Today I turn 5 years old. I have lots to celybrate above and beyond having a loving and warm forever home. I am also celybrating my dear Brandi's mommy's new jobbie, their wonderful new apartment AND our first anniversary.

I have my new birthday bandanna on, I've eaten my first plate of stinky goodness and I'm ready to party.
Here all all the things I have for my Sugar Pie Brandi and her mommy.

lovely blue flowers

pretty pinks

cheery flowers for her mommy Carol

a big ham just for them

nipwine and champagne to toast with all my friends.
Whoo Hoo! Par-Tay!!! So much to celebrate today!
Congrats on your 5th birthday! Congrats on your 1st anniversary with your sugar pie Brandi!
Congrats on Mom Carol's new jobbie!
Luf, Us
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are one of my favorite kitties in the whole blogoshpere!
I am ready to party down!
Smooches to you Mr. Hendrix!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gee, 5 years ( yer baby to me)
Looks like todat is gonna be a BIG party day!!
Congrats to you,your sweetie and her Mom!!!
You look SO handsome (and adorable, say the ladies of the house) in your bandana!
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary and Happy Wonderful Loving Home!
Mosaic Cats & Lady
Happy Purrthday!! Concatulations on your annifursary with Brandi!! We're also furry happy for Brandi and her Mommy, gettin' their new apt. and job!!
You look great, and you're all ready for the party. We'll be there, we wouldn't miss it!! (But as usual, our typist may not be able to help us talk much - we'll still have fun, though)!!
Hey, Happy Birthday~!!! I am so happy to join this wonderful birthday of yours, Mr. Hendrix~! You look so great~!
I made a birthday card for you~!
Please come and pick it up~!!
Happy Birthday to you Mr.Hendrix!
It's Othello's birthday today too, he turned seven!
Congrats to your first anniversary with Brandi!
purrrs, KAshim & Othello
Happy Birthday, Mr. H! You are a real gentleman to share your birthday celebration with Brandi's momma.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Birthday Hendrix! :) I hope you have a great day! :) As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)
We want to join in to wish you a very Happy Fifth Birthday to you, Mr. Hendrix. Congratulations, to you and Brandi on your first anniversary. We hope Brandi's mom enjoys her new job.
Moe & Mindy
Happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix! It looks like a great party!
Happy, happy, happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix (and Bendrix, too). You look very nice in your new birthday bandanna. And congratulations on your anniversary, too! You have lots to celebrate.
HAPPY BITHDAY! See you at the party!!!!!!
Happy Birthday! Five years old is great! And look at that ham!
I was just at Brandi's, but the party there hadn't started yet. But I'll check in later!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! And Happy Anniversary to you and Brandi!
Happy Purrthday! We can't wait to party and celebrate wif yoo guys...a whole year together is really nice.
Whoa! Look at that ham!!
May I say Hendrix, you look very handsome in that purrthday bandana.
Happy Purrthday Hendrix. Party on.
What a lot of wonderful things to celebrate! Have a very happy purrthday and anniversary! We're ready to party too.
Is THIS wehre the party is...I thought it was at Brandi's and I've been looking and looking for it for a loooooong time.
Anyway...happy birthday Hendrix!
Yeah a party! Wishing you a wonderful birhtday! We hope that all of your birthday wishes come true!
Buon compleanno, as they say in italy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
See you at the party.
Opus and Roscoe
ps. We tried to leave a comment on Brindi's blog, but blogger won't open the comments. It is late in Italy and we have to go to bed now. We wanted to stop by the party and say hi to everyone. Hope you guys have a great time.
Opus and Roscoe
Oh, sweetie, thanks for being here. Our monitor was not working and we was really upset.... But it works now. Happy birthday. Sugar Pie. You really look handsome in your new bandana!
Happy Happy Joy Joy!! I yam jumpin' on over to help da Mr Hendrix get dis ting off da ground.
You are gonna have a fifth Mr Hendrix. Da bestee party & da bestee ham.
Dr Tweety
Her party is up but she still has comment moderation on...::sigh::
Happy Birthday and Anniversary an Brandi's party an... an... wow!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Mr. Hendrix,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!
Party-on! Wow, that ham looks good!
We's on Chatzy now... der's a link at Brandy's blog!
Happy, happy, happy Purrrrthday! You look so handsome.
I hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday and anniversary! You look very dashing in your bandana. Love the flowers but the yummy ham is more practical! As usual, I am late for your party but will call in to see if anyone is still there.
Happy Purthday! So many fings to celebrate. Cheers to yoo. Dare are so many fings dat looks so good for efurryone.
Happy Birthday! My mom loves your birthday bandanna!
Hope you get lots of stinky goodness and treats!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We hope you had a very happy day! Turning five is VERY important.
Have a great day! It was a fun party! :)
Very Happy Birthday! Very Happy Anniversary!!!
I was at the party but only shortly because it is soooo late already and I can't keep my eyes open...
Your friend Karl
Happy Birthday, Hendrix. Congratulations on your first anniversary with Brandi and congratulations to Brand's Mom on her new job.
Hey, stopping in today real quick to remind you of Opus & Roscoe's pizza party today. Don't forget to drop by. Also surprise from me to all, my picture is posted!
PS Great party last night!!
A belated Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Hendrix! I hope you had a wonderful party with Brandi and her Mommy :-)
You're such a handsome mancat in your birthday bandanna.
Happy birthday to you - a little belated. I am sorry about that. I hope you got lots and lots of puurrrescents. Paw-ty On!
I am so mad at my mom I'm going to throw up in her shoe.It's all her fault I missed your party.Happy Belated Birthday my friend.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Belated 5th Birthday to you Mr. Hendrix!! And many, many mooooore! We had a crazy weekend, so we didn't get to stay long at your and Brandi's parties, but we had a great time while we were there!
Your FL furiends,
Happy birthday, Mr. H, and many more too. Sorry for being so late -- blame my human for that.
You didn't have a real good start in life, but the life you have now more than makes up for it. Continued health and happiness from me and all the Good Cats!
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