
Bendrix, Ivy wants you to know that she has been extra naughty this past week, and she hopes you approve. She's knocked over the kitchen trash and stolen things from it, played poo hockey, and ran and HID in the basement twice!
WOW! I was the first comment!
*does special kitty dance*
You are an excellent human trainer. Hope they are feeling better.
Love the graphic! Totally cool!
Dearest Bendrix,
We think you is the hotness...even if you is a little mischevious!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Good job training the beans. Its a job that never ends but can be very rewarding. We are glad that your beans are feeling better. Our Mommy is still sick with the neverending nasty virus. Sigh. She coughs and coughs all day - but she has gotten to stay home lots this week so that is nice!
That is a great picture of Bendrix!
You have trained your mom really well. Good job!
oh my cat that photo is wonderful and completely encapsulates the good that is hendrix and the evil that is bendrix! I love it! i love having two friends for the price of one! x
As cats we have the right to comandeer any item that strikes our fancy. Good luck with keeping the table up. I'm betting on you.
You really do have your beans well trained! We love it when ours are lazy and don't take down good things (like the chrsitmas tree) too!
Oh that table looks very comfy and is placed in a perfect spot. I would insist it stay up too!
I feel a little bit scairt and shivery inside seeing the picture of Bendrix!
Hi Mr Hendrix!
Great training post! We are also good at trainings. Usually Figaro lays right in the middle of the bed before the beans get there for sleep times. And then the beans have to be careful not to disturbs him when they get in the bed too. He likes to lay right in the middle. I actually prefers normal places like my cat tree for nappings, that way I dont have to worry about training the beans!
Bendrix, that was very nice of you. I am sure you are right Hendrix about why this was left out longer. You have done a fine job training your human.
Zoolatry sure can capture a kitty just right! That is really a very nice photo.
What did kitties do before there was computers and nice kitties like zoolatry? I just don't know...
LOVE the picture!
don't get off the table, unless the people are sleeping or in the shower. we had a nice napping (present wrapping) table like that just before Christmas and we didn't guard it carefully enough and it got away.
I loooove tables, especially tablecloths! I think you should park it on that table and make them either get you a perch in the window of your own, or just leave that table up forever!
You have much to teach and I still have much to learn. I am humble before you!!!
hopes you are feeling better...your the moms is lots of hards work... meow
Bendrix: dis iz furry clever. I practice dis tech-neek myself & sometimez it iz fury suxsekcful.
Mr Hendrix:
Tank you so much fur postin' abouts my sissie Iris. Sometimez I cannot tellz if dere iz a seerious mancat out dere or not. Dey say she iz beeotyfull, but dey do not try to understand her intellygence. Iris iz grateful too, dat you made such a nice postee on da Blogoospear. She waz an itty bitty embarassed...but I tink she iz also secretly pleezed.
We hopes your beanz gets over dere snot nozez.
Dr Tweety
That table is yours now. They have no right to move it!
Great Graphic by Zoolatry! They're awesome!! Good luck keeping the table. We're betting you aren't going to win this one!
Hey Hendrix I love your orange backrounds but the light purple on them is kind of hard to read, could you maybe try yellow????
Good job on training those beans. I keep trying but I am not very good yet. I am watching you carefully, making notes!
Well I certainly hope she doesn't take your table down. It's in the perfect spot right in front of that perfect window! Doesn't your Mommy know that she lives to serve you and your desires??
That table is a nice space for a nap.
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