I'm thinking there is not enough room under here for the both of us dad. How rude!
ALso, please go visit little Hendrix and his brother Dylan! Yup, there is another rock and roll House Panther on the blogosphere. He and Dylan help their mommy Carly with her pretty photography website. Check out their picture on the right side of the blog page. Aren't they adorable?!?
Ooooooooo! I getz squisheded likez dat ebber timez my silly hoomin beanz getz outz ob our bedz! OK?
You sure have a great mancave there, Mr. Hendrix!
We are gonna go visit your friend now!
Wow! Your own mancave, Hendrix?? How lucky are you!
We're gonna go visit the other Hendrix now!
A little Hendrix? Oh how cute! I shall have to go.
What do you have to do get a bit of piece and quiet?
Simba x
Did he know the sekhret pawshake?
My cats, dun yer daddy know dat its a cave fer yoo not beans? Sheesh, beans can'ts never leave us kittys alone can they.
Hendrix, you do know that you can whap your man through the sheets and it's perfectly ok don't you?
It is your cave after all.
Everyone knows that the space under the bed is for us cats!
Putting the bitey on dad should stop him interfering in your mancave.
Huffle Mawson
Your own mancat cave?! In addition to your own village?! Dude! That is awesome!
Little Hendrix and Dylan are gorgeous!:)
I think it is very rude to interrupt a cat when they are in their cave!
We will stop by and visit the other Hendrix!
The Lady asked for advice on how to keep me from chewing through wires (yum!) and we were told that you use Bitter Apple for Bendrix. The Lady's gonna get some today. Does it really taste bad? I can't imagine anything that tastes bad (especially wires - yum!).
okay - no joke...the word verification word for me is CABLES! YUM!
Your Dad is so silly, what is he doing under there with you?
Better get used to it Mr. Hendrix, with the wee one on it's way.
Just sayin'.
We agree you should get your "cave" all to yourself.
Hi Hendrix!
I hope your daddy got out of there so that you could have your own space!!
Love Clover xo
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
What was he thinking? Coming into your ManCave?? Did you make him leave???
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
we're on our way to visit them now!
Your dad wants to get into the cave? Silly beans! Caves are for us!
Dads can be awfully rude sometimes. Looks like you have a lot of training still to do so he will respect your need for space! Sheesh...Dads!
There is room unner the bed iffen ya curl up tagether! Give that a try.
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