I'm still spending lots of time sleeping, but perked up enough to do a "tail on fire" run around the house about an hour ago. I'm very glad mommy worked from home today cause I felt like snuggling.
Mommy is loving the fact I'm letting her scritch me and snuggle with me as much as she wants. Don't tell Bendrix, but so am I.
The loose stool still hasn't started, bummer, but maybe tomorrow. I haven't sneezed almost the whole day!! Not since very early this morning before the alarm went off. Good stuff huh?
It is all the purrs and prayers from my friends. Thank you so much. Even Bendrix is happy to see how many nice thoughts are coming our way.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Mommy is working late tomorrrow and Friday all day, but daddy will be home early both days - but the weekend is mine, all mine!
Glad to see you're starting to feel a little better. Keep resting we hope you're all better soon.
Zoe, Indy, Georgia
Yes, you's keep resting. Come to our party tomorrow, but you can sit back an relax in a nice rocking chair on tha front porch, okay. It's a good napping place, too.
pee ess: Effurrybody, steel that graphic fur Mr. Hendrix and keep them super-purrs going fur him.
I'm so pleased you're feeling better. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to go to the movies!
Huffle Mawson
Hendrix we iz soooooo glad you are doing better ~ we iz sending you very many purrs and hoping you stay healthy and happy :)
Yes, still purring!
Thank you Bendrix for offering me refuge - I might just teleport over anyways when Karl comes home and finds out what I did and see how he reacts.... He might not get mad at all.... You never know....
Mrs. OZ
Don't miss my post tomorrow!
Glad you aren't sneezin' and snifflin' much any more at all! Dat's no fun. We like to scritches and scratches too, but Colby still doesn't like to be picked up much!
Keep getting better my friend!
I hope Hendrix feels better soon.
Thank you so much for your kind words this past week.
Mommy Bean Laure
i hope u get better soon and come to see us all be a ggod boy and sleep a lot it good for du
I'm glad you're feeling a little bit better, Hendrix!
Happy to hear you're perkin' up a bit. I'm still sending good kitty karma your way.
Hey, Hendrix! I'm so glad you're startin' to feel better, buddy. You keep restin' and when you feel that loose stool comin' on, try to place it with maximum effect..a little of the ol' Bendrix, eh? Take care, my friend!
PS-hope your mom's snoot is doin' okay, too!
I'm very happy to hear that you are feeling a little better. I hate to hear that my friends are ill. Get all better for us.
I still need to post that awesome award you gave me, I'll get on it.
Oh we're glad you're starting to feel better. That's great :)
You'd better keep sleeping it off, bro. Not too many 'tail on fire' runs, please! Not till you're all better.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you feel better!! Must be the cool drugs,heehee
Nothing like having Mom around to make ya feel good :)
Purrs Mickey
So glad you are feeling better Mr. Hendrix and that your Mom got to stay home with you! (((((((((((hugs and get well fast))))))!
Your FL furiends,
Glad you are feeling better. We'll keep purring and praying for you.
Glad to see you're doing a bit better. Keep resting, and we'll keep sending good thoughts and purrs.
What a cool card! You deserve it Mr. Hendrix!
Hope you continue to feel better.
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! We all hope you're back healthy again soon.
Thanks for entering the blanket raffle! Good luck! -Percy
We hopes you start feelin better, Hendrix and Bendrix.
We hope you feel better soon. Purrs and hugs.
Yaffa & Sebastian
Seems like the medicine is helping. Turned you into a snuggle bunny, eh?
love & wags,
Glad that u have no more sniffles, Mr. Hendrix. Now we wait for the poops to come...
Enjoy ur snuggles!
Glad to hear you are on the mend.
Simba x
So glad to hear you are on the mend, my friend.
Sorry about the poops not coming yet. They may not come, you have to be prepared for that.
purrs Goldie
Very glad you are still resting and snuggling, but perking up a bit too Hendrix. Hope you are completely better very soon.
Purrs and hugs from me.
I iz soo happies dat yoo iz feelin better. Mommie an I hav been finkin bowt yoo evar sinse we herds yoo wazna feelins gud. I iz gwad yur sneezies hav stopped an yoo iz gettin lotsa lurves. Donna wurry, bendriz will furgive yoo cuz yur siks. Hehe.
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