
Tip, Tail and Tummy

Hi all! Now it is back to me the way it should be.

Here is how my tummy looks when I play with my "da bird" feather toy. Nice isn't it?
Mommy says my tail is a "pigmy" tail because it is short and skinny.

I say it is still Mancat enough to whap her in the nose at 2:30am and that is the important thing.

Here are my ear tips. If you look closely at my left ear, you'll see a nick. This makes mommy sad because that means I got in a fight or got hurt when I was out in the mean world before I was rescued. Sometimes I get extra treats when she feels sad about it. Hey, I'm not above milking my injury. Personally, I think it makes me look bad a#s.


Ingrid said...

Don't worry the beauty is not in your tail but in your soul !

The Creek Cats said...

Mr. Hendrix, I too look like a bad a*s because of my notched ear from fights out in the wild. Aren't you glad we were both rescued and give loving homes!

Forever Foster said...

We think it's lucky you have the notch- it's a good reminder that Bendrix is there just below the surface, ready to wreak havoc ;)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH Georgia has one of those. The vet tech said she had probably been fixed as a feral cat at some point before we adopted her.

The Island Cats said...

Wow...we think your nicked ear is purrty cool...sort of a badge of courage...

Everycat said...

Looks like a fine tail to me Hendrix - most expressive too. Now I've got an ear notch from fighting during the sad days, and I am now gonna start milking it for treats so thanks for the idea dude.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

It's not the size of your tail but what you do with it!


Purrs, Goldie

Anonymous said...

Hendrix, Troo has a nick in his ear too! Yoo know what though, the mom never thinks to gives him extra treats. We is goin to has him try showin his ear more.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Wait a minute, Sugar Pie! I have notches on both my ears! I don't remember getting hurt. I just thought they were beauty marks. Hmmm. Think I could get mama to spoil me now? I mean even more than usual???

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, I haf no notch in my ear...how can I look like a bad a$$ mancat wifout it?~Speedy
Cool notch dude, we'd still think yoo were a mancat even wifout it. We'z glad it helps yoo get extra treats tho.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I thought it was part of your khat gang initiation?


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh I agree Hendrix!!!! You are a super,duper,woop de doo,Bad A$$ of a Mancat!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Cory said...

Oh wow...my Ginger sister is a bad a** too! I always thought she was a drama queen!

Pee Ess...da bird is my favorite toy!

Anonymous said...

Your ear nick is kind of like a scar on a human's face. Don't ever tell them how you got it. They'll think you got it in a duel or something romantic-sounding.

Ivan from WMD said...

Your poor ear...but I bet the other guy looked a whole lot worse!

P.S. Your tail is just perfect!

Quill and Greyson said...

Okay it's only a little hard to think of you as bad a*s when your heart tag is shining so bright. Maybe you need a bone shaped tag - keep em guessing.

Teddy Westlife said...

Mr Hendrix, if you show that last photo to the new baby when it gets there, it will be so afraid of you it will follow ALL of your rules!

Huffle Mawson

3 Cat Blog said...

Oh yeah, that's a total badge of honour on your ear. But if it helps you get extra treats ... go for it! ;)

Parker said...

It does make you look tough!

Anonymous said...

Hendrix you look very fierce with the nick in your ear! Very mancatly!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Hendrix, you are definitely one tough mancat!

To Hendrix's Mommy, I never noticed that nick on his ear before. Give that boy some more treats now! Poor guy.


Just Ducky said...

Isn't it Bendrix that is bad a$$?

Motor Home Cats said...

Your tummy is very nice. We are sorry that your ear is nicked too but milk your mom's sympathy for all its worth.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

What a handsome fella you are.

Thoughts said...

Mr Hendrix, our bean thinks bellies are the best part of kitties. We think your big belly is very manly and handsome.

Theodore and Sasha

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We love 'da bird' too, but when we play, my brother Ambrose grabs the string and won't let go until he chews through it. The last two we had lasted only about 30 minutes each. I have nicks in my ears too, and my mommy gets sad when she thinks about how it might have happened too.