After 4 weeks of new baby smells, new routines, tons of visitors in and out, 2 weeks of screaming gassy baby noise (he is now taking gripe water and another OTC medicine to help) 24/7, tired cranky mommy and daddy...Bendrix had had enough. Both of us did. We got sicky and started barfing Thursday.
So, daddy took us to the VET yesterday morning. When mommy asked how we did, daddy said "Well, he took out 4 weeks of frustration on the almost the entire VET staff." You read right. It took 2 towels, daddy, the VET, and 3 VET techs to get me and Bendrix one shot.
Bendrix would NOT allow us to get our temperature taken. No way. I've taken it up the proverbial po*per for 4 weeks we weren't going to take it yesterday. Then they wanted to give us 2 shots for my tummy, but Bendrix only "allowed" one.
There was hissing, growling, snarling, clawing, biting. There was blood drawn (not on daddy which is good). Daddy and mommy are always torn between being embarrassed, and being proud of our toughness.
We do have to take some tiny pills that are so small they can go in our stinky foods. Cross your paws that things settle down for both my tummy and Joel's!!
Now for the fun stuff! As soon as we get a new firewire cord I'll upload the video, but until then, here are some pictures of me and my fling-ama-string toy.
All you mommies expecting blurpy things NEED to get one. Mommy calls it a life saver cause she can flip it on while otherwise occupied (read: paying attention to #2 instead of me) and I get to play like crazy.
Go to Baby Patches' store and order one NOW!!
PS mommy and daddy really want to see the GI Joe movie! they are going to leave #2 with a grandma and grandpa as soon as he feels better and go get "campy!" has anyone seen it yet?
Good for you! Sticking to the Man and the Womans! Feel better
Wow! you are good at getting even! Hope you feel better soon.
Is that a rekhord fur your vet's office?
I hope woo and Bendrix start feeling better soon...it will help your mom a lot if woo do!
You should hire yourself out as a bouncer!
Oh man, your tummy is bad now too? Get better and I hope the blurpy thing gets better too.
We have one of those toys and we love it!!! I hope you get to feeling better.
Good job at the stabby place! Only thing better would have been to add copious amounts of pooping upon the people!
Oh, dear, just what your mom & dad needed, you and Bendrix going berserk in the vet's office, but probably better there than at home.
We hope everyone feels better, gets lots of rest, and your rents get to get away from the house alone for a bit.
Looks like the stress of the new blurpy has done a number on you. I hope you are doing better soon.
We hope you start feeling better soon. We have one of those toys and it makes Zoe go CRAZY.
Meowee! That was quite a visit to the v-e-ts. I hope you are feeling better.
Just you wait, that little blurpy thing will grow up soon enough and give you more attention than you'll be able to handle!
Bendrix, will you please come and be my tutor? I was once called a jelly belly gummi bear at the vet. Obviously this is not good, and I need to learn how to behave in order to be taken SERIOUSLY!!!! Feel better soon, buddy.
P.S. When mum took Evie to the shelter vet, she went absolutely nuts and shredded the rough vet nurse. Mum felt guilty thinking it, but it made her proud.
Nice work Bendrix, I just hope that both you and #2 feel better soon!
Reading this reminds us of how Cal used to act at the vet. Our mom would always get embarrassed and say, "he doesn't act that way at home." We sure hope you are feeling better, Hendrix!!!
I admire your chutzpa dude! Hope your tummy is feeling better soon!
I haven't seen GI Joe but my mom's cousin had one once...does that count?
Hi Hendrix and Bendrix,
Sorry to hear about all the tummy troubles and your vet visit. I have to go to the vet this week for my yearly check up. Does Bendrix have any tips for me?
Hope everyone is feeling better soon and that your parents get to see their movie too. My dad is going to see GI Joe tomorrow with his friends, and my mom is going to see a girly movie with her friends!
Hendrix/Bendrix...sometimes you just reach your limit and you gotta let it out! Sounds like you did!!! We do hope your tummy feels better though...
As for the fling-ama-string...we gotta get one...it's on our list...and we don't have a blurpy!
Feel better soon. Remember "A spoon full of tuna helps the medicine go down..."
Moe and Carmela
Thank yoo for visitng our blog. We had no idea yoo had a noo blurpy in the house ~ congratulations!
Your noo toy looks fun and we hope yoo both feel MUCH better soon.
Oh crikey Hendrix! Sorry you are all upset and had to go to the vet to give Bendrix some exercise. We know stress ain't good for you.
When Oliver was first trapped, he was wild, fierce and terrified of the vet, so he got to take a drug called ACP before he went to the vet. It's a sedative, and left him dopey (and safe) He doesn't take it anymore, but it made those first vet visits much easier on him (and the vets tee hee)
Hope you and Bendrix are feeling ok soon and your beans can get some sleep!
Whicky Wuudler
I applaud you both for showing your stuff at the VET. Excellent!!
Oh, you poor guys. We hope you're feeling better soon and we're purring for you.
But um...is it wrong that we're proud of you for tearing it up at the v-e-t's? ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Good cod! Yoo two bof gave dem v-e-t folks a what for! MOL Good fer yoo, it's not fun to be there - ever!! We hopes dat yoo bof feel better soon (and dat the blurp alien feels less cranky as well).
Ooooo! You GO Bendrix!!!!! I'd tear 'em up too if the Mom-person ever took me to the vet!
PS. Did you see what I got up to lately?
Ah, man! We hope you all feel better soon! We're purring for you!
I have to admit, while I do hide under the furniture at the vet's I'm usually such a pussycat all the vet tech ladies fall in love with me! And Persephone will adore anyone who pets her and fawns over her and gives her sweetsweetkittyluv.
PS. from the OTW to Hendrix's mommy:
The Polar Bear and I went to see G.I. Joe opening night (heh, he wanted to go down to the city the week before, during his vacation, but I said no, the movie didn't open 'til this week. He nearly choked to death on his milk! And I am apparently now officially the World's Most Awesome Wife!)
It was definitely campy, and there are a couple of plot holes you could fly a jet through, but they're minor. It's very campy, the fight scenes are fast (don't blink-you'll miss something), and thank GOD Scarlett isn't wearing a stupid purple unitard with a gold body suit! I liked it! A few major characters from the comic books are missing, and a few minor characters are much more central, but otherwise it's pretty true to what I remember from the comic books. Don't know about the cartoon, never was a fan.
There were a few surprises at the end which explain how the movie series plans on explaining certain relationships between characters that may or may not fit with the back-story in the comic books, (I can't remember). And yeah, the ending is definitely set up for a sequel). :)
You showed them, Bendrix! But I do hope your tummy feels better soon.
You can only hold in your feelings for so long. Hope your tummy feels better.
Awwww I hopes you feels betters, dat is a lot to goes through for all of you!
I so happy dat your fling ama string has been purrfect for you and your momma too!
Thanks for linking to da site *nosetaps*
We hope you are feeling better today.
Simba and Jazzi xx
oh booy hendrix! i can't believe you're one of those kittehs that mom dreads! Woooooo! Nothing scarier than an angry kitteh! She has to do the towel and gloves thing every once in a while, and she hates doing it!
That means in kitteh language- you are one tough mancat! don't mess with you!
Hi! Sounds like you and Bendrix need some serious alone time with your Mommy and Daddy. We hope you feel better soon even if it means taking your pills. We hope Baby Joel's tummy feels better soon too. That will make life at your home easier all the way around.
Yes Mom is home now. She is just a little bit tired after a very busy trip but she used her clicky flashy box a lot and will have some pix for me to post soon. Thank you for asking about her!
Sometimes ya just gotta stand up tall
fer yer rights...
First time reader. So glad I am not your vet!
I hope your tummies feel better soon!
Dealing with the baby must be quite a challenge, it's understandable that you might get frustrated.
Hope you feel better soon.
Poor kitties, at least you showed them who was boss. We hope that you are feeling better soon.
Hi Hendrix!
When my mom is home from work she will look up the tracking number and see what is going on with your parcel. I am worried that the special thing I picked out will not fit baby Joel by the time it gets to you. :(
We will let you know if there is anyone to call!
Isn't dat a grate toy? Wow, I spose da vet bisit was theraputic fur you. Fings WILL get better. Just wate, soon enough #2 will be droppin yummy fings on da floor.
Bonnie stopped eatin 6 weeks affer I arrived just frum stress an to get back at Mom. She picked a Hollyday an haded to go to the mergency vet for $$$. Then she was so stressed there, they sent her home. An she was fine fur 2.5 years!
Dude, take two catnip an kill da Fling-ema-string. Purrs!
Way ta GO, Bendrix!
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