Man Cat's have deep thoughts. Things like how to get more food, when is dinner time, I'll bet if I beg I can get a snack, is my nip plant out? Here I am thinking some deep thoughts like...

How can I get that moth up there???

Should I stay here or move to the bed???

Should I stay here or move back to the...Hey! Can't a Man Cat think in peace??
Hey we have the same thoughts, you are psychic. About me being nice to my sister, I am too laid back to care if she lays with me, I even groom her (little sister are very dirty creatures).
Must be a mancat thawt system. I do da same thing...~Speedy
Those are great photos, and great Mancat thoughts, Hendrix. :)
I wonder what Bendrix thinks about!?
deep in thought Mr hendrix. Lovely pictures! xx
You is furry deep dude!
Wow, yer havin' such deep thots, I can almost see the smoke coming owt of yer branes!
Your eyes are so gorgeous! You are a handsome kitty. Brandi is lucky to have you as her special pal!
fun mancat stuff, hendrix! you look great.
Mr. Hendrix, you have some great thoughts. You look so nice in your pictures. Have a great day.
Samantha & Tigger
wells i hopes i can see u!!!!!
if im not around, help ur self to the fishy pond! There mighty delightufl!
Great shots of you, Mr. Hendrix - you're a great-thinking mancat!
Hmmm...I've had those thoughts at times too, but mostly I think about when I can have more Temptations.
You are obviously a very deep thinking, Mr. Hendrix. And very manly too.
*giggle*! Great thoughts, Mr. Hendrix! Moths are quite yummy, in my opinion.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
You have a lot of important decisions to make! I hope you were at least able to take a nap in peace.
Mr. Hendrix those are grate mancat thoughts.
Those are some very good thoughts.
Earl Grey
Those are some furry, furry important things to consider, so take your time. A nap might be in order.
Does Bendrix like sleeping on they comfy beds too?
You have terrifical mancat thoughts
I tagged you! See our blog for details.
Sugar Pie, you are soo manly. I am glad you survived the v*t, too. We are going to have some more thunderbumpies tomorrow and the next day. I will think of you and be brave!
Yer got some brains, Mr Hendrix! Gotta give example by your thoughts!
[Quoted on my blog!]
Cats are expert thinkers.
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