I said "Dude, the VET told you I don't like to share," but mommy said that I wouldn't have to share my toys, treats, sofa or window seats. So I'm OK with it. Bendrix has yet to be completely won over. After all, the late night vomiting has already kept him from getting a good nights rest.
Then she showed us the pictures. These were taken Dec. 30, 2008 so they are a few weeks old, mommy is at 12+ weeks now, but they look like shrimp to me. I guess anything that starts out looking like shrimp can't be all bad...right?

Mommy would like any tips and suggestions you all have. I'm pretty good with kids and babies, but have never been around one for a long time.
Maybe woo and Etta khan get together and meeeeeew about the khyttens growing in your moms' bellies!
Concatulations Hendrix, Mommy, Daddy and Bendrix! (That's from our mom).
As for us and our now Little Monkey-we didn't have a lot of experience with blurpys or little beans. At all. We'll be honest. We still don't like him much. Dazey got in his bed one night but got in trouble so she never did that again.
We were all very curious when our mom brought him home. We sniffed him, then decided he was ok. Didn't go near him a whole lot when he was tiny, but would occasionally come for a sniff. Conner seemed to like him the best when he was small.
Again, Concats! IF we think of anything else, we'll let you know!
Woohoo -- congratulations to you Hendrix, and to your mommy and daddy. We are very excited for you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Congratulations to your People Hendrix. We can't give any advice as we've not been around small children.
Congratulations Hendrix, Bendrix, Mommy,and Daddy!! What happy news!!!!:):)
When mum's goddaughter blurpy comes over (18months), we are ok as long as we have a safe spot to escape to where she is unable to follow. So we love getting up high on our cat tree where we can watch her, but she can't touch us. Her parents have a cat door on their bedroom door, so their cats can get in there for quiet time.
We have read that playing videos or recordings of baby noises (especially crying) can help kittys adjust to the noise, and that having some of the new smells around (like baby powders or lotions) for kitty to sniff can help them prepare during the pregnancy. That way, when the baby arrives, it isn't a total sensory explosion. There are already elements that they are familiar with.
We hope your Mommy's tummy settles soon, and you can all get some good sleep!:)
Congratulations to your mom ! You will get used easily to the new "thing". Before my son was born (35 years ago, lol) I let my cat smell all the baby stuff I had bought so she got used to the smell. When I fed him she sat besides me and watched. I had only put a net over his bed. That was it. When your mom doesn't forget you over the baby then there is no trouble at all !
And when he was a toddler I teached him not to pull her tail or play rough, and everything went smooth !
and my cat at that time wasn't used AT ALL to kids !
Hendrix, concats to your family! It must be a very exciting time for you all. We haven't been around small beans much, but we think that you guys will work things out.
Gypsy & Tasha
OMG congratiulations!! I can believe you gonna have hairless siblings!! you must be very excited!! you know it is much more fun to have sibling than just yourself!! u will love it!!
Yippee!!!! What great news! Congrats all around!!!
I have had lots of experience with wee ones and they aren't so bad. They can be a little irritating at the crawling/grab your fur stage but that passes quickly and you can still run faster than they can!!!
This is very exciting news!!
Purrs Goldie
OMC! Congrats to your beans! We don't know much about being around blurpies...sometimes some wee ones come over to visit but we just run and hide from them.
Wooo hooo! a blurpy! Concats ta yoor momma! maybe we can all learn sum fings tageffur. I gots a new broffur too... but mine haz hair... an i dun fink i likes him....
Wow, congratulations! That is very exciting news. We don't have little blurpy ones around but we've heard once they get a little older they drop food on the floor!
Woohooo! Congratulations to you and your whole family. That is very exciting and wonderful news!
We don't know nothin' about babies, but we are over the moon for you!
And if they start out looking like shrimps, they have to be good!
Love & Purrs, KC
Ohhh Hendrix, that is just the most pawsome news! Please tell your Mommy and Daddy concatulations from all of us!!!!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Congratulations Hendrix, Bendrix and of course to your Beans!
Oh wow, what exciting news!! Concats to the whole family!
We are sorry we don't have any tips cause we don't have any blurpys. We do know you will make a wonderful big brofur, Mr. Hendrix!
congrats :)
Concats to your family Hendrix. We have never been around small blurpys so we don't have any advice.
concatulations!! what happy news!!!
That's wonderful! Blurpy things are wonderful! I met the smallest SK when he was blurpy and he wasn't so bad. I sniffed him and all his blurpy stuff and then I just sat up on the back of the couch and watched him. Then I took a nap.
Oh WOW yoo gets to has an alien blurpy all yer own too?? Their beds make the bestest sleepin places, just becareful of dem paws, they likes to grab furs!
We didn't bother much wif our alien bean when she gotted here. TT stayed away but we fink its acuz she didnt feel well. Molly has been the closest to the blurpy but naps a foot away not any closer. Shadow doesnt know what to fink, he hides from every fing! Troo, well he tolerates the blurpy well, he has even let her pull his furs.
Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Except for Bendrix. Evidently Hendrix is adjusting.
Oh Concats Mr Hendrix Beans! I've never been around a little human myself, but eventually they can pet right? So I think it's great!
What great news!! You must be so excited!! Concatulations to you and to your beans!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow! First, congratulations to da beans. When mom found out she was gonna be a gramma she got travel size bottles of baby lotion and oil and wash and stuff fur us to sniff so it wouldn't be a surprise when we first smelled da hairless kitten, dey did dis for da kitties and woofies at da blurpies house too. Also, da dad brawt home a baby blanket dat da blurpy had been wrapt up in fur dem to sniff afore da baby came home. We must say, da first time da blurpy was here we sniffed and walked away. It really din't do to much at first. Now we like when dey come here, da three year old drops food like crazy! And da new one laffs at effurything! Just make sure yoo keep yoor furs out of der tiny little fists until day learn "pet nice, pet soft, don't pull". OH, and da baby stuff smells really nice. We liked da smell right away.
Oh, congratulations to all of you - those pictures are amazing!
Our mom and dad also have been talking about us having a new brother or sister coming in April. We are getting very nervous about it. Mom hopes we will be a very good big brother and big sister. We hopes your mommy is feeling better. Our mom says those first months are rough. We'll be glad to update you on how the introduction goes once April arrives.
-Patches and Nemo
Concatulations Hendrix and Mommy and Daddy! We're sure that anything that starts off looking like a shrimps must be pretty darn super!
ConCATs yall! Kimo n Sabi finks blurpies are the bestest. hehe
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
How very exciting! Congratulations!
that looks like the one in the pictures they took of mommy's tummy last month!
Concatulations to your family! That is wonderful news.
Well Hendrix - and Bendrix too - your news was worth waiting for. Congratulations to you and to your mom and dad beans! What great news.
We don't have advice, the sonbeans are growed up now. However, mom looks after two small beans from our neighborhood, and Moe is the only one that will let himself be seen. When the smallest bean wants to remove hair from his hide or pull his tail, Moe is gone, real fast, over the gate and up the stairs. We are good kitties, we just stay outta da way, heh.
Moe, Mindy, Bono
CONCATS to all on the noo addition!
we can't offer yoo any advice becuz we've nefur had small hoomans in our howze,
We had a hard time not spilling the "bean" news! We are so happy for your whole fambly, Sugar Pie.
Concatulations, again.
mama Carol,
and our pesky neighbor, Mystery
Wowee!! Congratulations to your mommy and daddy, and you, too, Hendrix! Will you get to pick the name?
Congratulations!!! It looks pretty cute, maybe it will be fun to play with?!?
Congratulations! I'm sure you will love your little blurpy.
wow wee this is tulip here tell bentrix sibling are ful you train them to give you treats and lots play play play and better then that they great to blam your derticong on congrations My mama said babbys are great ash and Dylan are six mouths old now they starting to get moble oh let mama know when it time if it boy or girl she has tons of burpy cloths
Lilly lu /Iris(tulip) and Maxwell
Many congratulations to the whole family. I don't have any advice because I have never had a blurpy and a cat at the same time. I know a bit about cats and toddlers, but not much.
Congratulations to your papa & mama.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Jay boy, Jasmine, Johnny & Capu from Singapore
OMGoodness! A real live blurpy? Holy toledo! We don't know anything about blurpies. But we know that your Dad should bring home the smelly stuff from the hospital so you can sniff it. And that you should probably listen to baby cries before it comes home so you get used to that.
Luf, Us
Well, this is exciting news, Hendrix. Congratulations to you & your family.
I can now speak with some authority about human blurpy's 'cause our grandbaby blurpy girl visits us often. I recommend you invest in a good set of earplugs and find a napping place in a quiet area. Those blurpy things get REALLY loud!!
Congratulations Mr. Hendrix! We hope Bendrix gets used to the news soon.
We do not have any experience with blurpy or sticky little beans. Mom said our Ones Who Came Before were fine with the little ones as long as there was a quiet place where Chai and Pfredd could go when they wanted to get away.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Wow congratulations Hendrix Mom and Dad! What wonderful news! We are so happy for you!
Congratulations! We don't know anything about 'em when they're little. When we moved in, our house was already pretty full of big ones. Guess if you get to train one from day one, you can teach 'em to give you too many treats and throw your crinkle ball over and over and all kinds of stuff. We bet you'll love the little blurpy!
That is such wonderful, awesome news. Congratulations!!!
Scooby & Spikey's mom
Gosh! Congratulations to you & yr Beans ! Just make sure you keep reminding 'em who's da boss once the blurpy comes home (get Bendrix to help if necessary...)
Love & purrs from Mr Woo xx
Whoa, dude, your human mom is going to have a human kitten! OK, don't panic, remember you were there first and you will still be the king for awhile.
Congratulations to your humans on your upcoming new addition!
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Shrimp baby? We are glad you don't have to share your toys and treats!!!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
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