I got some very nice, but practical gifts for Christmas, catgrass and nip being 2. Even a pack of soft bitey mice (my beans cut back this year on "us" cause our families are so big). I did get one fantastic gift from Santa for sure. Check it out!!! I love love love my tent. Mancats love camping (inside my nice warm dry house of course) and we need tents for that.
House Panthers are very photogenic. When we want to be of course. Here my beans tried to be as good looking as us House Panthers with their dressy black shirts on. I decided to not give them a decent shot.
I like to think of this shot as Christmas Day BEFORE
This shot is Christmas Day AFTER. ha ha ha Oh yeah. After.
Mommy works tomorrow and Tuesday, but both my beans are off Wednesday and Thursday.
My beans are having a New Year's Eve party and after having both home on Thursday, mommy and I will be home on Friday with me. Finally! A day alone with my mommy.
BTW, believe it or not Christmas Day was 68 degrees! So, even tho I was abandoned all day by my beans, I was comforted by a nice warm sunbeam.
Thank you all for sending healing thoughts to my sweet ladycat Brandi's mommy. I don't have any updates yet, but will let you know as soon as I do. purrs
Oh yea you got a very nice present there, we love ours too. We are glad you get to spend time alone with your mommy, we like when we can do that too. We hope you and your beans have a purrfect New Year.
Hendrix, we are so happy glad and thrilled that you finally got your tent!!!!!! Please tell your Mom and Dad thank you for us for finally fulfilling your camping dreams ... hee hee! Can we come there and camp with you?
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Merry late Christmas, hope it was a happy one, and Happy early New Year!!!!
Glad you liked CCSI IV!
I love your tent, Hendrix! It is very cool. I would have asked for one from Santa but I know I would have never gotten the chance to use it! Sometimes sharing is for the birds!
It's been very cold here! Yesterday it never got out of the 20s and the wind chill made it seem about 5. I was so so glad we're all indoor kids!
Ahhhh, sunbeams.
Looks like you had a good time at Christmas, and you deserve to get some time off. Happy 2009 to all of you!
It sounds like you got some nice gifts for Christmas. We are glad that you get to stay home with your mama for a few days. That sounds nice. That was a nice picture of your family. Bendrix looked like he was having fun in the picture too.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Sweet tent, Dooood! All you need now is a fire and shrimp on a stick to BBQ! MMmmm...shrimmmmmmp....
Oh we love the tent! You're so lucky :) Wow - you must have been really good last year. Hmm...
Tents? Where do you get those? I totally need one.
Huffle Mawson
awwww you look so very content in your beautiful sunbeams :) I bet your Momma and dadda asked it specially to shine in on you to watch over you :)
That is an extra lovely picture of your beautiful little family :)))
You all are so sweet and genuine :)
A tent? You got a tent!!!
Glad to see you had a great Christmas with added beams!
Purrs Goldie
Hi Hendrix! That's a great tent you got there! And if you think all the excitement is over...wait til that New Years Eve party!
pee ess. we think you gave your beans a decent shot! Nice family pic!
Great tent, Hendrix!! Looks like you all had a great Christmas! We just love the family photo!
We have no sunbeams to lay in today.....it is rainy and dreary here.
great tent!! you are right, we mancats need great tents for camping.
What a lovely present you have. I have been forbidden a tent as they take up too much space--can you imagine? Sigh.
You are a lucky cat. I hope your holiday was as wonderful as it looked!
Sunbeams are awesome! We do not ever use our cube, which is very similar to your tent. We do keep our mousies and Nip Ravioli in there for safe-keeping, though.
Mom says your Mom's shoes are hurting her back just looking at them!
TENT! TENT! Time for Tent Waaaaarrrrrsss!
I like your family portrait.
Tents rock! I got one for my birthday last year and it changed my life. That is a sweet picture of you and your family. Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas.
Oooooooooooooooo!!!! That is a pawsome tent!!!!! You look good in it too ;)
I am happy you will get some Mom time and also that you have a nice sunbeam!! It rained Christmas morning,then the sun came out :)
Purrs Mickey
You got a very nice tent, Hendrix. I am glad that you had a sunbeam to relax in while your folks were gone.
That is a super dooper tent you've got yourself there. What a lucky mancat you are, dude!
Awesome tent, and nice family photo.
Have a wonderful party and a great New Year.
That's a pawsome tent!
We get to snuggle with Mama after her 2nd day hunting tonight! yay!
Thanks for keeping us company. Mama still hurties a lot and is sleeping a lot, and she hasn't been able to sit at the puter. And she was running a low grade fever. So she is getting better very slowly.
gotta go. mama has been sitting in this chair for like 5 minutes and is beginning to hurtie.
She's been told to walk a lot, and yea, that doesn't hurt as much.
Love, my sweet Hendrix,
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