My beans had left the crackers on mommy's pretty glass cheese and cracker tray (no cheese tho - drat) on the counter. Well, Bendrix got up where we aren't allowed and started licking the salt off. Everytime he'd lick the platter would scoot. Mommy kinda woke up and said "Hey, what are you doing over there?" Then, CRASH! Yup, that platter scooted right off the counter...with a little help...and shattered all over the floor. Daddy heard it in the bedroom and both beans came running. By then I was hiding under the table like "Wasn't me".
There are no pictures because little shards of glass were everywhere and the beans needed to keep Bendrix from trying to get to the remaining crackers on the floor and clean up the mess (all while very "sleepy"). Mommy gave us a stern talking to and then we had to have our paws inspected. All clear, no cuts.
Don't worry, all was forgiven even tho mommy is sad about her pretty platter.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing. Football and naps with daddy. I hope this is what the rest of the year will be like.
I hope you all have a happy, healthy 2009! Bendrix likes Max's interpretation have "the happiest heathenist New Year." ha ha ha
Mommy is sad because her University of Cincinnati Bearcats lost last night, but she is very proud of them and can't wait for next season. Thanks for this good one guys!
I am worried because I have not heard from my dear Brandi and her mommy Carol. Does anyone have their phone number? My mommy's cell phone SIM card died last month and she lost all her saved numbers including that one.
On a very sad note, my dear friend Fat Cat Muffin's Grammy has passed away. He and his mommy were very close and lived together. Please keep them in your thougths and prayers.
RutRoh -
Me thinks some khytty needs to save their allowance to buy Mom a new platter!
That Bendrix is such a trouble-maker sometimes!!!
Happy New Year to all of you!
Heh heh. Serves Mom right for leaving a very nice platter with tasty crackers with salt on the counter. Yup. Stuff happens. Yup.
Luf, Us
That's sad about Fat Cat Muffin's granny. We hope Brandi's mom is okay!
When will humans learn that when they leave food out, we're just going to do whatever it takes to reach it. We hope your humans learned a lesson.
Thankfully, Jan is forgetful, so ....
Oh my. I hope the crackers were good.
Can she "duck tape" it back together? We here that is good stuff.
Bendrix, Bendrix, Bendrix...You are very lucky that your paws are OK and that you and Hendrix are so darn cute!
You did very well to keep Bendrix in line for so long over Christmas. It is understandable that he would break free for a moment at some point.
We love your card! You look like the benevolent ruler of the village:)
Wow! You created your own noise crackers in the house. I'm glad you weren't cut by the glass.
Happy New Year 2009!
The real important thing is, were the crackers tasty?
I hope Brandi's mom is ok. SOmetimes a person has to stay in the stabby place a little longer than expected if there's no one at home to take care of them. Maybe that's all it is.
Were dey ritz crackers? Sadie loves her ritz...yoo can go to and look Carol's number up...maybe she hadda stay at da hopspittal longer cuz she don't haf a helper at home, oh, if dat's da case hope some bean is taking care of Brani!
Hahahhah Mushka loves the crackers and CC's too!!
I can imagine Bendrix would have had to clean his nether parts after that big crash bam boo!! :)
I am happy that no-one was hurt, during or after... hehe
Hehe Bendrix can always be relied on for livening things up. It's lucky that your mum knows that you, Hendrix, is always good.
Bendrix! he iz always tryin ta git yoo in trouble!
It seems we are not the only ones making things go CRASH this week! We are very glad that no paws were harmed in Bendrix's latest adventure!
That Bendrix - he sure got the new year off to an exciting start! :)
Thank goodness no one was hurt! Great way to spend a day with your Dad!
I don't understand about liking salt--I'm a sugar dog myself. (well, uh, that sounded weird to me, too!). Glad Bendrix did not injure your paws. Happy New Year!
love & wags,
Naughty Bendrix! Poo-face Salvador did that with some biscuits last night but he didn't break the plate.
Huffle Mawson
Pssst Brandi has just posted. Get over there!
Those must have been some very salty and tasty crackers. We're glad Bendryx didn't get hurt. are you going to make up breaking your mom's pretty platter? :)
I'm finally back from rehab and blogging again. Happy new year.
Simba x
Clap. Clap. Clap.
Well done Bendrix. The only thing that would have made that better would have been doing it about 3 hours after the beans went to sleep.
Happy New Year to you all!!!
Way to go Bendrix ! Loving your work as always !
Purrs from Mr Woo xx
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