Mommy and I checked the blogosphere news page late yesterday to see such sad news. My good buddy Meep went to the Bridge. He and Buzzerbee were the first FIV+ kitties I met on the blogosphere. Since I am FIV+, we especially followed their adventures.
Mommy wishes I could have had a sibling so I could have as much fun as Buzzerbee, Meep, Twizzler and Bear, but with daddy's allergies and my "feral" tendencies the VET says no. We instead chose to enjoy watching them enjoy and love each other.
My beans have for a while now vowed to adopt FIV+ kitties from now on (many years from now when I meet my friends at the Bridge) and part of that reason is because of Meep's beans and how they care for their kitties. Please go see them and leave them some words of comfort.
I'll miss you Meep buddy.
and we lost a furry wonderful khanine -
I'm sorry fur your KhatWB loss -
Yeah, I am totally bummed about Meep. I was not expecting it even though I knew it was coming. I just had hopes he would do all right for a long time.
On the plus side, he's with Buzz now. You know they're having a good time together again.
We're sorry for your loss, Hendrix.
We really applaud you for showing the internet how FIV+ kitties can live happy, fun filled lives with lots of loving. When our adult foster Evie tested FIV+, we thought it was a final sentance, but learning from you and other FIV+ bloggers made us extra determined to fight for her second chance.
You and other FIV+ blogging kitties are doing such a great thing for knowledge and understanding.
We are sad to see Meep leaving too.
Your humans are cat heroes in our book, sharing with us your happy, healthy life with FIV. Too many people get scared off of adopting FIV+ cats and your blog shows that FIV+ cats can lead good lives with the right care. This is a wonderful thing you are doing.
Props to you Hendrix dude, and your beans.
Whicky Wuudler
I'm sad for Meep too.
We were all so sad to hear about Meep
We were sad too,to hear about Meep. It is so nice,however that he had some wonderful beans to care for him and his siblings. You have great beans too to take you in with FIV. With good care, you would never know anycat had FIV :)
I am sort to hear about your pipes :o That happened to us last year.
Now when it is very,very cold Mom lets the taps drip a bit overnight to keep water running. Not enviro friendly,but we need water.Our cold spell should end Sunday so we purr our pipes do not freeze!!
Purrs Mickey
A beautiful tribute to your friend Meep. It's sad he had to leave.
Hendrix, we are sad too!! We will miss Meep!
Oh Hendrix, we are sorry you lost your furiend, Meep. We didn't know Meep well but we are sad too...
Hi Mr. Hendrix
It's Carly's cat Hendrix here. I am sorry you lost your friend. Maybe he will meet my big brother Elvis on the other side of the bridge. Mommy has told us all about how Elvis loved to help little creatures, so I just know he is one of the official greeters to the new home across the bridge. :) Here is a paw pad from me to you.
Your friend
Carly's cat Hendrix
I am so sorry to hear about Meep.
love & wags,
I'm sorry for the loss of your fwend Hendrix.
Hi Hendrix,
So sad to hear about your friend. This is a really nice tribute to him.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Please let me know if I need to do anything Re: donating my daddy's talents for the auction. :)
WE send your love to you all in your sorrow LOVE HURTS
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