More cute pictures and some good news! We have someone in PA who is interested in taking the little kitten. Isn't that wonderful? Her 17 year old kittey passed away in July and she is ready to open her heart and home to our little sweetie.
She has an 11 year old black lab who misses snuggling with his kitty friend and as I said yesterday (and futher believe after this morning at the vet where 2 Great Dane big "puppies" were right there and the kitten was just hanging out) he isn't afraid of woofies. She wrote me this morning "I do not believe in cats being declawed and feel they should be pampered with warm beds, soft pillows, and lots of fun toys." Isn't that wonderful?!?
Our vet places him actually at 5 1/2 months old and he is just getting his teeth. He is using the Pyrex dish we are using as a litter box regularly and with no issues. That means no surgery necessary!! He is on antibiotics now just in case he has a minor upper resperatory infection, the X-Rays today didn't show anything but he has some gook around his nose. Our vet thinks it isn't anything to be concerned about.
Here are more pictures to awwwwwww over!!! He is so sweet and so nice I wish he could be my new brother, but I think he will be happier and healthier in his new home.

PS Between working lots, taking care of this kitten and me and with the holiday coming up we know we haven't visited as much as we want. We promise to be back in action soon!
oh Hendrix that kitten is adorable!! I am so happy that he might have a loving home to go to. I do hope it all works out well. xx
Oh we sure hope that it works out with PA Nelle!
Let us know if we can help with transportation cost$$$ to PA!
Thanks for the GREAT news about the little dude! Sounds like a wonderful Forever Home for him!!!
your furry friends @
Purrchance To Dream
(and Not The Mama, too!)
We are so happy it looks like he has a place to go! We were kinda wishing we could take him, as daddy wants another tuxedo boy someday, but we knew we were not ready for another kitty in our house yet.
I am so excited because it sounds like he found a very perfect home!
What a little dreamboat! What a lucky little dreamboat! The PA people sound like they have the right idea about us kitties!
Awwwww. Such a cutey!
Oh this is so wonderful, and how amazingly kind and generous of your persons to care for him so fully and kindly.
Not that we are surprised, of course.
we are so happy you might have found a home for the kitten. we'll keep paws crossed for yall.
he is such a sweetie momma goes all Awwwwww over and over again!!
That kitty has one of the cutest, sweetest faces ever. Definately keep us updated on how things are progressing and we will keep our fingers crossed that he finds a forever home soon!
Oh, it's okay if yoo aren't around lots we know how much time it takes to care fur a kitten and works and hollidays and all dat stuff. It's to bad he can't be yoor little brofur but it sounds like he has a good home to go to. Way to go Hendrix!
So happy that the cute kitty is going to a good loving home. It really is very nice and generous of your parents to look after him and trying so hard to find him a good home.
What a cutie tuxie! I hope his furever home works out.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
That is great news! I hope everything works out!
Too many times I get tears in my eyes for sad reasons but after reading this post I have tears in my eyes for a happy reason. I sure hope the little kitty is placed in this loving home. Oh how I wish I could have him in my house but cannot.
That is very good news, Mr. Hendrix. I hope it goes very smoothly for the kitten in his new home.
What great news!!! I hope it works out!!! Little kitty deserves to be spoiled :)
Purrs to you and yer folks
We all hope hope hope a new home is in the cards for him! Kissies to your mom and dad for being so sweet!
I hate to admit it, but he is awfully cute. It's a good thing you're waaaaaay over there or the Woman might be jonesing for another kitty, which would make the Man's head explode. I hope the lady in PA works out!
We're so glad to hear that the kitten might have a home!
What a sweetie! I am so glad a nice lady in PA is going to adopt him. I wish there were more like her to adopt animals!
Dats such good news that the lovely little kitten has found a bean who will love the wee dude.
She sounds like she will be a great mom, and will let him travel inside the car.
Oh Mr. Hendrix
WE are so happy and what a wonderful gift at Thanksgiving to learn that another heart has opened up to this sweet angel...purrsss and we hope that they will have a blog so we can follow her as she grows...
Purrs and happy Thanksgiving
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
That's such good news :-D
Hi Mr. Hendrix!
Great news about the little guy!
I have been thinking and thinking about who I could have as an "official" NOMS friend, and then I was looking in your archives and I saw that your dad has the same birthday as my mom - wow! This felt like a sign to me. :)
Would you like to be my official NOMS friend?
Love Clover xo
Aw, it's grate Nelle wants him to come lif wif her and the woofie furriend! We's reely glad he don't hafta haf surgery too! We'll send lotsa purrs he heals up fast and gets his noo furever home rite away too.
Sanjee and the gang
such wonderful news! and what an adorable little face! purrrrrrrrrs
A forever home home... Yay!
Oh, that's wunnerful news! We hope it all wurks owt!
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