
Ta Ta Tuesday

Hey all! Lets help Save the Boobies! Max has an awesome raffle going to help raise money to save the boobies.

Like Max says, what would we rest our heads on at night? What would we walk across to wake them up? What would the men have to stare at when the mommies are talking? What would little Joel crab for eleventy seven times a day if there were no boobies?

Mommy is trying to figure out how to put up a video of my playing with the fling-ama-string so we're going to post that tomorrow. Wish us luck! If you haven't ordered yours from Baby Patches' store yet, go NOW!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

we are all for saving the boobies, too!

Reese =^..^= said...

Sounds like a good cause!

Teddy Westlife said...

Mum says, ew, don't be walking on the boobies, but yes it is a good cause.

Huffle Mawson

Forever Foster said...

Hooray for boobies!

The Creek Cats said...

We donated to help save the boobies cause they are very impawtant!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Happy Ta Ta Tuesday!


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Even I like to use them to wake my mom up - or make her GET up. Hehe.
Sending love and hugs to you and baby Joel too!

Ingrid said...

You really made me laugh !

The Island Cats said...

We helped save some boobies...well, we had our mom contribute some green papers towards it!!!

Anonymous said...

Our human dad says that he is 100% in favor of saving any and all boobies. Ta-tas, too.

Motor Home Cats said...

We (borrowed) Mom's card to buy some raffle tickets. We think it's good to save the boobies, ta-tas, and anything else people want to call them. You still look really stylish in your bib.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Max said...

Dood! That's for speading the word! WE MUST SAVE THE BOOBIES!!

Max said...


That's = thanks....I got a little too excited there, I guess...


Shilgiah the Cat said...

Our mom walked forever in a bright pink shirt to save the Boobies not long ago. We all support boobie saving and even give up some of our treat & toy money to give to the cause.

I love the bib.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh yes, WE must save the boobies!

hugs and snuggles to you and Joelbaby

Ivan from WMD said...

Ta Ta Tuesday, what a riot!

Kaltsas Kats said...

We have been out of the loop lately with a broken computer and the new brother Owen taking a lot of Mom's time. We just wanted to say congrats. We will have to share baby stories. We saw your picture on the changing mat. I wish we would have had one of those a long time ago.

Sweet Purrfections said...

A great cause!

The Crew said...

Hahahahaha! Hendrix you look great.

Mom always complains when we walk across hers. Well sorry Mom, but we do have to get to the other side of you, you know! Taking the most direct route is just easier for us.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Oh hendeix you got the most fu toy in the whole wide world fling a ming streing wow we we love are maxie and iris got it as a gift from satay paws but it was miss maked it should have been marked miss Lilly Lu

Maxie and Lilly Ly

SophieKitty said...

Boobies are worth savin!

Baby Patches said...

MOL hehe dat is a pawsome cause. I gots da momma to lets me comes over here but it looks likes you still havings troubles wif da video. I heards dat youtube can be helpfuls in these situations.


Baby Patches

Black Cat said...

Hahaha, great picture of you in the bib and in a good cause too! :) xxx

Ariel BushyTales said...

That picture is hilarious!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

We're sorry we haven't been by sooner to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Well, I assume I should say that, you seem to like the small yell-y creatures. I run away from them!

My OTW says he's very cute, and SAVE THE BOOBIES! :)

I think we need to save them to too. I need them to park my booty on when I dangle over my OTW's shoulders.


Unknown said...

Mr. Hendrix you are such a wise cat and so to-the-point with your new cause. Even though some of us will have to scale down our nighttime capers, it is probably a very good idea.