Bendrix is very proud to have recieved a fabulous award from both HRH Yao-lin and The Cat's Realm. He is impossible to live with now. All I hear in my head is "I got tagged twice and you didn't nah nah nah nah nah." sigh.
The ‘Arte y Pico’ award" was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, also for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to 5 others.'
The rules for passing this honor on:
1) Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Bendrix would like to tag:
My twin William of Mass Destruction who is always creative
Kitten Willie Snapp who is very talented at mischievous
My sweet lady cat Brandi who always inspires us with her pretty furs and sweet personality
One of Bendrix's greatest inspirations Max the Psychokitty
and Victor Tabbycat whose beans are out of town. House Trashing anyone???
and Mr. Echo who inspired us with his Friday Confessions
and Moki's family who inspire us every day
I'm happy to say my daddy got home last night! I'm even happier to say he didn't forget his routine.
daddy comes in the door
he comes in the kitchen and i assume the position
i follow him to the fridge
then the counter
enjoying the stinky.
What my daddy didn't forget the 2+ weeks he was gone is that the kitty comes first. I got my stinky before mommy got her kiss! That is power folks.
Of course, everyone knows the kitty comes first.
Congratulations on your award. I am glad you are re-training him to the fact that cats always come first.
Wowie! You sure do have your humans trained! Well done!
And Concats on your award!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Congrats on your award, Bendrix! And Hendrix - it's so great that your Daddy remembered the routine!
Love Clover xo
P.S. That is so cool about Home Makeover in your town! Do you think you would be able to remind us before it airs? We don't want to miss it! Try and get into a shot if you can - you could be a TV star!!
I agree you have power, but do you have more than Bendrix? Apparently he's getting more awards than you now!
PS Maybe in her mind, your Mom changing the words from "sisters, sisters" to "brothers, brothers". Watch out Hendrix. Bendrix is about to take over!!
I can tell your dad has his priorities straight!
Nice to hear you daddy is finally back! And sure, always kitty has to come first :-)
Wow, that's awesome! I mean, that man adores you. He did the allergy shot thing and he takes care of you before your Woman? He's really well trained.
That is impressive!! We are so happy that you are playing with the glow ball!!!! We want some more then ever now! Momma finally saw more at the store she got it at but she said there where big pallets blocking them and she could not reach them. So what did she do? Go ask some store guy to more them? Noooo, she got Renna some treats and left!! At least you have beans that care!! sniff sniff ~Queen Snickers
Way to go Mr. Hendrix's dad - glad to hear that he's kept his priorities straight!
Whoa! We are impressed with your Daddy power, Mr. Hendrix! It's very important to teach them to observe proper kitty protocol at all times!
Wow thanks for all the first aid advice. My spot is gone and my coat is filling back in. Black cats rule, Mortimer
Now we know who daddy loves hahahahahah stinky goodnes befor a kiss WELL u ar the MAN
WOW - you got him trained! Your stinky before her kiss, good one!
Now that Bendrix got awarded by a couple of cats we wonder if he will finally and totally take over, hahahahahahaha!
We are making the rounds to extend our gratitude for participating in Emil's wake! Thank you, both, Mr. Hendrix and Bendrix for doing so!
Karl and Mrs. OZ
Congrats on Bendrix's awards. That is so neat that you have your daddy trained so well. We are glad he didn't melt in the desert heat.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hahahahahahahaa!!!! You are one stylin' cat!!! Even Mom thinks it's OK for you to get fed first before your Mom gets her kisses!!!! WOOT
Humans are such slaves ,heeheehee!!!
Purrs Mickey
Stinky first... kiss later. That is how it should be. You have them trained well!
So sorry to hear Bendrix is driving you crazy!
Good Daddy!!
I hopes you gave him some lovin' to remind him what a good kitty you are.
Oh Mr Hendrix, Mitzi and I really, really like the way you've got your daddy trained so well.
Our mummy's not too bad. She gives us breakfast as soon as she gets up, before she has her shower. And she gives us our dinner at night before she has her glass of wine. See, it's all about priorities, isn't it?
Thanks for visiting us and we hope to see you lots, because you're a very handsome black cat.
BTW...we almost forgot...congratulations and purrs on your award. What an honour.
B & M
Good that you have your human dad trained properly. Feed the kittie first.
Hi Mr Hendrix
You are a very handsome black cat. And I am impressed at the way you have your dad trained - I have spent the last 2 and a half years doing the same to my dad.
Please come and visit me again some time!
Huffle Mawson
kitties always comes first! good job on training your beans hendrix!
Oh, yeah ... You've got it, dood! Way to work your catitude with the 'beans.
Your daddy is very smart...stinky before kiss!
Congrats to Bedrix's on his awards!
Concatulations on your award, Bendrix!!
And, Hendrix, you have done a great job training your beans. Keep up the good work!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You have your dad very well-trained, Hendrix! :)
Good training of the dad! Dad's never forget who come first!
Laila and Minchie
Hendrix, you really have your Daddy trained well! Excellent job! Congratulations on your award :-)
You an Bendrix has trained him well! Concats an fanks on the award! I's lookin forward to postin in.
Great house trashin! It's inspurrational to work wif the real pros like you!
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