PS Bendrix and I are very cheezed off and sad about snarky remarks being made to Robyn, DKM, ML and Deb. Please don't do that, they work very hard and provide and important service for us with the Cat Blogosphere. Remember, before sending an unpleasent email, that we don't always know the entire story behind things and it is easy to misunderstand things in writing.
We want to thank them very much for all they do.
After rallying and doing well for the last week and a half, our buddy Mu Shue Pooh King Cat was helped to the Bridge yesterday. We will always have a place in our hearts for our beloved friend. He helped us see what a great place the blogosphere is. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mama Laura, the twins, Lilly Lu & Iris.
Man, I never know what's going on...
Didja kill what was on the end of that string? Was it edible?
Thanks for the purrs, prayers and support. Kon is feeling less nervous with all the visits:)
Right on, brother! Hey, I think my all-time favourite toy is my shoelace, which Kate and I use in a game we like to call 'stringplay'. That shoelace drives me nuts sometimes!
STRING! ::butt wiggle::
O, sorry, gotted distracted. Mr. Hendrix, you is rite. We luv the CB an sumtimes furget all the werk that goes into it. No one should be werkin themselves sick fur it! Der is sum MEAN beans out there, but I hope werds of appreciation frum the rest of us can drown out the bad fings frum a few. Hugs an purrs an fanks,
Victor Tabbycat an Tabbymom Jen
SnowForest human here ~ thank you so much guys for your kind words of support after the recent loss of our dear Forest ~ we really value your comments and greatly appreciate your visits to our bloggie ~ sending many chin scritches to Hendrix (and of course Bendrix!)
Hendrix we don't know why but every time we see you absorbed in something ~ it brings a smile to our face ~ you have a lot of purrsonality and you always seem to be up to something..or maybe it is Bendrix..anyways it is lots of fun watching you play..
Looks like you are having fun.
We love the CB too. We don't understand who would be so mean to the great ladies who work so hard.
That wooks wike fun!
MR HENDRIX i found and u ar now on your list the bean dont know how to spell lol so here did not put the all the words HER is on her goin hehehe O he so cute and then her come over and sques us and sey JUST love the babys her is nut MUS
U lookz like u habin good timez, Mr. Hendrix! I likez dat! OK?
MY hoomin sayz it aint nice to sayz nassy wordz to hoomins or kitty katz. It aint eben nice to sayz nassy wordz to doggiez! OK? (But sometimez I doez spitz at doggiez. OK?)
u can't go wrong with strings, Mr. Hendrix!
Thanks for the kind words. Mommy appreciates them! Did you get that string???
Perhaps Bendrix could have a chat with those who were being mean...
My favorite thing ever is Almost Dad's shoelaces!!!!
People are being snarky to our wonderful people? Wow. How can anyone be mean to anyone from the CB? The mind boggles.
~Tybalt's mommy
I never knew string could be so much fun.
Simba x
Strings do make great toys, do they not :)
Yup, string is the very best, we certainly love to play wif it. We agree that those snarky comments are not nice at all.
Oh ya, strings are sooo much fun to play with :-)
I love playing with strings too!!
Love Clover xo
I cannot even imagine any cats that we know being mean. It is very confusing and puzzling. Let's just play with strings and have FUN!
Oooo string is fun!
Does bein cheezed off mean yoo gets to eat cheez? Mini n Boni n Pepi n Gree all love Cheez!
Gotta laff so we don't cry. Fanks tho :)
who on earth has been leaving snarky remarks? Point them in my direction - I shall siamese cat kung fu them!
Love the photos my friend but I can't help but think you need a sibling to torment! x
That looked like fun,that think you tried to hide under your Boogie mat!!!!
I cannot believe a member of the CB could be so mean!!! I visited Brownie the Hampster on Sunday and someone left a comment that said "Get off the cat blogosphere!"
I told Brownie it was rude and to delete the remark! Naturally it was from 'anonymous" Cowards!!!
I wish mean people would go away!!!! Purrs for brave muShue too!!
Purrs Mickey
That looks like a fun toy. So sorry to hear about Mu Shue....
Yeah, what you said Hendrix! Oh and get the string :-)
That string does look like fun...but...if the string is your second favorite thing...what is your first favorite?
It's not nice for people to say not nice things to other people...period!
We never understood really what was happening there at the CB - but we love the CB and very much appreciate all the hard work that goes in there - not by itself but by hard working humans like Robyn, ML, Deb and DMK!
We hope things will work out and no one will leave any bad remarks in the future. And if - I suggest we heed Yao-Lin's advice and send the perpetrator in his direction, hahahahahahahah!
Hi, Thanks for your comments, my woofie likes to dig to China too! She also thinks she can walk herself by excaping through the big screen door! My Mom bean always catches her though!!
Miss Henry
Well, we don't know what's going on with cheesy remarks. We're just hanging out here in Texasssssss sweating our buns off. We hope your Mom gets some good medicine to help her feel better.
Luf, Us
Yes, it is very sad that Mu Shue had to go to the Bridge. He was an amazing kitty friend.
I'm glad you have a string toy, too, Mr. H!! Strings are awesome.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi Mr. Hendrix. I like string toys too.
Purrs, Halloween
Really Hendrix, we can't beleeve dat wif all da work Mom Robyn, Deb, ML and Michele did just so we could haf a place to go dat someone would say mean stuff. What's da matter wif dem? Yoor string look furry fun.
Well said Mr. Hendrix, and Bendrix! Mean People suck!
You look like you are having lots of fun with your string. We hope you killed it many times.
We will miss Mu Shue.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I am so happy you are having a good time playing!
Great photos. String does make one of the best ever toys.
That string toy looks like a lot of it tied to somethin'? I need one o' those, too! Hey, I could drag that up to mom on the bed and she could play with me! I need me a string!
I luff the CB. I luff all the kitties and woofies and hammies and buns..and the ladies who work so hard deserve our respect and appreciation, if nothing else. But, I luff them, too!
String is a wonderful toy! Shoelaces are great, too.
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