I'm thinking that although Daisy got scr#wed (Bendrix's word) she is always going to be #1 in our book!! I know you all feel the same. I am pleased to say that my friend Simba King was also nominated for the award and got some votes.
I'm also thinking how much you'd have to hate someone you once loved so much to pull this sh*t. I mean, how sad and pathetic. "Husband Wants Kidney Back in Divorce"
You know, if I knew this guy, the only thing I'd have to say is "Lick This":
Oh, he can't be serious! That's awful. But you know who's not awful? Daisy! Ain't no one better in the WHOLE blogosphere. Except Bendrix, maybe...
Ditto on Daisy :)
Ditto on the STUPID husband!!!!
I have some really stinky poops he can have!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
It's a khrazy khrazy khrazy world...
Yay Daisy! we are proud of her. She slaves everyday on her blog and it shows! she is world renowned!
We love Daisy's!
Daisy would say that that husband was very rude.
Sometimes the beans can be so mean and stupid!
Oh we know Daisy is the best. Much better than that awful Penguin. And good job Simba too!
Huffle Mawson
Well said Bendrix!!
We think the real pet bloggers like Daisy and Simba did a great job, especially against such famous sites as Cheezeburger and Cute Overload. We were happy to see them representin'.
Your response to the husband was perfect.
Daisy is just great. She's such a good blogger and visitor.
Much love to you and your beans, Mr. Hendrix,
Lick this - hee! Good one!
P.S. We lurve Daisy!
We love Daisy!
Hahaha! You told him, Hendrix! We think that other word beginning with "s" must be Bendrix's too!
pee ess. we love Daisy!
Thanks, Hendrix! I feel like a winner because I have such wonderful friends like you and Bendrix. And congratulations to Simba King, too!
I read about that bad man wanting his kidney back. WTH. Both these things make me shake my head.
Daisy is #1 for us too!
Mama heard about that mean kidney guy. We're sure glad we aren't beans.
We'll happily come help with those birdies. Mama doesn't like 'em either.
Daisy rocks!
Everyone in the "real" cat blogosphere knows Daisy has the best blog, and we all love her!
Humans are very strange sometimes.
Simba x
Oh dat bean man has another fing comin! Yoo can't take back a gift, dats bein an indian giver!
That jerk is beyond comment. I can't think of anything as uncharitable as that. There are other words but I won't sully kitties ears with them.
Daisy is the best, as we all know!
Mr H, I can't click on your name on your comment to get to your blog. There is something wrong somewhere. anyone has the smae trouble?
HAHAHAHA,'lick this', love it.
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
We just can't believe that guy - How awful!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
How would he like it if his mom said "I gave you life, I want it back now"!
We think Daisy is the best of the vote bunch! We voted fer her ofte. We suspect some tricksie goin-ons with the votes though...
That guy is just stoooopid. Doesn't he know that possession is 9/10's of the law? And it's pretty safe to say that she is in possession.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hendrix, or Bendrix, or whoever stated that sentiment, we 100% agree with you.
And of course Daisy will always be #1 in our book as well!
Theodore and sasha
YES! Daisy is the best! That penguin person really needs a little help, ya know? Oh, and that guy who wants the kidney-possesion is 9/10ths..I'm just sayin'.
You're a wee bit Bendrix-y today, yah?
Hai Mr hendrix!! I am so sorry your buddy went to rainbow bridge...it is so sad to hear something like that...and also the guy who wants his kidney backz!! He is sucky!!
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