
Mancat Monday

Jeez, one thing I learned last week about being a Mancat is that sometimes we have to sacrifice. Sometimes we have to suck it up, and be Mancats. How do I know this? Because that little fuzzy stinker upstairs is taking up so much of MY mommy's time. OK, OK, OK, I know, he is cute. Yes he went thru a lot, but that is MY mommy. So, I've learned to suck it up and spend time with my mommy when I can (and enjoy the extra treats I get cause she feels guilty heh heh heh).

Hendrix's mommy here: Yes, Hendrix has been the sweetest boy about all the changes last week. We have to make sure the kitten gets taken care of and of course the million places we had to go to for the holiday. We ate well, but we were busy. No worries, our dear Mancat Hendrix was NOT neglected at all.

Hendrix here. You may be saying to yourself, "of course Hendrix would be so nice and understanding of the changes, but what about Bendrix? He is not a fan of change." Well, Bendrix has been busy with his new minions.....

Even Bendrix has to admit that the little guy has mad skills. Want to know what his name is? Check out his new bloggy!! He and his new woofie brother Shadow will keep us updated on all his progress.

You have all left so many nice messages supporting us and our little charge and we really appreciate all of them. The cat blogosphere is a great place and we are so glad to be a part of it. My mommy promises we will be back on track visiting soon. She works retail and on top of me, the kitten, working in a gift shop my beans had FOUR Thanksgivings this weekend. Sigh. Thanks again for all your kind words.


Leona said...

Mr Hendrix it is nice that you have been so patinet with the little one. Im not so patient when Ma is giving Guy attention. I still think she is all mine and its been 5 years!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh we love Chance's name!! Hendrix, you are the bestest kitty ever for putting up with your Mommy inattention. For suffering through it all, we think your Mommy should be forced to give you many treats and new toys!!

Hendrix's Mommy - a letter should be on its way to you tommorow so be on the look out! - Pirate Cats' Mommy

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Wow! that town is either very small or you ate way too much turkey!

Love the mousie!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I love your Christmas village. I guess it is good that you share with kitten, but I would not like other cat taking up my Bean's time.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hendrix, you are being a very good, very patient Mancat. I'm glad Bendrix is keeping himself amused with the Christmas village.

Clover said...

Hendrix! Yay! We are NOMSS friends, this is exciting! I will try to make a badge thing too...
Love Clover xo

Daisy said...

I was so excited when I saw that little Chance already has his own blog. I can tell he is going to have a wonderful home, and we can follow his adventures as he grows up. Hendrix, you are nice to share your mom.

Tybalt said...

Hendrix, you are very understanding and sweet to not pitch TOO big of a fit over the little one. Bendrix, great job on keeping your minions in line! Ivy was thinking of you last weekend when she climbed the tree and almost tipped it over. Mommy only said a few bad words.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Thank You soo much for being such a good kittie to little Chance. And don't worry, he will be home with me in no time and you can have your Mommy back all to yourself.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It was nice of yoo Hendrix to be so pashent...Wate! Yoor beans had FOUR Thanksgivings? Did yoo get turkey four times? Ooo, what a joy dat must be.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh hendrix you brave soul..such a mancat!!! x

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Love your Christmas village. The kitten is gorgeous and it is so nice that you are so understanding and 'willing' to share your mommy. Will be following Chance's progress.

Mickey's Musings said...

Well,now that the busy weekend is over and you have found a home for Chance, things should be getting back to normal,at least until Christmas gets here,heehee.
You look good,checkin' out the village(or should I say Bendrix). You are a handsome Mancat!Purrs

LZ said...

Bendrix...we need to get you and Bhase together. Hehe.....


Unknown said...

Hendrix, I LOVE your Christmas village. I can't believe you get to wander about in it too. When my Mum puts up Christmas decorations she is always saying "NO, NO, NO"

I hope you will have more time with your Mum soon, you are being very patient. Is Bendrix getting geared up for an explosion?

Anonymous said...

FOUR Thanksgivings. That's a lot of food. It must be nice... How can I have four turkey dinners?

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Mr Hendrix! I am so happy that you have found a home for Chance. It is amazing that this happened and I could just hug your neck for it!
Thank you for your visit and liking my bracelet.
Lots of admiration from Miss Peach

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hendrix yoo are furry good furr being so payshunt, We don't fink Bendrix would be. We haf visited Chance's new bloggie and sed hello to his new woofie bruvver.

zevo hussein calamari said...

You are so kind to allow your pet human to "ignore" you!

Bendrix should come over here and knock over some stuff for us...... we are being "ignored" too.

Anonymous said...

What exciting and wonderful news! You're being such a great mancat to understand and share. Chance is adorable and we're gonna go check out the new blog right now!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

There is a difference between toleratin a new kitty a lettin it walk all over you... ;)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you and the little one seem to be doing okay together. Siblings are cool!

PB 'n J said...

Mr. Hendrix you are being so patient. The good news is that you'll get your mommy back soon. The bad news is that you'll probably miss that little guy when he goes.

Joey said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix! Will he share that mouse with you? It looks like fun.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww, that a wonderful Christmas model~!!!!!!!! Very very detail and beautiful~!!

Mr. Hendrix is an amazing patient lovely cat for true~!!!! AND I love Mr. Hendrix hunting skill~!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Sometimes beans get very busy, and the little guy won't be there taking up the beans' time much longer. It'll get better and you'll get more attention soon. Just hang in there.

Just Ducky said...

Don't stress out guys. Blog and visit as you have time.