My best love conquor story was years ago when I first got rescued. I was rescued late on a Wednesday and Thursday night my beans took me to the VET for the first time. That is when they found out I have FIV. My daddy is really allergic to cats but since he loved me right away, he agreed I should stay with them and be an indoor only kitty.
BUT, he made some rules. I would not be allowed on the sofas or on the big bed in their room (and should have limited time in the bedroom to keep the allergies down).
Well, I was rescued on November 4, 2004, and by Dec. 20th was allowed on the sofas. I just had to wear them down! ha ha ha
Daddy is such a softy. I have a picture but our scanner is down and that was before mommy got a digital camera.
As quickly as I was allowed on the sofas, the bed took lots longer. I was NOT allowed in the bedroom and on the bed until May 2005. That day I was really sick and had spent days at the VET with a terrible IBD flair up - my first -and was just miserable.
I'd been put on IVs and gotten shots and poked and temps taken and everything. When mommy brought me home, I made a beeline for the bedroom and hopped up on the bed. She pretended she didn't see me so she wouldn't have to shoo me off.
When daddy got home from work mommy said "be sure to pretend you don't see him so we don't have to shoo him off. He's had such a long day." Instead, daddy laid down with me and we napped together. I've been allowed on the bed ever since!
These are two of mommy's favorite pictures of us.
I hope you enjoyed my story!
AW, you are one lucky kitty to have found your mum and dad like that!
Huffle Mawson
Mr. Hendrix, we saw that story over at Vampy Vics and loved it. The pictures make it that much better. We are so glad you rescued your mom and dad from a life without kitties.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
It's a beautiful story. You know what, my Nick is allergic to cats, too. His allergies have eased in the six years that we've lived together. Technically, I'm not supposed to sleep on his side of the bed, but my fur doesn't obey those kinds of rules, and neither do I!!!
Mr. Hendrix, that is lovely:) I wasn't allowed on the bed either when I first moved in. By the time Suey came home three weeks later, daddy would come looking for me if I wasn't there!:)
It is also a good idea to rule with an iron paw alongside head nuzzles- keep the minions guessing, I say;)
lov it love it a real love story
Further proof that all we need is love.
We love those bliss the two of you sleeping together like that. We love your story.
We really enjoyed your story Mr. Hendrix! We can see why those two pics are your mommy's favorite, they are just precious!!
~The Creek Cats~
P.S. Cal is having an IBD flare up and it's using up all the lady's paper towels. Please purr that he gets better soon!
Hahaha ! that's typical cat. First the kitchen door, then the kitchen, then the carpet in the living room, then the armchairs and the sofa and then ALL the beds available, there is no spot in the house which a cat wouldn't take over ! (slowly, slowly, they are never in a hurry)
Good for you, Hendrix. You took over the house in no time and showed them who's boss!!
That's the same way I nap with my Dad.
We think that is such a great story! Your dad is a furry special guy!
Oh you are so lucky Hendrix!
What a sweet story. I'm so glad your Dad is able to nap with you. I think having you around must have helped his allergies ease up.
Have a great weekend!
Whicky Wuudler
Oh, Mr. Hendrix, we all have tears of joy in our eyes right now. Binky Baby, Mom's black beauty who came before us, was also FIV and very spoilt too. You are such a sweetheart!
You are a wonderfully loved Man Cat, Mr. Hendrix!
Wow, that's cool. It's good that your daddy got over his allergies to you.
I have given you an award. Come over to my blog to pick it up!
Ah Mr. Hendrix, that is a very beautiful love story!
Mr Hendrix
Momma said to tell you after the day she has had she was delighted to read your love connection story and how it warmed her heart...
That is a wonderful story (except for the part about you being so sick). What sweet pictures of you and your Daddy.
Awwwww, that is a sweet story Hendrix. I sleep like that with my dad sometimes too.
Hahaha, our dad's like dat too. He yells and "lays down da law" and den he is da first to break it. We can see in dem pikshers dat yoo forced yoor dad into loving yoo...hehehe
You and your daddy look so cozy and comfy napping together. I'm glad that you finally wore them down and have stuff the way it should be!
Well that is the sweetest story ever! I converted my Daddy to a cat person too.
Ohh Mr Hendrix I just loved loved your story even better with the pictures!!!You can see all the love on your Daddas face and feeling a big radiating ball of love around you both!
Thank you so much for sharing one of your love stories!! :))
I can not get enough!!
PES: My Momma (can you believe) gets all allergic to us too.. some days are bad and she takes a Zyrtec but most times she is ok, she just makes sure the house is extra clean all the time, and we bought a Dyson :p hehe
Heh....way to wear them down! When the People first got the Cat Who Came Before Me the Man tried making rules like that, too, but the Woman just laughed and said "Just TRY to keep her off the counters..." Now he realizes everything in the house belongs to the cats.
That was a great story and we love love love those pictures of you and your daddy! (My mom was all squee! again.)
And thank you so much for the card! (I was so excited to get mail addressed to me that wasn't from the cat fix-it place!)
There is a new hoooman sukhker born evFURRY minute!
Peace and love,
That's a wonderful love story, Mr. Hendrix. I like how your Dad gave in to your sleeping on the bed when you were so sick. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card.
Love conquer all Mr Hendrix.
We got your lovely card today. Thank you very much :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
I Love those two pictures. Daddy's are the BEST!! moms never have time to lay around but my dad sure does!
this is a wonnnnnderful story too
purrrs for a happy week-end
Thas such a sweet picture and a really sweet story.
Hi Mr Hendrix...
just to let you know to check your email box cause Maggy and Zoey have sent something special to you.
Merry Christmas
from Zoolatry.
Moew Meow Mr Hendrix
You and your Daddy look so beautiful sleeping together! We are glad you get to sleep together!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
That was a GREAT story!!!! You are REALLY lucky to have found such wonderful humans! A friend of our staff is allergic to cats so he takes shots so he can have some, hahahahahahahahaha!
Don't miss the next CCSI episode!!! The first part will air tomorrow, see you there!
By the way: we are allowed EVERYWHERE, there wasn't even a discussion. EVER! Hahahahahahaha
That's gweat!
Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!
aaw Mr Hendrix it kinds of makes up for being an ill pussycat when you gets to snuggle with your daddy like that! I should know cos I have free-range for all sorts of cuddling since I got the evil dia-bete-es.
And thanks very much too for your wonderfurr Christmas card ! My mummy was very over-excited when she opened it.
With love & purrs,
from Mr Woo x
AW! Hendrix, that is so sweet. Those pictures remind me of me and my daddy, I love napping with him!
Love Clover xo
We love that story! You look so cute on the bed too.
Ooohh, Hendrix I never knew you were sick. You are such a sweetie boy, and those pictures of you snoozing away with your Daddy are sweet as sugar.
You are such a lucky boy that you ahve two caring beans who love you so much. Arent beans great?
Theodore and Sasha
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