We are in desperate need of some cat blogosphere help! Long story short, we have a kitten that actually survived riding under the hood of a car for 3 hours that needs help!
Our neighbors showed up Sat. night around 8 with a kitten that traveled 3 hours under the hood of their car (they picked it up at a coffee shop - long story). They did NOT want to have any thing to do with the kitten and dumped it off on mommy to take care of. She rushed it to the emergency VET Sat night and the doctors found out that this cat is very lucky. It has minor pelvic fractures and severely damaged ligiments in its tail.
The cat has so far tested negative for FLV and FIV. The cat should make a full recovery with 4-6 weeks of crate rest and care. So far it does not appear surgery will be necessary.
The kitten is guessed at no more than 10 months old and weighs in at 3lbs. Mommy and daddy discussed with our VET at length about us keeping the kitten and there is no way we can keep it permenantely without risking my health and the kitten's health.
Mommy and daddy are keeping the kitten upstairs in a large dog crate behind closed doors and away from me and are treating with with pain meds every 8 hours.
So, we have 4-6 weeks to find this kitten a good loving home, INDOOR ONLY PLEASE. This kitten is a purring little motor and makes biscuits and is as sweet as can be for being in as much pain as it has to be in. We have a VET appnt. to find out more about his situation tomorrow. BTW he is an non-neutered male.
Judging from his reactions at the emergency VET, this kitten has no fear of dogs or other cats and should be fine in a home with other pets.
We need to find this little lovey guy a home. We live in Cincinnati, OH. Please help, after all this little guy has been through, he deserves a chance!!

Purrs and prayers are also appreciated.
PS Our friend Ruis made a good point and we want to let you all know that mommy and daddy will make sure the little guy has his hoo-haa-ectomey before he goes to his new home. The vet wants to wait for him to heal up a bit and also gain some weight before the surgery.
Aww, what a sweet little guy. And what an ordeal he's been through! I hope he finds a wonderful Forever Home. Your humans are very kind and generous to look after him, Hendrix! I wish I could help, but my dad is very allergic to all cats but Sphynx. I will purr and pray for him though! Let us know if we can help out any other way (donations towards vet care, for example.)
Awww this poor little kitten. You all are so sweet to help this kitten and search for a good home. too sad he can't stay wif you.
If we can be of any help other than providing a good home please let us know!!
Oh what a sweet little guy! I so feel his pain with the tail injury. I bet it will heal though, mine looked just like that and I have full function back. I really hope you find a home for him, its sad he can't stay with you but wonderful your humans are taking such great care of him!
Oh no! That poor kitty! We wish we could help but we're full now with the two of us and the possibility that we're taking in Daddy's sister's cats too (long story - Mommy will tell all in a letter she is writing). We'd be happy to contribute to the little guy's vet care if you need it!
Oh gosh, at least dem naybors knew who to take da kitty to and didn't just dump it outside somewhere. We'll ask around but we're kinda full wif just us 3. Mom would love a bigger house wif a room just fur kitties to play in.
Oh he is so cute! I sure hope he finds a Forever home soon. Thanks for helping to take care of him.
Did'ja notice how much he looks like Millie?!
OOO my the poor little fella. We wishes we could take him for you but with 5 of us indoors one of us would poop a gasket if another one was added!
There has got to be a forever home waiting out there for this sweet little boy.
Holy cow, MomBean, calm down! We're in MD for pete's sake-how would you explain him to HeBean??
oh oh poor poor little pudding!!! I want him :-(
Nice Monday post! Happy Monday! I just posted Manic Monday - RELISH Meme!
Come stop by my blog!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Oh, what a heartbreakingly sweet kitty! That's how we got our Fracas; he'd been riding up underneath a pickup truck for a whole day. But he was lucky - all he had was a bent tail tip.
My human artist immediately starting figuring how we could take your kitty on as a new staff member. She's silly like that. But there's just no way. She has to drive a feral mama and two kittens an hour away tomorrow to be spayed/neutered, ears tipped, rabies shots, then take them to the Rescue Farm on Weds. where they'll have a permanent home.
Keep us updated and we'll keep thinking of some way to help the little guy.
It's so good of your parents to be looking after the cute kitty. I hope a good forever home can be found for him
Whatever I can do to help, just let me know. I don't have a lot of contacts in the Ohio area, but will check around.
How very sweet of your parents to take him in. That's one of the things about the Cat Blogosphere, lots of caring, helping people.
ML (Mary Lynn)
He looks like a sweetie. Sorry we can't take him in. Mommy will ask around at work.
Gee Mr Hendrix,your Mom is a super kind lady and that is a super nice kitty. I hope you can find a home for him.
What a sweet boy, Mr. Hendrix! We live to far to give him a forever home, but we want him to be a neutered boycat, so he maybe finds a new family sooner.
Contact us at our email (on our blog) because we want pay the VET bill for his neutering!
Thanks to your Mommy and Daddy for such good care!!
I think it is soo sweet of your peeple to take in this poor little kitty. If he can really get along with woofies, I would love to give him a furrever home. I just recently saw my kitty to the bridge and would love to have another furry friend to keep me warm in the winter. I have a med sized woofie who loves cuddling with kitties and misses his best friend. I am in south east PA. I know it is a little far from CinCin OH, but if you can't find him a home closer, please think of me. Here is my E-mail addy.
If needed, we could help with part of the transport. Poor little guy. How scary that must have been for him. Looks like he's a good eater though.
we're purrrring for a full recovery for the little angel! and we hope that nice lady, Nelle in PA, can give him a home. how wonderful! our Lady has leaky eyes. everybody needs a sweet kitty to cuddle - even woofies.
Thank you fow witing me and I'm glad you enjoyed my pawfowmance..I had lots of fun!
Now fow mowe sewious things
that's tewwible , poow kitty, my Daddy has a vewy bad cat allewgy ,so we can't adopt anyone, but I hope and cwoss my paws and will pway that youw kitten finds a purrfect home
you awe vewy nice to take cawe of him
smoochie kisses
We hope it works out with Nelle in PA - we will help with what we can to help with transportation costs.
If it falls through with Nelle, let us know - we still have some contacts in the Cinci area.
You & your family are wonderful to help this poor puddin!
We will be praying for a full, fast recovery & for a Forever Home!
your furry friends from
Purrchance To Dream
(and Not The Mama, too!)
Wow, he reminds Mom of me.
Oah my Goodness,
What a beautiful beautiful little kid~!! He certainly need a good home~!!!!
I am praying for this handsome~!!
Oh he looks so sweet. I will send purrs as we are so far from Cincinnati that it's unlikely we will find any leads.
Oh gosh, what a rough time he's had! We's glad yore Mommy got can help out tho! And we hope he can lif wif Nelle too! We's sending lotsa purrs :)
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Oh Mr. Hendrix, he is so cute! Wow, so glad he is going to recover! We hope he finds a great forever home. Your Mommy and Daddy are so nice to help him.
Your FL furiends,
Dear Mr Hendrix! You are such a sweet guy for takin in this waif. He is very lucky to be alive. I hope a home is waiting fo rhim soon. I will keep him, and you too, in my purrrayers.
Love Miss Peach
I thought of Millie. There I said it. Looks like Millie with a similar beginning...Hmmm...Hmm..
I hope you find a home. What a cute kitten.
Can you tell your Mom that we want to help pay for his hoo-ha-ectomy?
My thoughts and prayers are with the little one! I have a candle burning next to my Bast statue. All the best for a new home for a healthu kitty!
What a sweetie. We hope he finds the purrfect home...wish we lived closer so we could help.
Oh I hope this sweet baby finds a wonderful home. How afraid to be under a hood of a car while going down the road. Let's get some prayers going that a good home will be found. I am so sad I was visiting with Beau today and he isn't feeling too good. Thinking if we all could visit over there and let him know that he is in our thoughts and prayers this might make him feel better. Beau mentioned that he needed healing prayers. Thought you would want to know.
I hope the little kitten finds a good furever home. We will purr and purr for him until he does. He's so adorable!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
Oh my. Bless you for helping this poor little guy in his time of need.
Hi there Mr. Hendrix!
I think we met once before, and you came by my blog recently to say hello! Here I am saying hi back!
What a cute little kitty friend you have there - how great of you and your family to look after him! I hope you are able to find him a furever home!
Love Clover xo
Oh, Hendrix, that story about that poor little lucky boy just took my breath away. How lucky too that he found your mom and dad for temporary refuge. Wow.
OMDawg! We just read about this little guy! Your mom & dad are so good to take him in and rush him to the emergency vet and efurryting. That takes MANY green paypers. What a traumatic ordeal for such a sweet little poodin.
Luf, Us
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