
Thanks on Thursday - Thirteen

I have lots to be thankful for today but I'll try to keep it to only 13.

1. That my woofie cousin Mason's lumpy lip is nothing. The VET removed it and said "don't think another thing of it."

2. My kitty cousin Echo is poopin', eatin' and playin' like a champ again. We think the stress of the week got to him. Thanks for all the tips on food and stuff. His blood tests showed no pancreatitis.

3. My G-Grandma is not in pain anymore and is reunited with loved ones who went before.

4. That daddy keeps mommy fed. A cranky pregnant woman is a scary thing and it is best to keep mommy full and happy.

5. That mommy still loves and adores me even tho she feels like crap and is tired. We still have play and snuggle time and she has yet to forget to feed me...or give my extra treats...

6. That daddy and I have a Mancave to escape to. I love mommy, but sometimes I just need to guy around you know?

7. That mommy hasn't kicked me off the bed eve tho space is at a minimum.

8. That when mommy gets up to eat in the night, she feeds me a little too!

9. That we got a couple of days of warm weather so I got to sniff thru the windows.

10. That I have so many good friends to purr and pray for my family when we need it. purrrrrrrs

11. My sweet lady cat Brandi!

12. Catnip, catnip, catnip, catnip

13. A full cabinet of stinky goodness and a full container of crunches!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think woo should have world on a string after reading THAT list!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You gots lots to be thankful for!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Aww that's a nice list Mr.Hendrix. I have an award for you
it's on my post for the day.


Motor Home Cats said...

That is a lot to be thankful for. We think you are a very lucky kitty.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade, and Gracie

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Oh, what a nice list.

Teddy Westlife said...

That is a good list and you do have a lot to be thankful for.

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

Mr. H. you are a very lucky and smart kitty!

The Meezers or Billy said...

those are wonderful things to be thankful for

quiltcat said...

Hi Mr Hendrix, thanks for visiting our bloggie. We are very sorry to hear about the passing of your great grandma, but thank goodness she is no longer in pain. We like your list of things to be thankful for and we bet you're a real comfort to your mommy, helping her have a snack when she gets up in the middle of the night.

The Creek Cats said...

Shew! We are so glad to hear the good news about Mason and Echo! We are still sending comforting vibes to your family.

The Island Cats said...

Hendrix...those are all wonderful things to be thankful for! We are 'specially happy to hear Mason's lump is nothing and Echo is doing good!!!

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix,
What a lovely list! It is so important to think of things you are thankful for, and you are really great at it!
Love Clover xo

Just Ducky said...

Yes, we all have lots and lots to be thankful for!

Quill and Greyson said...

That is an excellent list!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so many things to be thankfuls for! Purrs to you Mr. Hendrix.

meemsnyc said...

Oh Hendrix, that is such a great list!!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

That's a lot of good things to be thankful for! We hope your mommy is doing well!

Our snow melted some today, but even 16 degrees celcius can't do anything about snow drifts as tall as the Big One!

~Jack and Persephone

Thoughts said...

These are all great things Hendrix! We are so happy all your friends and family are healthy again, and we are glad you are taking good care of your Momma :)

Theodore and sasha

Sunny's Mommy said...

You have a lot to be thankful for, and that's always good!

Have a great weekend :-)

Mickey's Musings said...

Pawsome list Mr Hendrix!! Those are super things to be thankful about,especially midnight snacks ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Ivan from WMD said...

That's a great list, Hendrix! You're one lucky boy!

Anonymous said...

Yoo know when yer mom is tired, she should nap and yoo cud snuggle more wif her.

christy said...

we're late, but we wanted to say we're furry sorry about the passing of your great grandma!
and we're also furry glad you've got so much to be thankful for!

xo-pippin, turtle, & ava

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hi Hendrix.
I am so glad that everything is going smoothly for all of you. Mom says she always felt kinda crappy when she was pregnant too. There were a few days she felt sort of good, but mostly woozy and tired. I know your mom will have some good days. Tell her not to eat too much junk, it will just make her chubbs and then she will have to work it off after the baby comes and losing weight is a pain in the butt.

purrrrs to all of you

Anonymous said...

Mr Hendrix your whole week is just turned around!! I am so happy for all your thankful things...
My fave is the mancave though.. I want one! ;)

8GR8LOLCATS said...

It's nice when kitties are apPURReciative! There are lots of kitties who don't have such nice homes and PURRsons. Can't take our good fortune FUR granted... 8GR8CATS

muffinmidi said...

I'm so sorry about your great-grandmother. Your mommy really needs your purrs now.