Well, this is how I spend yesterday. Resting. I didn't even feel like jumping on the couch until after 4:00pm! Usually that is the only place I like to nap when mommy is home. I only sneezed a little yesterday afternoon, so resting and is helping. I didn't sleep with my beans last night and that kept mommy from sleeping good too cause she kept checking on me.
Mommy is working from home today and hopefully I'll perk up more. She also turned the air conditioner cooler today to make sure I'm not warm. I am eating OK today so that is good. No loose stool yet either, rats. Maybe later today.
I'm still not sleeping on the sofa, just the floor, but mommy says I look comfy and the fan blows on me so that may be why.
Thank you all for your good healing thoughts! I'm sure they are working. We love all our friends for caring!
We're sorry you're still not feeling well. It's good that you're getting some rest, and that your mom is able to stay home with you.
We're sending you lots of good thoughts and purrs.
Dood. No loose stool, ok? Hang in there, and you'll get better soon.
Luf, Us
we are still purring for you!!
Its nice your mom is around but tell her not to get too freaked out because you know how they get over worried and start poking when all you want to do is sleep.
Plain yogurt is good for da loose poopies when on nasty pills mom says.
Laila and Minchie
we're glad yur resting an getting better, but you gotta do at least one you-know-what, just for fun.
Sleep is good. Yup, I bet the cool air feels good. How's Bendrix feelin? It's hard to imagine Bendrix not bouncin off the walls an whappin shtuff.
I just read about you poor baby
Mr. Hendrix, so sorry you are feeling
under the weather. We hope you are
on the road to feeling better!
Many Get Well Purrs! :)
Your Friends, Spooky,Daisy,Aniwa,
Shadow & Jewelgirl too!
Hope you feel better soon!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Just checking in to see how you are today.
I am glad you are getting some rest - with rest and the healing purrs from all us kitties I am sure you will feel better very soon.
Hellie laughed and laughed and laughed when you said you are hoping for loose stools soon - Bendrix is her hero and she loves getting good ideas from him.
Feel better sweet freind.
I hope you Mum is feeling better too!
We hope all this rest will help you feel better fast. Get well, Mr. H.
We hope you feel better soon. Purrrr.
Getting lots of good rest is a very good idea!
UGH! You gots a bug - we know that is no fun! Git better soon dood!
We sure hope you get to feeling better real soon. Being sick is no fun.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Hi Mr. Hendrix! I am so sorry to learn that you have been unwell but glad that by the time I learned it you are on your way back to perfect!
I did not know you have FIV. So that is why you have to be an only cat?
I remember when I met you I was so skinny and little. HA. I think I may be bigger than you now!
Feel all perfect soon.
we's just checkin' in to see how today is . . . bless you both, h & b!! get well soon!
aww, ptooey! that Non E Mouse above was us--the meowers!!
Sometimes the floor is just cooler than the couch - I love the floor in summer!
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better - but keep at it ok?!
Lots more purrs for you today, Mr. Hendrix. I think resting will help you a lot to get all better.
Hope you get well soon, you look good which is half the battle.
We're still purring and purraying for you. Good job on not sleeping with your mom. That always freaks them out. heh heh
PS - When we had our "loose stools" we got a teaspoon of plain old vanilla yogurt just about every day. The V-E-T said that it would introduce good bacteria into our GI tracts. I don't know if it did or not, but it tasted pretty good.
Big huggies, Mr. Hendrix! We Ballicai are purrin and purrin fur you to feel bettur furry soon! Keep gettin lots of good rest, and we're so glad yur Momma's home to look aftur you.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Sometimes the floor is just more comfy!
I hope you get better better better!
Laying on da floor wif da A/C and fan on is good when it is furry hot and yoo don't feel good. Hopefully da medisin will make yoo feel lots better real fast. Speedy sez yoo really don't want skwishy poops, he's had dem all his life and hasta get his butt washed every time he goes.
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