Day One: It was November 3, 2004 and it was cooooold and gray. I was so tired and I was so hungry so I lay down to rest by the side of the road. Suddenly a big blue monster on wheels stopped and a lady got out. I was scared, but just so tired I didn't want to run. She came up to me and said "Are you hurt little sweetie? Did you get hit?" She told me to wait where I was and she'd "get Greg" and come back.
She did! She was with a nice man and they both had gloves and big soft towels. They looked me over and rubbed me to see if I was hurt. The man bean was warm because I climbed into his lap. They bundled me into the car and took me to a big building (a house!). The noises and sounds scared me.
I was put in the bathroom because they weren't sure how / if I was hurt or sick. They set me up with a comfy blanket and the man beam went out and bought litter and a box for me.
They also brought me big bowls of tuna and fresh water. I started to feel warm and stronger so I started to get nervous.
The beans left me alone for the night with some soft music playing outside the door.
Day Two: The lady bean came in with more food, fresh water and this crazy flashy box. She wanted to see if anyone could take me cause my daddy bean is so allergic to cats. They were sure I wasn't a "lost" kitty because I still had my nauticles and was really skittish.
This is the very first picture of me. See, I'm just trying to eat my tuna!

She took these pictures to work with her to show off how cute I was. The lady also made an appointment with me for the VET for Friday.
Day Three: Friday. Some people were interested in taking me home with them. Mommy said she'd take me to the VET and make sure I was OK and give me a snip snip. After work, they wrapped me up in a towel and took me to the VET.
Unfortunately my blood work showed I have FIV so the people who wanted me couldn't take me (they had other cats). The beans made an appointment to get my nauticles snipped off. I did NOT like the sound of that.
One lady with woofies said she might take me but she'd have to know how I was about dogs. So, two people (my grandbeans) brought this really old woofie over to "my den" to test me. I ran to the lady (at this point I was thinking she'd be a great mommy) and climbed up to her shoulder. Obviously I was home.
Daddy agreed and I was happy.
Day Four: I still wasn't letting people touch me, but I'd play with the cool toys they bought.

Mommy and daddy were very slow around me cause fast movements scared me and I'd hiss and growl. Well, unless it was a fev-ver toy. I spent most of my time upstairs, and mommy put food all around the house for me to find so I could "hunt" and would be more comfortable exploring my new place.
Day Five: I was getting more comfortable and staying downstairs more often. It was months before I really let anyone pet me. This is the day I got my official name. "Mr. Hendrix" This is the name that the icky VET people got when I had my nauticles snipped off on Day Six. Sad. They did it with lasers so I wouldn't have stiches to chew. I would have chewed them too.
This is also the day mommy told daddy that she loved me bunches already and he said he did too. He said he knew, even if I wasn't sick, I'd be their kitty forever and ever the minute they brought me home. That made me happy.
I'm so glad I have my mommy and daddy and a wonderful, safe, warm home with food.

my first Christmas the next month. I'm still tiny, but gaining.
Mr Hendrix, that is such a good story of yore Ferst 5 Days. We're furry glad that you got such a good home and wonderful beans.
Purrs & hugs,
Finny & Buddy
Hah, da daddy's always pretend to be tuff and not want to keep us. Dey is mush in our paws....
Mr Hendrix, that was AWSOME! you haf the bestest mommy and daddy! we is sorry that you hadded to be outside and cold and hungry, but it did bring you to your wonderful furefurr home.
Your are a very special kitty to get to stay with your parents even though your daddy has allergies. We got locked away for the night when our parents friends came over with allergies.
Mr. Hendrix
That is such a good story and I am glad your Mommie and Daddy found you. You had a rough start but now you are happy and in a great home.
What a wonderful forever home you got and a great mom and dad too. Your first five days were awesome!
What a great story! You have some wonderful humans and I know you're well loved.
Oh Hendrix, was a great story. I am so happy that your humans rescued you and that you were able to stay with them. You were so tiny (but cute) in those early photos.
Oh Mr Hendrix what a touching little story. I had no idea you had FIV although I knew that you were found by your humans! I am really glad you got to stay with the people who found you - I bet they loved you when they first laid eyes on you.
Hmm...I wonder what Bendrix' first five days meme would be like? Hmmmm....
Awwwww! You are a lucky kitty and your folks are lucky to have you!
Oh, Hendrix, I didn't know you had such a scary life before you found your forever home. I sure am glad you have a great forever home now. Even if you had to lose your nauticles.
Hi Mr. Hendrix,
Thank for visiting my new blog! You're a great story teller. Yeah, I don't understand why the Beans insist on taking us to the House of Doom (the v-e-t) right when we're all anxious and getting used to a new home. They should wait a while before taking us to get poked and prodded and forever. You're a trooper.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe
We're glad yoo got a grate furrefurr home. Fank yoo furr sharing yer furrst five days.
Yep - our Daddykitty is a mush too!
Mr. Hendrix, we got your comment on our blog about your mommy sending us an email so you can join our Catvisory Board ... but we didn't get the email!!
Fracas & Rocky
What a great story. Give your humans an extra tail hug for Me.
That was a great first five day story, Hendrix. I'm glad your mommy and daddy found you when they did.
And great pictures of you as a really tiny boy, too!
Mr. Hendrix that's a lovely story. It's easy to see how they fell in love with you!
deer mr. hendrix da kitty,
dis iz a grate retellin uv yer first five dayz ... in fact ... mi first five dayz started owtin da bafroom, too!
yer mom an dad (even tho he'z allerjic) ar da gratest!
we ar luckee ... life'z grate!
luv--yer frend--jh
Our first five days started out in the bathroom, too!
It makes us sad that you had such a rocky start until your mom and dad found you. They sound like awesome beans! When did Bendrix come to live with you?
You were placed there somehow, to be at the right place at the right time! I love to hear the stories of how cats and their beans came together!
I've missed blogging. Mommy made the mistake of thinking that once the kidbeans were out of school, she'd have more time to herself. WRONG! Seanbean is fine and still doesn't have his surgery date yet. It probably won't be before August. Me, I'm fine. Still peeing blood but taking my meds. Mommy says she WILL email your Mommy. Again, she's been BUSY! She's looking forward to meeting your beans!
Take Care!
I loved readin' the story of your first five days! You're such a lucky kitty to've found such wunnderful and loving beans.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Ya weren't too sure about yur peoples at first, were ya? I'm glad ya gots a happy home now.
Mr. Hendrix, this is Brainball posting a comment with Chairman Mao's account. I just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment about my first five days. You are such a nice cat! I read about your first five days, and it sounds like you have a wonderful, special Mom and Dad.
Big rumbly Alpha purrs from Bainball.
Wonderful first five days Mr Hendrix. Your beans are certainly very nice and attentive :)
What a great story Mr. Hendrix, thanks so much for sharing it! How does our dad handle being allergic to you?
What a wonderful happy end for you ! You were really lucky. I would like to do this meme too for our new 6 weeks old family member Rosie, but she is only four days home and I posted about her every day, so it's already done.
Now, you have a happy home =^.-^=
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