Happy Birthday America!!!
From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
1: the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c: the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerousd: ease, facility e: the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f: improper familiarity g: boldness of conception or execution h: unrestricted use
2 a: a political right b: franchise, privilege
1: not dependent: as a (1): not subject to control by others : self-governing (2): not affiliated with a larger controlling unit From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
1: the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c: the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous
2 a: a political right b: franchise, privilege

We honor the brave men and women who over the history of America have protected our freedoms.
It has been a rough few years for the USA and mommy and I thought we could all use a laugh. We think the following is appropriate...
Mommy is finished with work and we are going to try very hard to visit all our friends this coming week before #2 comes. Mommy is feeling very heavy, tired and hot so daddy and I are spending lotsa time making her feel better. Only 6 days left!!!
Have a safe and happy Independence Day weekend!
I hope the fireworks don't make some khytten khome sooner rather than later!
Have a great safe and fun weekend!
Happy 4th of July!!! We think Independence Day is an appropriate holiday for us cats!
Watch out for the boomers!
Hi Hendrix!
Happy Independence Day to you and your family!! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
Happy Fourth of July!
Gotta love Leslie Nielsen!
Happy 4th of July weekend to you and your beans!
Oh goodness! We'll be back on the 10th for the little one!
Luf, Us
Happy Independance Day! We hope you and your humans enjoy a lovely relaxing time in the lead up to #2's arrival :)
Oh boy, have a great independence day and enjoy da week wif yoor mom!
Happy 4th!! Only 6 days!
Happy 4th of July! This is sure an exciting time for your family!
We hope you have a very safe 4th of July. Stay cool and keep your mom company until #2 arrives.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy 4th to you!
I hope it's a peaceful 6 days Mr Hendrix.
Huffle Mawson
Happy 4th Mr. H. Enjoy your time with Mom and Dad this week - things are going to be different before you know it!#2 is going to be lucky to have a big brother like you!
Oh, Mombean can smypathize. Lots of ice cream, iced tea, pillows and a purring mancat helps.
(And she says something about reminding her about how hard it is to grow one of those blurpy things too.)
Happy 4th to one and all.
Happy 4th of July to you guys as well! We are so excited for the blurpy bithday!! Mommy says we need to plan on how to let us know #2 is here and healthy!
Mommy has been instructed to stay inside as much as possible and rest so we are having an "old lady 4th of July" as the ER doc called it. She goes to the perinatologist on the 15th (she is not dealing so well with the evidence of being a high risk pregnancy) for her first visit with them and the "big ultrasound" too. Fingers crossed for a girl alien.
Finally, we just picked out #2s welcome to the world present and it should be on its way to you on Monday (from Amazon) so be on the lookout. Mommy says she also plans to write you a nice long letter tommorow in the hopes it will get there before Friday. Oh we are so excited!!!!!!!!!
Have a very safe and Happy Independence Day....Hugs
Happy 4th of July! Be safe from the fireworks, and keep your mom company these last few days before the blurpy comes!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy 4th of July! Wishing you and those you ♥ a safe day filled with fun. We won't be under da bed but our woofie, Scout, will be checking it out☺
Please remember our deployed troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. LET FREEDOM RING!
A Safe and Happy Fourth to you all!
~ The Bunch
Happy 4th of July to you!
Happy 4th of July to my Mericky friends!
Happy Independence Day to you & your family!!!!!
We cannot wait for your #2 to come along :)
We will be purring that all goes well :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy 4th.
Hendex today my burps got a toy stor my mamma said she smithizes wiff heavy and tried she used to bag them to take them out early cuse she felt that way. Your going to have alot of work cut out for you.
LiLly lu Ps you should strat training your bups early tail are not for pulling we just had to give it as a fust purrday gift Lilly hideing her black tail
We hope your 4th was happy, safe and quite
Heh heh heh...great clip choice :)
Happy Independence Day to you Hendrix and your family. All the very best for the upcoming baby :)
hope you had a safe 4th. I was thinking about you. Can I come over and help you take care of your mom tomorrow? Mine won't be home.
Happy Belated 4th of July Mr. Hendrix!! And thank you very much for participating in this weeks BKCFOC-July 4th Edition!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy belated 4th of July to you.
We are back! We have missed all our DWB friends.
Simba and Jazzi xx
It's good we can laugh! Loved the U-Tube offering :)
Hope your forth wasn't too scary!
I hope your holiday was awesome! Keep your head up, Mr. Hendrix's mommy. The finish line is in sight!
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