Mommy & I love Christmas shows and movies. So, we put together a list of our favorite lines from various Christmas TV shows and movies. These are a wiiiiiide range cause we have ek-lek-tik tastes. Good luck! We'll post the answers and the winners next Thursday, Dec. 17th.
In no particular order, here are some of our favorites.
1. "Light the lamp, not the rat! Light the lamp, not the rat!"
2. "Fixed the newel post!"
3. "I'm a clinically depressed fecalpheliac on Prozac"
4. "All day long I listen to people give me excuses why they can't work. My legs hurt. My back aches. I'm only four."
5. Aye...I will assume the position...
6. ...sometimes you amaze me. This is the best present a cat could ever get. Now and then, you're somthing special.
7. Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?!?
8. Your heart is full of unwashed socks. Your soul is full of gunk.
9. Oh...How many grades does this school have!
10. Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian.
11. Dear Santa Claus, How have you been? Did you have a nice summer?
12. They're watching Snow White. And they love it.
13. You ask for miracles, Theo, I give you the F..B..I
BONUS! I have an evil alter ego so I can break the rule that Thursday 13 has to end with 13.
Bonus #14!
"I hate Christmas. The mall is full of nothing but women and children. All you hear is 'I want this,' 'Get me this,' 'I have to have this' . . . and then there's the children. And they're all by my store 'cause they stuck the mall Santa right outside ringing his stupid bell. As if you need a bell to notice a 300-pound alcoholic in a red suit. 'Ho, ho, ho,' all day long. So, nice as can be, I go outside, ask him to shut the hell up. He takes a swing at me. So I lay a hook into his fat belly and he goes down. Beard comes off, all the kids start crying and I'm the bad guy."
You'll notice "It's a Wonderful Life" does not make an appearance here. You may be shocked, but we find it annoying.
There are many many more than these, and we'd love to hear your favorites too!
Did woo snag The Blog again?
Oh my goodness, we're not going to be winning any prizes here. MOL!!!! The only one we know was number 7!!!!
Our uncle Andy also loves Elf, and answers the phone with that line from time to time:)
1. Muppet Christmas Carol (our favorite christmas movie ever)
7. ELF
8. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
10. A Christmas Story
11. Charlie Brown Christmas
12. Gremlins
Yikes. We only know 8, 11 and 13, so we ain't winnin' nuthin'. MOL We don't want to spoil 13 (Hansel already got 8 and 11) so we won't post it. :grin: But as a hint, it happens in a tall building in LA...
Great contest!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
The only one we know right off the bat is #10!
wow! this is a toughy! i only knew 7, 10 and 13
Mom loves 10! Her favorite line goes something like "Randy lay there like a slug, it was his only defense."
1)Muppet Christmas Carol (mom haf dis movie, we love it)
2)National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - every Christmas morning dad sez to mom, "morning, shitters full" and mom always gives him dat look.
3)We haf no idea! But, wouldn't a fecalpheliac mean he haf diarrhea?
5) Not a clue
6)Hmm, we don't know but if der is a cat in it we should prolly watch it.
7)Elf, duh.
8)The Grinch Who Stole Christmas...Sadie loves little Cindy Lu Who!
9)Don't know...
10)Christmas Story!
11)A Charlie Brown Christmas.
12)Isn't dat from 'Gremlins'?
13)Wait, what? Dat's from 'Die Hard'..mom knows cuz she's seen alla dem at least 5 times a piece!
14) Married With Children...heehee good ol' Al.
I'm not going to win because I have no idea about those movies!
OK, don't know any. Does that win me a purize?
Oooh my mom looooves Christmas movies! She disappointed herself because she can't get them all, but here are her answers:
1) Muppets Christmas Carol
2) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (her all time favourite - watched it last night. her favourite part is when he punches the santa decoration)
3) ?
4) ?
5) ?
6) Garfield Christmas
7) Elf (second favourite)
8) The Grinch
9) ?
10) ? I know this one! I am sure...
11) Charlie Brown Christmas
12) ?
13) ?
14) ?
Mom doesn't like "It's a Wonderful Life" either!!
Oh, and happy birthday to your daddy!! Same day as my mom's, right?!
1. Muppet Christmas Carol
2. christmas vacation
3. South Park
4. Scrooged
5. Muppet Christmas Carol
6. A Garfield Christmas Special
7. Elf
8. How the grinch stole Christmas
9. Simpsons Roasting on an open fre
10. A Christmas Story
11. Charlie Brown Christmas
12. Gremlins
13. Die hard
14. Married with Children
It took Mom, Dad son their Son to get them all.
Uh oh, we only know 8 and 11...all the rest we flunked.
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