
Music Monday

Guess what daddy got for Christmas. His brothers got it for him.

Guitar Hero!!! He even got another guitar so we can play together.

Mommy says that since he got Guitar Hero he hasn't left the Mancave...except for food. She is right!

I let my beans share my guitar on NYE. After I saw the pictures, I regretted that decision. Daddy has his leg up.

Lets Rock N Roll!!

My lady cat Brandi's mommy Carol is home safe and resting. She could use some comforting and encouraging purrs.


Anonymous said...

Our teenage boy bean got one of those guitar thingies too. It drives Mom crazy when it is too loud!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom has a real guitar she doesn't play so I put my paw down at getting a 'game' -


The Creek Cats said...

Our dad got our mom guitar hero aerosmith for Chrissy Mouse!! She loves to play it but sometimes gets mad and fusses at it!! Strange bean!

What version did your daddy get?

The Island Cats said...

Whoohooo! That looks like fun!

Purrageous Pirates said...

Mommy is laffin and laffin at your Daddy Hendrix. She says that yep, your Mommy married a dork too - just like she did!! Wait, I think she just called our Daddy a dork...yep, she did.

PS: She emailed your Mommy back a few days ago and says that she is still working on a letter and it will be done hopefully soon.

meemsnyc said...

Oooooh Lucky!!! That looks like a lot of fun.

Daisy said...

That sure looks fun! I only know how to play the toy piano.

Parker said...

I bet you will learn to play as well as your namesake!
Rock on Hendrix!

snowforest said...

Happy New Year to you all - have fun with the guitars! Bendrix's adventure on the new year eve was very exciting! Sorry we haven't been around that much but we'll try to blog and visit more regularly. All the best to you guys. We haven't received your card yet though..Take care :)

Anonymous said...

My boy has dat game too and yoo shud hear him fuss when he doesnt gets it right! hehe

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope guitar hero isn't too noisy--otherwise I'd have to play!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh Dad. Please don't put the leg up. It's so not cool.

Huffle Mawson

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix!!
I have missed you over the holidays. It looks like you had a pawesome Christmas and New Years! Your daddy looks like he is really enjoying his new guitars! My daddy has that game too, but I do not have my own guitar!!!
Love Clover xo

Forty Paws said...

It was only 84F two days ago. Today it was freezing cold and we had freezing rain.

We are behind in visiting our furriends too.

We hope that you enjoy the music that your Dad is playing with his leg up on the couch!

Luf, Us

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

What a great Chrsitmas gift! You and your dad are going to have so much fun playing together.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Why's your dad got his leg up? We don't know what those strange things are. Our mum has a silver box that she puts round things in and a noise comes out and she tries to meow...but it don't work too well.

Ivan from WMD said...

That looks like fun! I hope your daddy lets you play along. Last summer when my Aunt L came to visit and Russell got all lovesick and stuff? She left an electric piano with us. I sit on it all the time and I know if my mom would just turn it on she'd hear the wonderful music I'm making!

Cory said...

Well, I think they are all having too much fun...do you sing along?

Forever Foster said...

Are you trying to taste the music in the first picture, Hendrix? You and your Daddy could start a band. We would buy tickets!

catsynth said...

Looks like lots of fun. Though we at CatSynth play real guitars!

Max said...

My People want something called "Rock Band." The WOman wants the drums. I think I might like to give that a try...

Simba and Jazzi said...

You might want to buy some ear plugs if its anything like the drumming NSFF Daddy does.

Simba x

Motor Home Cats said...

Hendrix, it looks like your daddy is imitating a stork (but it does look like he is having fun).

We hope you have a great new year.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Niko and Cloud said...

Mom got Guitar Hero for Christmas, and then bought Rock Band 2 with a gift card she got! Mom and Dad love it- Dad plays the drums and mom plays guitar.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I think your Daddy should leave the Guitar Hero playing to you and Bendrix ;-)

The Crew said...

Go Hendrix, go!! Rock on.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The black and white guitars complement your fur beautifully!

My Littel Island said...

the bean girl has one her is 11 and we love plaing it to but her runs of of so u play wif you dad ones try it it is fun but let daddy see u do it ok

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Can I come borrow your Dad sometime to play guitar? It looks like fun!
your bud Pepi