First I make sure I am nicely groomed. Then I try to look pathetic and lonely to tempt mommy to nap (usually doesn't work) and then I curl up to sleep. Today is a good day to have a nice warm snuggle to sleep with!
Tomorrow is mommy and daddy's first "baby instructions class. It is from 9 to 5. Can you believe it? Not only do beans need to take classes on taking care of a baby, something us kitties and the woofies know instinctively, but the little shrimp is also taking a whole Saturday from ME! A whole Saturday! I will need to mark this on his "con" list.
Daddy may be calling him "Mini Me" but I'm calling him "Number 2"
Poor Mr. Hendrix. We are so sorry that not only is your beauty sleep disturbed at night, but now you are going to miss a whole Mommy and Daddy day.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
How many classes do beans have to take take care of babies? That is kind of funny since we all do it just fine. We hope that you get lots of attention and cuddles after the class.
We hope your Mom and Dad learn more about taking care of babies than ours did. They came back from an all day class cursing about how they just paid for information they knew. Mom complained that they did a whole hour on the discomforts of pregnancy. She said she knew the discomforts. Make sure to give them lots of cuddles when they get home.
-Patches and Nemo
a whole day of baby classes sounds like a great fun party for expectant beans, but for you?... well, new toys are in order and perhaps tons of attention when they get home no matter how tired they are!
I say you hold your own party while your mom and dad are gone all day!
Oh Mr Hendrix! You will learn to love baby bean, too. That is a pretty afghan you are snuggled up to!
I'm sure he'll have more khons on his list befur he presents himself and REALLY intrudes on your naps!
Woo khould khome here!
It is windy out there now - why not take a leap and see!
I hate it when my sleep is disturbed. Sigh. I think it is very exciting that your beans are starting to get their classes in. I had no classes and just had to wing it!
oh no . it sounds like a bad time right now for the kitty. scream at em that you need affection too. youare always number 1 kitty!
Oh no, Mr. Hendrix! So sorry your mom and dad are going to be in class all day and not home waiting on you hand and paw! We know they'll make it up to you when they get home!
Hope your mommy feels better soon!
Oh my. That thing isn't even there yet and already is taking time from you! It seems to us they REALLY need to attend the class where they are taught to take proper care of their master, the cat!
You are really going to have to lay down the paw to this new baby when it arrives.
Huffle Mawson
"Number 2" MOL!
Silly Beans!!!
Hi Mr Hendrix!
Congrats on your baby boy bean. We are very sorry that your beans was gone all day today (saturday). Our meowmize and dadz had a 4 part class. We didn't finks much of it's seeing theres was only 2 hours long.
fanks fur the suggestion of the feliway. Meowmize has some laying around here some where. I finks she might try that and hopefully it will chill everyonez out.
It IS funny that they have to go to school to learn to have a baby and take care of it.I don't know what they're worried about, they've got you! You're gonna have to get them to make it up to ya, 'cause you were there first!
Well, hopefully the class is almost over today and you can snuggle up with someone soon!
I hope your weather warms up soon!
I'm sure your mom and dad will make it up to you for being away today. We hope your mom feels better soon.
Baby instrucshunz???? I hopes dey iz not written in a foren language. Dat would not be good. Da arbor dats da momee iz buildin' haz instrucshunz written in French! Good luck wit dat one I say!
I hopes you haz a wunderful Sunday. Tank you so much fur purrin' fur Auntie Stinkie. She iz reecovefurrin' & slowly gettin' back to her selfee, altho' dis mornin' she didz not takes her pillZ.
Dr Tweety
i think i wud also call him number 2! So many beans are haffin baybee beans. I dun unnerstands.
My poor sweetie! Come snuggle with me anytime. It snowed last night but it is already gone. Oh, and I forgot to tell you I love the picture of you looking manly out your door! My mama is going to be gone the Saturday after your Mommy and Daddy, so we can trade visits if you like.
I second Praline, you should hold a party while the beans are away at baby class...they'll never know...hehe!
A whole day to learn how to care for a blurpy?
Wow!! A whole Day!! No fun! We messed up and sent your March Swap to Mz. Allie Cat. She is going to send it to you when she gets it!! What can we say Mom is getting forgetful in her old age!! We just wnated to let you know that we didn't forget it!! It was 80+ here today!!
Your FL furiends,
and maverick
Hehe Hendrix! You are so funny as always. No. 2 was quite handsome you know - but of course he can't outdo your shiny furs and sleek looks! Purrs and hugs to you and your beans! They need your love and snoopervision right now. Take care :)
Hi Mr. Hendrix! We have had lots of chilly windy days here but some days it has already been in the 80s. I wish the weather would just decide to be good.
Are you looking forward to having a blurpy in your home? I am sure your mommy and daddy are happy but that does not give them a good excuse for leaving you alone all day!
It looks like Blogger is not going to find my old blog that disappeared so I finally have my new blog up. The URL is if you want to change it on your blogroll.
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