I mean, Bendrix is all for fouling and penalties, but the point is to not get caught! Since Daddy went to Purdue when Drew Brees was there and is a big fan, that helped take some of the disappointment away.
Just so you don't think Joel doesn't have a bed time, this picture was taken at 6pm, way before the game, because his typical routine is bed by 7:00pm (then cry & eat at 9pm, "tank up" at 10pm, cry & eat at 1am, 3:30am...), but Friday night he made sure he stayed up until 10:30pm with all that gassy crying and fussing! He was not impressed with the Bengals' performance either.
Personally, I think my sleek House Panther bandanna look is much better than his outfit. What do you think?
Wonderful family picture :-D
I think it's pretty cool that you were all dressed for the game! My mom was all squee! with that photo of you and your baby bro!
You are one of the most stylish House Panthers on the planet!
Huffle Mawson
I think you and Joel BOTH look awesome. Your family must be the Bengals biggest fans. Hey, Joel is growing already!
It is too bad that they had a poor game. As least you know the human youngster is a fan if he was so upset all evening!
Mommy says we should not tell you that Daddy left the house in his Brees jersey and came home quite happy from Uncle Dave's house. Yes, our Daddy is a Saints fan and we are told that Cabin Boy will be too. Mommy just rolls her eyes at that -she hates football.
We love love love the family portrait though. Very nice! And Joel has already gotten bigger too!!
You look like a true fan, Hendrix! I am so excited to watch the Dolphins play tonight!
Once upon a time
A week or so ago
On a planet known as Earth,
Mom and I used to have the word FOOTBALL in our vokhabulary...
All that changed last week...
I'm glad all of woo enjoyed your night of fun!
Hey, maybe their get all the losing out of their systems in the preseason!
It looks like the not so little anymore blurpie had fun!
Yeah, we don't really care about football but we still think yoo and #2 are really cute.
Dood? Do the Bengals even have an A or a B game to bring...? ;)
I LOVE your bandana!!!
What a really nice picture of all of you having mighty good family time!!
We think you all make the cutest family!
Looking sleak in that bandana!
Like the picture. You can always become Steeler fans. He he he.
I will duck now.
The family that watches feetsball together is good. So what game did the Bengals bring, I, J, K???
Your fambly looks great! Talk about team spirit.
Great family pictures. That "almost touching noise" picture is priceless.
You look very spiffy in your outfit! And the family photo is too cute.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Yoo all look furry gud dressed in yer orange and black. It kinda reminds of halloween time. Do yoo has ear muffs so da blurps cries do not interrupt yer naps?
You are stylin' in that bandana!!!
O my your bean babys is geting so big and it look like u ar going to let him stay u ar a good boy fure doin kindness to baby bean thanks fur stoping bye we ar finking about blogin a littel bit
Such a cute family picture!!! Geesh, we are Bear's fans but got caught up in the moment with the Bengals! Luvs your scarf there Mr. H!
The bandana is perfect! We are a baseball family here, so no football stuff yet.
I have to say that you both are stylin' pretty good!
You have a team called the Bengals???
How cool! Maybe I should offer to play with them?
I think your bandana is the coolest! Although your whole family is "stylin"!
Sorry your team didn't win. I especially love the picture of you and your little bro..were you getting ready to give him a kitty kiss?
At least yer team is named after a cat! Our isnt...
Those are great pictures. Joel's schedule sounds a little wonky. How do blurpies do it? Your bandana is very cool too.
That's a nice fan outfit you have on, Mr. Hendrix. We like it the best out of all of them.
Do you watch the football with your family, or just tolerate them watching it?
Charlemagne and Tamar
You guys look great all in your teams colours. We are sorry your team didn't win.
Hendrix, we LOVE the pictures, 'specially the one of you and Joel! You all are a beautiful fambly!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Aww, the family that plays together, stays together. You all look so sporty in your outfits, but of course we like the sleek black panther the best!
Mr. Hendrix, our Mom wrote your Mom a message on FB but just in case she doesn't see it, this is what it said:
"I was telling my sister yesterday about your family portrait with everyone in their Bengals attire so this morning I emailed her the "Midnight Monday - Football Edition" and she about fainted. She listens religiously all day to Chicago WGN radio and said that this morning they were talking about you guys and the pictures! Will need to get more scoop from her as to how long they were talking about it and what was said."
Cool, eh?
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