I can't wait until tonight either. Mommy gets to come home early and we're going to eat pizza, I requested ham, watch funny Christmas movies like Scrooged and Garfield's Christmas and relax before my beans embark on 3 days of crazy running.
Since daddy has been off since last week (he is off until Jan 2) we've been hanging out and Mancatting about. We've watched manly movies like Blazing Saddles and Stripes and played Wii games. It has been pawsome.
Mommy has been soooo tired. She works in retail both as a "retail specialist" and "marketing manager" so she is doubly tired and her back is hurty (she had back surgeree years ago and has sciatica and burr-sites too) so daddy and I decided to do something nice.
Daddy brought up the heater from the Mancave to make the bedroom nice and warm, and brought in a TV and DVD player so mommy could relax and watch Psych on DVD. If any of you haven't seen this show you should watch it as soon as it starts on January 9th. The episode mommy chose to watch is from the first season and it is called "Nine Lives" and stars the amazing "Little Boy Cat." This episode alone is worth buying the whole season one set. This is my favorite because the "Little Boy Cat" is the hero!
I'd also like to thank all my friends who sent me Holiday Cards this year. I have 48 as of Christmas Eve Eve. I can't wait until mommy gets home and brings in the mail to see if I get more.
The cards on these swags are ALL MINE! That is right, mommy and daddy only got 11 cards and those fit on the piano. Mine needed a special place. Everyone who comes over is totally impressed I have so many friends. Bendrix is so happy some people even included him! I think that will make Santa realize he may not be all bad....
I'd also like to thank all my friends who sent me special thoughts this holiday season. Those are just as important and treasured as any card. Purrrrrrrs
I would trade in all the gifts I asked Santa for if only my friends could get healthy, their beans could be healthy and have green papers and especially that Jeter come inside in his warm loving home. Purrrrrrrrs
I hope to see all my friends at the Hotties Christmas Eve party tonight!
Hendrix, I have a special card for you but don't have your e-mail address! It would bum me out if I couldn't send my secret twin a card, so let me know--wmthecat AT netscape DOT net
Mmmm, pizza!
Wow, look at all the cards! Happy holidays.
Awww your poor Momma, Christmas in re- tales AND a bad back?!?!
I meanz re attaching all those dropped off tails must be very hard work let alone agony on hers back. It was very very sweet what you and your Dadda did for your Momma, I can see why she loves you both so much :)
Seriously though, I hope your Momma gets to have a relax and let her back feel better and also you all have a very safe and happy Christmas
Hey Merry Christmas! Retail during Christmas is certainly deserving of some pampering.
We hope your mum's back feels better very soon.
We can't wait for tomorrow. It is so close, but seems so far away! Especially when Carols by Candlelight is on and your mum keeps grabbing you to dance with her. No respect!
Merry merry Christmas to you and your family:)
Wow, Mom never thought of hanging our cards like that! What a great idea!
Guess what? We are also having Pizza tonight! Woo Hoo!
We would gladly trade all our gifts for our friends health and safety, too!
Merry Christmas Eve, Hendrix!
What wonderful Christmas thoughts. I hope you have the best Christmas ever.
Happy hoilday Bentrix
Mr. Hendrix we wish you a very Merry Christmas and health and happiness in the coming year!
Merry Christmas!!! Your poor mom needs a rest it sounds like. Have a nice purr on her from us.
Those are wonderful cards! Mommy said she hopes to collect some green papers though the next year so she can send some Christmas cards too. You'll then be the first on our list. Thank you so much for your card!
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Hugs from Chica, Pumuckl & Ana
You have offered a purrfect trade of your gifts for wishes... we hope your wishes come true and you can also keep your gifts, because you deserve them.
Happy Christmas to you (and to Bendrix) and to your mom and dad...
and here's to a new year of many good things.
Maggy and Zoey and ANn
Sounds like you're having fun with your dad. And pizza tonight sounds a great holiday tradition. Gives us some ideas...
LOve what you did with all your cards! Very festive!
Have a wonderful Holiday and hopefully there is some relaxing time in there too!!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
The waiting is the hardest part!
You got a lot of Christmas cards, Hendrix...we got more than mom and dad too! hahaha!
We wish you and your beans a furry Merry Christmas!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Merry Christmas to you! We hope you pass a wonderfurr Christmas Eve and paceful Christmas day.
... and... a lot of gifts! Muahahaha!
Purrrrrs and hugs.
Feliz Navidad! Esperamos que pasen una Noche buena maravillosa y un pacífico día de Navidad.
Ronroneos y abrazos.
Mr Hendrix
We hopes you give your Mommie lotsa purrs and warm snuggles to make her feels better when she gets home from work. We hope you and your Mom and Dad have a furry Merry Christmas!
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
I am very excited about Santa Claws coming, too! Setting up a warm nest with the heater and TV and pizza sounds like a great way to spend the time until Santa gets here.
Happy Christmas Eve to you!
Merry Christmas to one of my favorite mancats!
We're going to do a lot of the same thing tonight, snack and watch great Christmas movies. It's gonna be awesome!
Then SANTA comes tomorrow!!!
Oh, no pizza for us tonight...we get prime rib...and we ALL get some! The thought of the cheese on pizza sounds incredible though. Merry Christmas to you all!
Cool you even got your human to display those cards!!!!
Merry Christmas!
Good Christmasses wishes Hendrix. We wish you andyour family a Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year
Happy HOWLidays!
My parents love psych too. It has been a great year getting to know you. Happiest of Holidays to all of you!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Criz & the J Family Kitties
Mewwy Chwistmas fwom us both! We've been doing a wittle teweporting awound since mine Mummy is not awound, and I think this will at weast stop That Thing fwom cwying for a while.
(nudges 'Oven) say something!
Oh...sniff sniff...Merry Christmas! sniff sniff...
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Your Daddy is being nice to your Mommy and we glad you getting to spend extra time with your Dad! Wishing a Merry Christmas
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
DOOOOD! Merry Christmas!
I got mail today! WOOHOO I'm FIRST! :) Thanks so much, I really like my ribbon and in the new house Im gonna make the Woman hang it up. So is Buddah! He feels extra special now!
Mr. Hendrix, That is a very nice wish. We wish all the kitties and humans would get well and everyone would have all they need.
Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays to you Mr. Hendrix and Bendrix too!
The Cat Realm
We hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!
You're so popular, Hendrix! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope that your mum gets a break once Christmas actually arrives. It's lovely that the men of the house look after their fair lady!
You and your daddy are so sweet to take the heater, TV, and DVD player to the bedroom so your mommy could relax after work. We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!
Hendrix, we want to wish you and your Mom and Dad a very Merry Christmas!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon, Momma and Daddy
Pee Ess ... we hope you got your tent!
Watching Psych with Mom and Dad in a warm bedroom ... great day!
Merry Christmas! We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
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