Two big happenings tonight! I'm so excited I got up where I am NOT allowed to discuss plans with mommy. As you all know, The Dark Knight opens! As a House Panther, I really like the name of this movie. I think I'll have mommy make me a cool cape to wear.
We are very excited to see it. What is that mommy? They don't let cats in the theater?!? That is descrimination against kitties! I won't stand for it! You'll sneak me in won't you?

Mommy: No sweetie I can't sneak you in. But, I have a very important job that only you can do.
Hendrix: What is that "job" mommy? And make it good.
Mommy: You need to stay here to make sure the season 3 premiere of Psych DVRs tonight! You know it is one of our favorite shows and we've waited months and months to see it.

Hendrix: Well, I wish I was going to the movie, but at least I'll get to watch the Psych episode before you will! I know that will bug you.
Mommy: You're totally right. I wish I could see it the second it starts. I promise to buy The Dark Knight on DVD for you as soon as it is out.
Hendrix: OK, I guess I won't leave a hairball on your bathmat if you'll buy the movie for me.
I sure your DVR is better than ours. Sometimes it decides even though its been told to record something its not in the mood.
Dude! We have the same chair!
Our mom is psyched too that "Psych" premiers tonight!
Laila and Minchie
That is a great bargain you are making Mr. Hendrix. We will probably go see the movie on Sunday.
Mommy said she wants to see that movie too but maybe not this weekend cause she seems to have somehow caught your Mom's and Tybalt's Mom's colds through the innernets. We think we will lay on her so she has to spend the whole weekend in bed with us.
Mommy also says to say "I got your letter and will be writing you back soon. There is some job drama going on that I will tell you about as soon as I know how it ends! Keep your head up honey - it is meant to happen and I know it!!"
Maybe Bendrix really IS the Dark Knight!
That movie is getting grate'll have to let us know wht you think...
I hope you Mommy has a great evening! And of course you too :-)
Watch the episode and then 'accidentally' delete it?
DVR-duty is HUGELY important ... and it takes a furry smart kitty to make sure those machines run properly. We know you are up to the challenge.
Hope your peeps enjoy the movie - we're lookin' forward to gettin' the DVD too 'cause our moovie place won't let us in neither.
I don't know, dud. We still think you're getting the bad end of the deal.
WOW!!! You get to do an important job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Mom is pretty good to you Hendrix ;) I do not know what Psych is. Enjoy your show :)
Purrs Mickey
Wow, Hendrix..your bean trusts you to make sure the program DVRs? Our bean won't let us touch the DVR ever since Ernie tried to stick his paws in it!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Maybe Bendrix can sneak you into the movie theater tonight.......
I'm not allowed to touch our DVR cuz I keep whapping the little button on the front and a round thing comes out in a drawer, then the DVR turns itself on. When the Beans go out, they keep finding it turned on when they get home.
You know, you might just want to leave that hairball anyway, just to keep the humans on their toes.
I know! Isn't it terrible we can't go to the theater? Momma and daddy are going with out me! I love Batman. :( ~Queen Snickers
Miss Peach sure did surprise me by telling you about my vintage car blog. I want to thank you so much for your nice visit too, she sure has some great friends. I hope you enjoyed wandering around the old cars and thank you for not clawing the upholstery. Next time you come by, I will have some cat nip waiting and Miss Peach will serve some of her tea. Yes that is my car, but I'll catch them. I lived in Dayton for several years.
Psyche and the Dark Knight! What a great night ... (plus Monk ... Mom and Dad are very excited). Dad's boss invited Mom and Dad to go to a play tonight so they have the DVR going, too, but no Batman yet. Have fun, and don't tell your mom what Shaun and Gus do.
I think you still need to have your mommy make you a cool cape to wear when you watch the Dark Knight DVD.
Oh, and be sure keep Bendrix away from the DVR tonight!
I'm sorry you didn't get to go, Mr. Hendrix - how disappointing! But it sounds like you got consolation prizes!
What a beautiful kitty you are. Thank you for visiting our blog and helping us to rebuild our blog list. Of course we will add you to our list, we like meeting new friends.
u doez lookz like a panther, Mr. H. I seez pantherz on TV but I aint no panther cause I iz almost all white. OK?
Maybe u hoomin can bringz u a DVD of da the-at-er? OK?
u doez lookz like a panther, Mr. H. I seez pantherz on TV but I aint no panther cause I iz almost all white. OK?
Maybe u hoomin can bringz u a DVD of da the-at-er? OK?
For the moment I am a little out of movies and don't know what's coming out ! I was busy watching my cats chasing a mouse in the garden ! Arthur was the winner !
I'm not allowed in the movie theatre either. But I'm not sure about seeing the Dark Knight anyway - what if I get scared?
Huffle Mawson
Drat! I missed Psych AND Monk. I WANT MY BEANS BACK!!!
I'm so sorry you didn't get to go with them. I hope the DVD comes out soon, because that's when we'll to see it, too!
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