Well, my birth date is kind of a guess. You can read my Gotcha Day/Birthday story in my sidebar. It is hard to believe it has been 6 years since I was a skinny, scrawny feral kitty.
Here is a picture from that first night (see how I had mommy cornered so I was between her and the door so I could run?)

In the meantime, I found some stuff in the fridge, freezer and closet so....Let's party!

blue toona gizzys for those who are old enough

milk and toona snacks for those under one year old (lets not get the fuzz called on us!)

toona party platter for nomming

haaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for more nomming

bones for my woofie friends
AND I pulled out all my catnip bags and soft bitey mice for sharing!
Mommy feels terrible she forgot and now she is at work and can't even love on me in person! She called me and told me where some extra party stuff is so I can have one. She promises me a new toy this weekend for a present and lotsa extra stinky goodness and pets tonight after the stinky boy goes to bed.
She says there is no excuse for forgetting my big day because I am the first "furry" baby and I am what made her and daddy a family when they were first married.
Thank you to all my friends for remembering and for caring about us while we get thru this bizzarly weird time (see post below too!). Thank you for remembering so my mommy would remember! I am lucky to have such a great community of friends, that is a perfect present.
Well, that and some nip. And a day away from the stinky boy. And some nip. And ham.
And a nip toy. And a new soft bitey mouse. And nip.
PS mommy posted this at her temp job so there are actual pictures (see post below). she is on her own today so maybe we'll be able to visit. they block lotsa stuff here tho and she doesn't want to get in trouble...
Happy PurrfGotchaDay!!!! great party!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday/gotcha day, Hendrix! The party is terrific!
We hope you do get lots of nip and a fabulous new toy when your mom buys your present!
-The Fuzzy Tales crew
Wooooooo lets party!
Happy Gotcha and Birthday! xxx
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Mr. Hendrix! We are having a lot of fun at the party. Thanks for inviting us!
Happy Hendrix Day!!!!!!!!
Thanks fur the pawty invitation!
We all KNOW how woofies liven up things!
PeeEssWoo: I'll swing by to get Merdie and Harley too - I mean a six month old PUPPY will be the showstopper!
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY HENDRIX!!! What a great party!!!
We are going for some noms and then...who wants to play THoE (thundering herd of elephants)???
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day!!!
Happy Birthday my friend!!!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 8th Birthday & 6th Gotcha Day Mr. Hendrix and many, many, many moooooooooore!!!!
Yummmy!!! What a cool spread and lots of toy!!! Want to play THoE????
Your TX furiends,
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Hendrix!! We remember reading how you got gotted and we think it's such a great story!! Now let's get some partying in before your mom gets home and we get into trouble for messing up the place!!
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Hendrix!!!
Happybirth/gotcha Day! Youa re a very handsome mancat. It is my Gotcha Day too so come on by ad we can share parties!
Snowball and gang
Happy B-Day/Gotcha Day Bud!!! All the best.
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
::mumbling thru a mouthfull of ham:: Habby Goshapurrthday~Zippy
Dang, lookit dat girl eat! Happy happy happy day Hendrix and a squillion more!
Your mom forgot? Jan does that all the time. She often gets reminded by either reading it on the CB or finding comments when she opens her email in the morning.
Happy Birthday, Hendrix. We know your mom didn't mean to forget.
We have to remind our Mom about effurything! This is a pawsome party though! The 'nip is extra good!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Hey-hey, Mr. H! Happy everything day from all of us Good Cats!
hi all! I'm up for a game of THoE. It has been forever since I played that!
Then I'll need another plate of ham to get my strength back ha ha ha
Henrdrix, I hope you had a doubly good day for your birthday AND your gotcha day! And for you, I hope the baby bro has a very early bedtime so you can catch up with your mommy!!
Happy GotchaBirthary! Mr. Hendrix, you were one of the first blogs we ever read...and we're glad you're our pal! Have a great day, and we're gonna check out the refreshments...Look at that HAM!
Dora the Explorer and mum, Kate
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day Hendrix!!!
We hope we aren't too late to come to the party, we want to celebrate your special day with you, furriend!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy, happy Birthday and Gotcha Day. What a great party!
You were a cute feral!
Happy Purrthday and Gotcha Day Mr H. We wish you many, many more. Now to get us some noms and drinks.
Happy Gotcha Day & Happy Birthday!!!!
You look marvelous!!!!!!!!!
We are happy we could come over to help you celebrate ;) Thenoms look so good too. Let's party!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
OMC Happy Bday & Gotcha!!!! Fangs fur sharing wif us; lots of snuggles & purrs
<3 Luna & Zulu
DOOOD! Happy Birth-n-gotcha-day! AND YOU GOT FOOODS!!!! FOOOOOOODS!!!!
Happy Birthday Gotcha Day Hendrix!!!
Happy Birth/Gotcha Day!
Sorry I am so late coming to the party! Is there any sushi left? I hope so! Happy birthday - you are just a few months younger than me. I came home with my human at the age of four months almost exactly eight years ago!
Happy Birthgotchaversaryday Mr H, hope you got some treats and didn't repay them with any puke.
Oh no...we missed your big day. Well anyway, we hope you had the greatest purrthday & Gotcha Day ever and wish you many, many more.
Um...(looks around) is there any food left?
Mr Hendrix
WE are so sorry we missed your big day! But we wanted to send belated Happy Gotcha & Purrday wishes to you.
IZA - Wait, its yer 8th Birfday AND 6th Gotcha Day. So yer 14 now?
AYLA - No ya silly, it means he is 7! Ya see ya average the two numbers...
TBT - *Sigh*, Happy both days, Mr Hendrix. May there be many more of each! And an equal number of more both in the future, I presume...
Hi Hendrix! I am sooo sorry I am late! Can I still come over and have a mini party with you? Happy Belated Birthday and Gotcha Day!!
happy belated birthday mr. hendrix!
our maid forgot each and every one of our birthdays in the last year.
o well, she doesn't blog for us anymore either, so life sucks.
ahh those days when we still had adventures, and sometimes met bendrix....
Happy gotcha birthday Hendrix!
Happy belated Gotcha and Birthday Hendrix!! Looks like a good time was had by all!!
Mine was yesterday and we went hunting!!!
Purrs Banshee
Happy belated birthday!!!!!
Oh my goodness! We missed your Purrfday and Gotcha Day! Happy belateds!
Thank you for your kind thoughts on Gatsbi's passing. We sure do miss her.
Luf, Us and Maw
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