
Tummy, Tongue & Toes on Tuesday

PS. I owe Miss Faith Boo an apology. Mommy and I scanned the comments so fast from Wednesday that I didn't see the greatest suggestion ever. Dried fresh mousies. Ah, the entire idea makes me smile. I'll need help from Eric and Goldie since I don't get to go outside, but I think we can make this work...


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

nice tongue, hendrix!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Fabulous, Hendrix! What a great tongue. :)

Tybalt said...

I bet Brandi faints!

Cat Street Boyz said...


Daisy said...

We hit the trifecta!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Ah, thank you Mr. Hendrix.
It is sort of a shame to think of those juicey, fresh mousies drying out, but you haven't lived until you have mouse crispies. Yumm-mmieee. Guess you could call it mouse jerky. Salted just right, what a rare treat. Alas, we have no mice here or I would help out.
Great picture, too, you are a very handsome mancat.
Love and Purrs,
Faith Boomerang

pee ess: Your beans might like to try such a delicacy, but be careful not to get them hooked on mouse jerky, it would mean less for us.


Mouse cripies...


That sounds deeelicious....


Ana said...

what a great picture, Hendrix! You have a fabulous tongue, an awesome tummy and terrific toes! :-)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hendrix you are looking particularly devilishly handsome in that picture. Lovely tongue handsome!

The Crew said...

Is that sort of like dehydrated mousies? Would you have to put them in your water bowl before enjoying as a snack?

River said...

Lovely pose! We beagles love mousies, too. Every night we watch for them and run like the wind to try and catch them. Once I caught one and my mom took it away, sniff. Maybe she was going to dry it for me??

love & wags,

Fat Eric said...

Lovely tongue picture.

And thank you for the kind words for my stressed out mum and her inspection.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Somtimes there is nothing better than a nice, relaxing bath!

Mommy wants to know how Father's Day went. Did everything go well or do you need any help hiding the body? ;) She is looking forward to your letter!

Parker said...

Hoo Boy - you showed it all there!

Jans Funny Farm said...

There you go. What a great idea!

purrs and tail wagsln

Chrissie said...

Dried fresh mousies...mmmmm, yum! See, if they had those for sale, I wouldn't have to wait until I could catch one to taste mouse.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Dried fresh mousies is an awesome idea! CAn I get some too?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmmm . . . yummy idea . . .

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Woohoo, sexy mancat pose! hmm, dried mousies, dat is a really good idea.

Anonymous said...

Nice toe action!

Ingrid said...

The perfect picture ! you show everything which is asked for ! I never heard of fresh dried mousies, but what about deepfreezed mousies, they would be fresh then.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

You must be relieved that the sticky people are gone and you can shed, shed, shed your furs all over that great rug without getting chased by the sucky machine... for now, anyway.

meemsnyc said...

What are dried fresh mousies? sounds really great.

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Mr Hendrix,

Dried mousiez???? Are dey good? Can we puts 'em into canapes? & justee looks at your beanz on Sun-day!!!! What in da wurld??? Didz dey play Thunderin' Herdz of Elly-pants all afternoon???? Hahahhahaha!!! Way to go man!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I like your cute little paws.

Simba x

snowforest said...

Fresh mousies are purrfect ~ love those adorable House Panther tummy and toes!