But when they are home and I want to visit my blogging friends, all they do is this:
Do you think I'm an enabler??
I am very very sad that my friend Oreo went to the Bridge. He has been one of my friends for a long time and he will be missed. We are sending many purrs to his mommy Heather who must be very lonely and sad. We will think of our dear friend every time we go in the fridge where his magnet hangs.

I've been wondering about woo and yours!
Welkhome bakhk!
BTW, I think woo look like your mom!
Your beans sure went to a pretty place on their vacation. We love your little face peeking around in the photo with your mum:)
Welcome home!
You aren't the enabler! They are copycats! We too were sad to hear about Oreo!
Yes, you are an enabler. Get them MOVING!
It is very sad about Oreo!
Hey Mr Hendrix! My beans like to act like cats sometimes too! I think we rub off on them!
I have that problem with my humans too...
They obviously have to lie down a lot to store up energy for their holidays.
Wow, what a beautiful place your beans went to!!
We are so sorry to hear about Oreo! We didn't know him, but we are very sad for all of his family and friends who are left behind. We hope he and Cal have become great friends.
Dood, you need to sit by the computer; since they seem to be copying you, maybe they'll get the hint...
*sigh* It seems to be a bean issue wif bein lazy we fink!
PeeeeeeeeS: Do yoo use yer moms belleh fer a pillow? It looks like a good one - jus sayin.
Wow, your beans sure went to a beautious place, my bean is very jealous of yours!
Hendrix we heard about Oreo too and went and left our prayers for his family. Sorry you lost such a dear friend. We are sending warm thoughts and prayers your way too today!
Purrs and hugs,
Sasha and Theodore
Oh, Hendrix, what a riot! Thanks for the much-needed laugh after learning about Oreo.
Hi Hendrix! I am glad to see that you are doing well. Are you excited about the new itty bitty bean that will be coming? I sure would be.
I think all cats are enablers, my Mum says it is just so darn cozy to curl up with me that sometimes she just wants to lay around too : )
Good that your beans are home and safe. What a beautiful place they visited. Maybe you should let them rest for a while ;-)
We didn't know Oreo, but we read his mom's post - it made our Woman cry. It's so sad to miss friends that have gone to the bridge.
Beans are just strange. They go on vacation and don't vacation at all!!! They roam all over the place and wear themselves out, then come home and be lazy.
That first picture is so very pretty. Probably when they are at home, they just want to be close to you is all.
Looks like your beans had a good time! And we're sorry about your furiend Oreo...
Now you did it...now my mom and dad want to abandon me and go where your beans went...
You are quite the talented enabler...just look at your dad...the 2 of you look alike!
Sad ... about Oreo.
And get your mommy and the whole family moving! I am sure you all have a lot to catch up!
Mr. Hendrix, I'm sending my belated condolences for the loss of your furiend Oreo.
There is no accounting for the behavior of hoomans. My daddy lies on the bed fur hours playing compooter solitaire. Mommy says he is a couch potato, but I don't know what that means.
We are glad your mom and dad are back. It looks like your little brother is getting big. We like where they walked to on their vacation.
We were also very sad to hear about Oreo.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Sorry to hear about your friend. Looks like your humans need a nap.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hey Hendrix, I sure has missed you dood! Fanks fur tha furry kind werds. Momma purromised that her am gonna be stoppin by alla my furriends fur me so I'll be sendin you messages. Take care old furriend.
Give your mom a break, she is with child you know. Your Dad, I am not so sure!
Purrs Goldie
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