
Introducing Joel William

And now....Introducing Joel William!!!

Mommy talked to Catherine, the Purrageous Pirate's mommy tonight and gave her the scoop to announce to the blogosphere. We're pretty beat here but everything went great and the beans and #2 aka Joel are home. I can NOT believe how much noise can come out of something that small.

He was born Friday, July 10, 2009 at
8:36AM. He weighed 7lbs 11.7oz and was 20 1/4" long.

We would have sent photos way earlier, but the wireless at the hospital was terrible and mommy and daddy kept getting booted off. It isn't smart to frustrate a new mommy either...

These are photos from the first day. We have lots more from Saturday and today,
but haven't uploaded them yet. They offered mommy the chance to come home a day
early so getting Joel home this afternoon took all our time.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes. We'll be thanking you personally in the next couple weeks, but for now will take a few days off to get in a routine (and for me to train...)

Love, Mommy Amy, Daddy Greg, Big Brother Hendrix and Little Baby Joel


Purrageous Pirates said...

You beat me to it woman!! We have the annoucement on our blog as well as we got Facebook too!!

Congratulation to you again!! We are so very excited and he is just gorgeous too!!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a handsome lil blurp.
O, Mr. Hendrix, you is so lucky to haf them home so soon.
Love & Purrs,

Ivan from WMD said...

Welcome, Joel William!! What a little cutie you are! I like your name, too!

Congratulations to all of you!

Cory said...

Oh wow, how exciting! He's very handsome, even if he doesn't have fur! Congratulations!

Ivan from WMD said...

Hey, I just noticed something--he was born on 7/11 and weighed 7 11!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations!!! YEAH.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

He is beautiful. We are glad he is healthy and every one is well. Have fun adjusting!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Concats to the new arrival. Isn't he a gorgeous, gorgeous baby????

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Mr. Hendrix, he is so cute!!! We are so excited and happy for all of you. It's never too early to start training him.

The Island Cats said...

He is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations to all of you!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

What terrific news! Especially about mom and baby doing well. We are excited for all of you and hope you get some rest tonight. You're going to need it.

Congratulations, mom & dad -- and Joel William, welcome to Mr. Hendirx's blog.

Anonymous said...

hahaha we thinks he is doing that cheeky smile, eyeing off the girls already! We reckons he has much promise.. not even a week out and already getting the "you know you want it" look down! :P

MEGA Congrats to momma and dadda and you big brother Hendrix!

Quill and Greyson said...

Concats Mr Hendrix and the whole family. He is so cute! Makes me want to lick him, bet he is tasty!

All of you get some rest, we will be waiting for things to settle a bit.

Lisa said...

Congrats! What a beautiful baby boy!! :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, yoor bean baby brofur is soooo cute! Congratulations to yoor beans!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Concatulations on da arrival of yer new blurp!

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your new blurpy. I love the name Joel William.

Reese =^..^= said...

He sure is a cute little feller, but where is his fur? Congratulations. Glad to hear you are all doing so well.

Poppy Q said...

Yippeee, we are glad to hear that Joel arrived safely and that him and your mum are all good. What a lovely little man.

Does you need us to send you some earplugs?

Big hugs to your new little family.

Forever Foster said...

Congratulations! What a perfect little boy! We are so happy to hear you are all home, well and together again:) Hooray!

Ikaika said...

Congratulations Hendrix, Mrs. Hendrix's Mommy and Mr. Hendrix's Daddy. Little Joel William is a beautiful boy!

'Kaika and the Yosemite Cats

ZOOLATRY said...

That's a beautiful little mancat you've got there... so, he has a big meow, mmm. Bet he's really soft and cuddly and sweet smelling. Congratulations to all, welcome to the world little one.
(OMC... word verification below
is: s t o r k y)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


What kholour khat do they khall that?

Glad all went well and that your mom is home with your new blurpybrofurless!

PeeEssWoo: How DARE they have sukhky internet at the blurpy nest!

Parker said...

Mr. Hendrix, you have such a lovely and handsome little brother - he looks perfect!
Concatulations to you and your family!
Big purrs from all of us!

Everycat said...

Hello Joel William, your name is very cool. Welcome to the world and congratulations to your Mom, Dad and Mr Hendrix too!

Whicky et al

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations on your new blurp! You're going to have so much fun together.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Congrats to all of you!!!!!!! He is one sweet wee one, that's for sure!!!!!!

Give him a nice face-slurp from us!!!!!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee and Danica

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Welcome to the world Joel William! Mommy is going SQUEEEEEEEEE!!! Joel William is a wonderful name for beautiful baby!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Is he a hairless kitty??? :)

Oh, Mr. Hendrix....you are going to have so much fun!!!

Love, uSSSSS

The Creek Cats said...

Congratulations! What a purrfect little baby!

Hansel said...

i LOVE the name joel! it's adorable! how cute he is! concats my friends!

Teddy Westlife said...

Welcome Babbeh Joel! Make sure you listen to your big brother Hendrix and do everything he tells you.

Huffle Mawson

Chrissie said...

Congratulations, Hendrix! What capital looking little fellow! So glad mum and daddy and baby are all well. What great news!

Can cats get goosebumps-'cause I've got'em...

Anonymous said...

Hello Joel William we fink yoo is cute! Of course the mom gushed all over his piccy Hendrix. ConCATs to yoo all!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ohhhh Hendrix, Baby Joel William is just soooo precious! We are glad that things went well, and that him and your Mommy got to come home a day early. We can't wait to see more pictures of the little sweetie! Concatulations to you, Mommy Amy, Daddy Greg and welcome home Baby Joel!
Love, hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Fat Eric said...

Congratulations! How exciting! And Joel William looks like a furry handsome blurpy! Make sure you train him up well, Hendrix!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Oh hendex congralton he very handsome burp wow 11 lbs wow wee he huge. but furry cute my maam oooh and ahhh

Lilly waves hi to babby joel you listen to your brother hendex

Ariel BushyTales said...

Congratulations Mr. Hendrix. You did a fabulous job helping to bring a beautiful baby boy into the world! What's that? You had nothing to do with it? Well, tell your mommy and daddy congratulations, then!

Forty Paws said...

What a cutie pie!!! He is so gorgeous! We send tons of purrs and purrayers for all of you! Hang in there and update when you can.

Luf, Us and Maw

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

OMD! We were waiting so patiently for this good news!! Welcome Joel!!! You are so adorable! I know you and your brother will get along great.
I am so excited for all of you! Congrats Mommy and Daddy!!

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, Mr. Hendrix, concatulations to all of you! Joel is a beautiful blurpy bean. I've missed you all so much, but my human artist is feeling better and we'll be back to blogging soon.


The Kitty Krew said...

Congratulations and welcome to the new blurpy!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

PS - we hate to get picky but Friday was 7/10 and not 7/11 - we only pay attention 'cuz 7/11, Saturday, was The Mommy's mommy's birfday. ;)

Victor Tabbycat said...

Whoo hoo! ::spin:: You gots yur furry own BOY! They's furry useful, wif a bit of trainin. Take good care of all yur beans!
Victor & Nina

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

*waves paws* Hi Joel William! Yoo has got a grate furever home wif yore fambly.

Hendrix, he is furry cute! Yoo will teech him good i jus knows!

Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh how adorrrrrable. A baby boy just for you Hendrix.
the first couple of days and weeks... it takes timeto get to the new routine... soon he will be running your life hahahahaaa enjoy your new wonderful blessing. Love always

Daisy said...

Congratulations! And welcome to the world bebbeh Joel! He sure is a handsome little tyke.

The Crew said...

Congratz to the new family. What a handsome little guy. I can see a family resemblance.

Hendrix, might I suggest you look in your Mom's purse and find that little plastic money card. Then order some good quality ear plugs!

Max said...

DOOOD!!!! CONGRATS!!! He's awesome even if he is gonna be a sticky littler person in a couple of years!

I am very very happy for you and your People. Oh and the Woman says she is too, and she went "Awwwwwww" when she saw the little guy's most handsome picture.

This is so very, very cool :)

Shilgiah the Cat said...

What a beautiful little brother you have Hendrix! Congratulations to you and your mom and dad!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concatulations to your mum and dad. You have a very handsome new little brother Mr. Hendrix.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a handsome cutie pie! Great name, he looks like a Joel.
Scooby & Spikey's mom

Anonymous said...

Concatulations on your new Babybean! He's a cutie:)

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Congratulations on the bundle of joy Joel William!
Clover sent me. Baby Joel is adorable!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Congratulations on the new brother. He is so adorable. We are very happy for your Mommy and Daddy too.

Just Ducky said...

Concats Hendrix and your beans. I don't think they come with a volume control.

catsynth said...

Congratulations! And welcome to Joel William!

Mickey's Musings said...

Concatulations and Welcome Joel William!!!!!!
Mr Hendrix, you will be a pawsome big brofur!!!!!!!!!
He is a cute little blurp too :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Lacy said...

w00fs, happy birfday to ur new baby boy..he iz soooo cute..heehee hope he not git ya up a lot at nite..btw, me comed from Clover and Chewy's bloggie..

b safe,

Willow said...

How exciting that you have your new blurpy! And a handsome one he is, indeed! Our Lady's new blurpy grandson has the same middle name of William but his first name is Luke. China Cat & I are so happy for you and your family!

Purrrrrrs, Willow

SophieKitty said...

Welcome, Joel! We've been waitin' on you. Congratulations on being a big brother Mr. Hendrix. And best wishes to your fambly.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new human kitten! He's adorable...

The Cat Realm said...

WOW - he looks pretty cool for a blurpy! Congratulations to you all!
We can't wait to see pictures of the first training sessions, hahahahahahahaha - the earlier you start Mr. Hendrix, the better!

Zoe and Indy said...

Gorgeous! Congratulations!

jenianddean said...

Congratulations! What a precious little boy...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh he is adorable!!!!
His name is close to our oldest boy's name: John William
Welcome little fellow!

Mr. Puggle® said...

CLOVER sent us over to say congrats for a baby brother...only I thought it was a puppy. Imagine my surprise when the blog entry opened and it was a really baby! CONGRATS!

Thoughts said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Welcome to the world Joel! you will be so loved and well cared for and already have so many friends, human and non-human pulling for you!

We are so happy for you all! We send our best wishes to your new beautiful bundle of joy!

Jaime, Theodore, Sasha, Benson and Gibson

Anonymous said...

Concatulations on your new little blurpy brother!

Nomi said...

Joel is very handsome for a blurpy. Well done mommy and daddy ! Get used to the decibels Mr Hendrix, blurpies are very good at that !!! Rest while you can.

Motor Home Cats said...

Congratulations on your new blurpy Mr. Hendrix. He is adorable. We hope you are all getting settled in and used to each other. We think he is just purrfect.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie


Wonderful Mews! He's Beautiful!
♥ Your friends,
Spooky, Daisy, Aniwa, Nelly,
Shadow and Jewelgirl Too!!!!

muffinmidi said...

Concatulations! Joel is beautiful.
We're so happy for you.
Tracy,Muffin (in spirit), Raja and Midi.
PS Are you by any chance Billy Joel fans?

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Concatulations! I linked to your blog so more people could say welcome to your new baby blurpy. William was my mama's daddy's middle name, too.

River said...

Wow, congratulations! This is terrific. Joel is a great name, too.

love & wags,


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a cutie. He's adorable.

Would you like to borrow a set of our earplugs, Hendrix?

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwwwwww.......what a cutie!! Welcome Joel William!! ConCatulations Mom, Dad and Mr. Hendrix!! We can't hardly wait to see more pictures!!
Your FL furiends,

Whitey said...

Welcome to the world, bebbeh Joel! Whitey knows you are sure to turn their world upside down with joy!

Gandalf and Grayson, Whitey and Mom Barb

Roses said...

If he was born on 7-11, and he weighed 7-11, he's not a blurpy...
He's a Slurpee!


Max sent me.

Unknown said...

Concatulations to you all! Training blurpy's are lots of hard work, Hendrix!
Our mom says to tell you she likes his name, he's cute and it makes her want another.

Dazey for alla us Cyclone Cats ...and her mom

edda said...

he weighed more at birth than the daniel kitten does now!

Team Tabby said...

Welcome to this world, Joel William!! We love your name.

Congratulations to all of you from all of us, and there's a lot of us here, so you get many, many smoochies.

Unknown said...

Concatulations!!! How very exciting! Hendrix, you cracked us up with your name for baby Joel. He is a beautiful baby! Love to you and your fambly!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

Baby Patches said...

Concats!! I hopes everyfing gets into a nice routine for you guys! And you will gets to plays wif your new toys too!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations to all of you :-D Joel William is such a beautiful boy!