The Akers family are more than deserving. The 2 daughters Brooke (7 yrs) & Faith (4 yrs) have spinal musculra atrophy. Their 10 year old son has Crohn's disease. They home they had before was 2 story and most areas were inaccessible to the girls.

The family applied to Extreme Makeover before but didn't hear back so local people and businesses begain a community effort to raise $300,000 ot build a new house. They had collected $54,000 when Extreme Makeover chose them. The show received over 25,000 letters - more than any other family is the show's history.

The family returns on Thursday to "Move That Bus!" and the show will air as the second in the fall season.
The pictures above were taken by mommy's friend Sat. Ty Pennington is in the green shirt. Mommy got to go last night. These are her pictures. See how much they've done!
I was confused at first cause I recognized that Bobcat as the one Sassy Cat sent me to help trash my house. It is nice it is used to build a house after trashing mine so well! That was a great party.

round the clock volunteers
And for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me helping mommy select a pen for scrapbooking. Yuuuuuuuuuuuumy
She says I'm her muse!
What a great program, building the home for your neighbors!
And good job helping your mom select a pen.
Thanks for stopping by and reading our review. Luna did enjoy the book as well, though I think prefers being an only cat.
Mom can't watch that show without crying! Great job helping your Mom, Mr. Hendrix!
You must be very proud to have such a great project happening in your very neighbourhood!
And you're obviously an invaluable scrapbooking assistant!
How exciting to get to watch the house building in your very own neighborhood!
That's my mom's favorite show! How cool that you have an episode right where you live. We'll be sure to watch it. Good job choosing pens!
love & wags,
If yoo is dat close, yoo gotta git a meggafone and meow at Ty!
I don't know this program but we have something similar in German TV too. It's so exciting they are in your town!
Wow, Mr. Hendrix, you've become a celebrity town. That's cool.
I like your cold box meme and your new bed looks very springy. I bet Bendrix and me could have a really good time on that thing.
Your bud, Mike
Gretchen says hi, too.
That sounds very cool. Mom drools over Ty. It gets a little gross at times - mol.
Did your mom say you were her muse, or amusing?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Cool! We like to watch that show.
Oh wowie, that's furry ecksiting! What a wunnerful thing fur your neighbors.
And you didded a great job pickin out a pen fur yur Momma! I like to pick out pens fur Momma too, but I don't usually give 'em right to her. I whap 'em on the floor instead! hehehe
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
How 'citing! Our Lady has a tendency to leak from the face when she watches that show. That means it's a good one!
WOW!!! How awesome is that!! It's fun to watch a house getting built!! That will be so cool for those beans!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's cool that you help your Mom scratbook :)
Purrs Mickey
Wow! That is great that they could help that family! Ty is wonderful!
You are a great help Mr. Hendrix and we hope the snot is all gone from your fur!
Your FL furiends,
Wow, lots of excitement. Mum likes to see all of the fancy stuff they put in the houses. They are to announce a new Whiskersoncin family soon.
That sounds pretty exciting, but still I don't think as exciting as helping your mom pick out pens!
(Oh, and sorry about the little episode on Saturday. I know how you feel. That happened to me once when my mom had a cold, and although she tried to clean it off, I just had to run away! It was pretty gross.)
That is the neatest thing. I know that family is gonna be so thankful to have a house the kids can really live in..and the parents won't have to do so much carryin' up and down the stairs.
You're an a-musing muse, Mr. Hendrix!
WOW, that is so great! What a deserving family and how cool your mombean got to see Ty in person! He is so cool!
OMDawg! How totally cool is all of that???? And you got to actually see Ty up close and efurrything?
Luf, Us
Oh, mom loves dat show and so does dad. Sometimes tho, they wonder about stuff like how much more dem beans property taxes and utility bills is gonna be...and sometimes dey wonder why dey chose certain beans and not others who were more in need. It's cool dat yoor mom got to see dem bilding da house...
That is very neat watching build the house~!!!! Very neat!
And I think you are doing great job picking pen,
that is very very difficult for me!
This is soooo exciting!!! What a great thing, we are very happy for your neighbors that they were chosen.
Maybe we can organize a housewarming party....? ANY excuse to party, hahahahahaha
Wow, very cool! :) What a deserving family. :)
wonderful! peoples are so gibbing!! Yer a purdy cat, you looks dust like ANGEL!
Mama says to say she is working on bloggie tempt plates and you can email her if you wants to at prairiesunshine at we'll see if she can make some rocks that roll for you....
n angel too!
Wow!! That is super duper exciting!! That show always has the PM blubbering like a baby!!
Just don't let Bendrix anywhere near it!!!!
purrs Goldie
How exciting, go and put your paw prints somewhere.
Simba x
What a great thing for that family. It sounds like they really need the help.
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